• ベストアンサー

翻訳及び be~についてお尋ねします。


  • 16530
  • ベストアンサー率47% (260/542)

1「あなたが望むような人(男)になる自信がない。」 2「彼はあなたが思うほど性格が良くないよ。 」 1はI'm not confident that I can be what you really want. 2はHe doesn't have as good personality as you think. は自然な表現でしょうか? ⇒ 問題ないと思います。1. は I can be a man you may want. でも良いと思います。what だと、範囲がひろすぎて、望むような人だけでなく、プロスポーツ選手とか、俳優とか、宇宙飛行士とか何でもありです。 それとあくまでも個人的な感覚ですが、really は相手が自分にどんな男になって欲しいか100%理解している感じでちょっと引っかかります。実現していない想像の話でもあるので、may, probably の方がしっくり来るかと思いました。 2. はOKですが、会話の中ではもっとストレートに言うのであまり使われないように思います。 He doesn't have that good personality like you say. ストレートにまず、彼の性格がそんなに良くないと言うように思います。この場合thatは副詞の”それほど”。 他の表現も知りたいのでよろしくお願いします。 そして、 3 I can't be a father yet. I can't become a father yet. これはそれこそ使われる背景によります。 I can't be a father yet. は、背景により、「まだ子供を持つ状況に無い」とも取れるし、「まだ(精神的に)父親にはなれない」ともとらえられます。それに対して、I can't become a father yet. は、どう言う背景を思い浮かべたら良いのか迷います。例えば子供ができちゃったんだけど、父親にはなれないと、子の母親に言っているとか。穏やかじゃないですね(笑) 4I wan to be a mother./I want to become mother. I want to be a mother. は、シンプルに「子供が欲しい」。それに対して、I want to become a mother. は、自分の子供かどうかは別として、ある子ども(達)を想定して、その子(たち)の(法的、実質的、精神的な)母親になりたいと言う感じがします。 beは、ある状態を表しているので、周りの環境とその中での状態を想定して訳すのですが、becomeは変化が伴うので、変化が始まる前の環境と状態、変化が完了した時の環境と状態を想像しないといけないのでややこしいです。 注意しないと行けないのは、センテンスを単純に切り出すから背景をいろいろ想像しないといけないので、通常の文書や会話の中であれば、背景ははっきりしていて迷うことが無いので、上の話はあくまでも、英語のお勉強の中でのみ起こる問題で、実践ではあまり起こりません。





  • 翻訳お願いします

    It may be a few days before I'm able to access my store's supplies, check out the photo on my website's main page it's underwater and difficult to access now, water has come up even more since then. would you need my to do a payment request for this and I can hold the item for you once payment is made - as far as a shipment date I can't advise yet, this flood water has to go down before I can reach the store's inventory again... I would update as soon as it ships however. Shipping is $10 first class now on the website for international orders so you actually can just buy the host from the site and it would cost you around $37 total shipped.

  • 翻訳お願いします

    Yep they both look to be moving along just fine. It can be slow sometimes and it is yet past 30 days. Sometimes they take a little longer as well but not more than 45. If you can shoot me your email I can look up the order and have you check to make sure the addresses are correct.

  • 翻訳してくださいm(__)m

    (1)I love how sweet and kind you are to me. And the fact that when we do things you become sadistic is a big turn on for me. (2)You can bite me as many times as you would like. And you can bite as hard as you like :3

  • to be

    1 However , concrete evidence , such as a tool for carving the structure , has yet to be found. 2 He determined the stick to be between about 8000 to 10000 years old. 1と2の文のto beの文法的な働きを教えて下さい。 回答お願いします!

  • can't be any worse thanの意味

    can't be any worse thanの意味 こんにちは。 比較の文を習ったのですが、今いち使い方、意味がわかりません。 can't be any worse than The food is Moscow can't be any worse than England. anything like as=much less I used to do a lot more overtime so actually that isn't anything like as much. as good as=a bit more than It's easily as good as your last job and you have plently of experience in planning and organising. この3つの使いかたと訳が混乱してしまってイマイチわからないので説明をお願いします><

  • 翻訳してください(>_<)

    海外の方とペンパルなのですが、私が英語が苦手なために返信が出来なくて困っています。 自分で文章を作成することは出来るのですが(翻訳サイトやネットで表現を調べて)なんと言いたいのかはっきりわかりません。 どうぞお力を貸してください(>_<) I am 20 years old i like japan and its qualities i would like to become a friend of yours i don't like to cheat others so i am telling you this we would be friends on social media you can share anything i respect women so this will workout どうぞよろしくお願いしますm(__)m

  • 英語の翻訳をお願いします。

    外国の方とメールのやりとりをしています。 まだ、私の英語力が足りないばかりに、よく意味のわからない文があり困ってます。翻訳、お願いします。 I hope I had become a good friend for you, a person to “chat” with for important things. I wish I had done some things different with you, but I am glad to keep you as a friend at the end.

  • 翻訳お願いします

    So she said to Tommy , "Why would anyone write about school?" Tommy looked at her. “Because it's not our kind of school , stupid. This is the old kind of school that they had hundreds of years ago. He added , saying the word carefully , “Centuries ago.” Margie was hurt. “Well , I don't know what kind of school they had all that time ago.” She read the book over his shoulder for a while. Then she said , "Anyway , they had a teacher." “Sure they had a teacher , but it wasn't a regular teacher. It was a man” “A man? How could a man be a teacher?” “Well , he just told the boys and girls things. He gave them homework and asked them questions.” “A man isn't smart enough.” “Sure he is. My father knows as much as my teacher.” “He can't. A man can't know as much as a teacher.” “He knows almost as much , I'm sure.” Margie wasn't prepared to argue. She said , "I wouldn't want a strange man in my house to teach me." Tommy laughed. “You don't know much , Margie. The teachers didn't live in the house. They had a special building , and all the kids went there.” “And all the kids learned the same thing?” “Sure , if they were the same age.” “But my mother says a teacher has to be adjusted to fit the mind of each boy and girl it teaches. Each kid has to be taught in different ways.” “Just the same , they didn't do it that way then. If you don't like it , you don't have to read the book.” “I don't say I don't like it , ” Margie said quickly. She wented to read about those funny schools. They weren't even half finished when Margie's mother called , “Margie! School!” Margie looked up. “Not yet , Mama.” “Now,” said Mrs. Jones. “And it's probably time for Tommy , too” Margie said to Tommy , “Can I read the book some more with you after school?” “Maybe,”he said. He walked away whistling , the book under his arm.

  • 次の英語を日本語に翻訳して下さい。

    Although I want to be with you in Japan, I am scared about it. You said that the police would arrest you quickly and that worries me. If you get arrested and I live in Japan with you, what can I do? Where do I go? The thought that I may have to be alone and have no where to go scares me. Your parents do not like me, so I can't get help from them. This scares me very much. If we had children and the police arrested you, I would be alone with no one to help me. I am so scared by that thought. Also, during our whole relationship your anger has scared me. You are not a bad man, I know why you have become angry. But I am someone that cannot deal with anger well. I have bad panic attacks when you do become angry and become unable to talk with you. I am not calling you a bad person, you are a wonderful man. I just think our personalities do not react well. I know there is a woman out there that will compliment your personality better, a woman who does not panic when a problem happens. I just don't think our personalities go well together. I cause you to become angry easily and we both become hurt. I don't want to be hurt anymore. I am not blaming you or calling you a bad person. We both have our problems equally. When you become angry, I get very scared and stressed. Both of our personalities do not work well together. You deserve a woman that will not make you angry. I'm unsure what to say, do, or think. I just do not know anymore. I really hope you find a woman that works better with you. You deserve it. I think this is for the best. I am sorry I have been quiet lately, I have been thinking about this a lot.

  • (be動詞) to (動詞)

    (be動詞) to (動詞) の訳し方について質問です。 ◆「○○すること」 My dream is to become a good father. ◆軽い未来形 A TV series produced entirely in Korea is to be broadcast in Japan for the first time. (be動詞) to (動詞) は上記2つ以外にも用法はあるかどうか、 ご存知の方いらっしゃいませんでしょうか。