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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:日本語に訳してください)



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  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9762/12160)

以下のとおりお答えします。目の特徴をこと細かく描写しています。いろいろなものにたとえています。複雑なものを解きほぐすのは好きですが、この種の表現は、正直苦手です。例によって四苦八苦しながらの「類推訳」ですので、誤訳があるかもしれませんが、その節はどうぞ悪しからず。 >The eyebrows are fine and a dark toffee color, like the hair, or marginally fairer. They are slightly arched. and thicker blunter like a wedge shape at the nose end. The eyes beneath them are small and are hollow sunken little eyes. *That look out from the face, in a peering way, being full in shape, not narrow. ⇒まゆげは見事で、髪の毛のように、先がより明るい、砂糖菓子のタフィー色です。それはわずかにアーチ型をしていて、鼻寄りの部分がより広く、くさびの頭部に丸みをつけた形です。眉毛の下の目は、小さく、くぼみに沈んだ小さい目です。*しかし、それを目いっぱい開いて凝視すると、顔の中で目立ちます。 *この訳文、自信ありません。 >The Iris is a light blue in color like cornflowers or blue bells or summer skies, the outer rim of it just a tone darker, and between the rim and the pupil beneath the blue there is a faint milky background tone, ☆the pupil in the centre is small and dark as ink. Like a blue black mirror of time★, and the whites of the eyes, a soft ice white, no imperfections and few discoloration in them. >目の虹彩は、ヤグルマギク、ブルーベル(ヒヤシンス)、または夏の空のような淡い青色です。その虹彩を取り巻く外側の輪はやや暗い色調です。その外輪と、青色部分の奥にあるひとみとの間にかすかな乳白色の背景を成す色調があります。☆中央の瞳孔は小さくてインクのように暗い、「青黒い時間鏡」です★。それと、白目ですが、これはソフトクリームのような白色で、欠点にはなりませんが、ほとんど色彩感のない目の部分です。 ☆★先行文の後半と後続文の前半をくっつけて1文としました。なお、★の中のa blue black mirror of timeは、「青黒い時間鏡」と直訳しましたが、何のことか分かりません。「占い用の水晶玉」のことでしょうか? >The eyes are soft and mild and languid in expression. Sleepy dozy sort of eyes, that are slightly heavy lidded, bordering on half closed but not hooded. They have short dark and mixed brown lashes, like children’s paintbrushes. The lids have a distinctive downward droop towards the outer corner and then curve up again, making a comma shape. ⇒目の表情は柔らかく、穏やかで、ものうい感じです。少し重そうなまぶたで眠たそうに見える目なので、半分閉じられているのと見紛うほどですが、覆われているわけではありません。まつげは、子供たちの絵筆のように短く、黒茶が混合した色です。まぶたは、外側へ向って特徴的な形の垂れ下がりがありますが、コンマの形を描いて再び上側にカーブしています。



日本語訳ありがとうございました。 やはり母国語ではない方でさらに抽象的な表現だったりで翻訳に四苦八苦された様子が伺えました。 にしても「青黒い時間鏡」とはなんでしょうね(笑) 翻訳ありがとうございました。


  • 日本語に訳してください。

    日本語に訳していただける方宜しくお願いします。 His feet are shapely too, but with a low instep and of a large size for his body. Stately dignified feet. But plodding, his feet and toes are calloused or hard skinned and slightly flat footed, but the toes are well formed and well proportioned. The big toe being largest and the little toe being smallest. They are curved and slightly drawn under but not much. The toe nails are rounded a little yellowed, near the whites, and a little blue in tone in the pinks, they are cut short but are reasonably good nails. He is prone to redness or dark areas between the toes. The skin of the feet is milky white like cream or alabaster with a bluish tinge. The veins of the feet stand out like cords but the soles are darker and harder and look more like dried beef.

  • 和訳をお願いいたします

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで、 お願いできますでしょうか? かなり抽象的な段落だと想像しますので 意訳していただけるとありがたいです。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 His eyes are sharp and piercing, sparkling clear eyes. That have a steady unflinching direct hard stare. They will be slightly deep set, nor too much so. The sockets are a little dark, and brownish toned. As for the color of the eyes, the Irises are best described as a dark, stewed prune brown to dark grey. They are like a dark night with just a hint of mist. The pupils in the centre are large and dark as jet. Fascinating eyes. The heavy eyebrows above them rise upwards slightly in an angle from about the centre of the brow and beyond that point the line of the brown gets thinner, more refined before it the brow is thicker more wedge shaped. The clear cut features of the face may have the illusion of being sharpened by the long, lean cheeks, which are sleek and smooth and slightly concave below the cheekbones but not hollowed enough to be sunken, just a mere hint of a depression that will become more noticeable or hollowed with age. There may be a mark, mole or scar on the face. But in general his appearance is handsome distinctive and good.

  • 日本語に訳してください。よろしくお願いします。

    顔の特徴が書いてあるみたいなのですが、どなたか訳していただけませんか? 宜しくお願いします。 The mouth is a large one. long, and thin lipped, and slightly smiling or upturned at the outer corner. His lips are pink with a purple or lavender tinge, like pink heather, a cold pink. He has cold breath. As he gets older there will be small pucker lines round the lip edges. His teeth are good, small square, white pegs of teeth. He has a generous smile that spreads across his face. The mouth is slightly one sided, or stiffer on one side but not so much as you'd notice. The chin is narrow, long a rounded off point shaped like an egg cup, it has a fleshiness around the jaw line, not quite a double chin, but when he pupils the chin in there is a slackness of the flesh and more so as he gets older. The cheeks are neither fat nor thin, the features are good, but soft and shapeless rather than sharp or angular. The face is well rounded and smoothed and the complexion fair and bland. There is nothing objectionable or ugly in it, and he retains a youthful quality as he gets older, not many facial lines or furrows tell the time on his flesh. He actually improves with age for the features become just a fraction thinner and the face more expressive. A man who’s handsome face looks intelligent quiescent and idle but a man of depth.

  • 日本語に訳してください。よろしくお願いします。

    長文だった為分割して質問させていただきます。 こちらは後半の文章です。 目の周辺のことを書いてあるようなのですが、訳していただけると助かります。 They are fully open eyes, not narrowed. Though he narrows them in strong light as if struggling to see.. The margins at the edges of the lid are sometimes reddish, as if irritated by smoke. The eyes are softly flickering, misty, sidling and shifting as though he tries to fix his gaze on people, but soon his gaze slips away again. Sometimes the eyes look thoughtful dull or transfixed but unseeing idle expression. The face is plump and sympathetic. Though often the face is very still. Not totally devoid of expression, just passive and the expression serene across his frozen face. Not a mobile always changing face. Its only the eyes that change and flicker like moonlight and clouds across his face. The eyelids twitch sometimes into an expression with the face. The eyes look weak though his sight is not good. The face is soft fleshy, pale and poorly defined, but attractive. This is a proud refined face, that is sometimes hard to read..

  • 日本語に訳してください。よろしくお願いします。

    以前にも質問したのですが、もう一度質問させてください。 長文だった為分割して質問させていただきます。 こちらは後半の文章です。 目の周辺のことを書いてあるようなのですが、訳していただけると助かります。 They are fully open eyes, not narrowed. Though he narrows them in strong light as if struggling to see.. The margins at the edges of the lid are sometimes reddish, as if irritated by smoke. The eyes are softly flickering, misty, sidling and shifting as though he tries to fix his gaze on people, but soon his gaze slips away again. Sometimes the eyes look thoughtful dull or transfixed but unseeing idle expression. The face is plump and sympathetic. Though often the face is very still. Not totally devoid of expression, just passive and the expression serene across his frozen face. Not a mobile always changing face. Its only the eyes that change and flicker like moonlight and clouds across his face. The eyelids twitch sometimes into an expression with the face. The eyes look weak though his sight is not good. The face is soft fleshy, pale and poorly defined, but attractive. This is a proud refined face, that is sometimes hard to read..

  • 英文和訳希望

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで、 お願いできますでしょうか? 2つの段落になっています。 抽象的シリーズが続きますが、 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 His complexion is mixed in tone, it has a smooth background of yellow and pink tones like antique or old yellowing ivory, a yellow paleness, like a handsome parchment. And undertones of warm pink. He has short dark neat tidy eyebrows, the same deep shade as the hair. They follow the line of the eye socket in a rounded sort of shape. The face is long the cheekbones are high and there is just some hint of russet or obscure soft pink ruddiness like the faint bloom on a apple, or bloom on a pomegranate lighting the upper cheek and cheek bone area of the face. The rest of the complexion has obscure oily looking brown tones. The over all picture tending to appear more light brownish and parchment like blended together, rather than fair or light skinned. He has Bright smart looks, no dullness in the hair or complexion or eyes. Just a vivid quality that makes him look smart and outstanding in a crowd.

  • 日本語に訳してください。よろしくお願いします。

    動きなどが書いてあるようなのですが、わかる方がいらっしゃりましたら翻訳をお願いします。 His body is mild, inoffensive. But his posture is not graceful, it’s the posture of a quite unassuming man and does not do him justice. He tends to look down cast, the head bowed or huddled slightly When he walks the head is bowed down as if wanting to catch sight of his feet. And at a desk his head is bowed in thought of contemplation.. He looks philosophic, but often a little shabby and disheveled, neglects his appearance. Never immaculate. The manner and movements of someone who doesn't invite company and wants to be anonymous and has no desire to stand out and provoke attention. He seldom looks anyone in the face or directly in the eyes for long. His movements are never bold, but rather creeping and timid. He waits to speak, waits to take his place, like one who thinks he is invisible. He never buts in or acts with self assurance. He has the looks of a man a little broken down by life or by suffering. Broken spirited and will ever after stand in line while more vibrant people come to the front. Modest and humble in his gait.

  • 日本語訳をお願いします!!

    The golden fields of summer stretch endlessly across the prairies of Saskatchewan.The bread basket of Canada,Saskatchewan is prime wheat country the size of Texas,and one of the great wheat-growing regions of the world.But the financial demands of the family farm are changing,and it has become difficult for the new generation of farmers to prosper.“Farming would be the ultimatd way to spend your life but there are strings attached just like any other business,people have other jobs.But if you cannot viably raise a family,it doesn't matter how much you like it or enjoy it.”One group of committed farmers is making the cooperative farm succed for them.Similar in many ways to the Mennonites and the Amish,the Hutterites originated in Moravia in the 16th century.After settling in various countries of eastern Europe,and the United States,each time fleeing persecution,the Hutterites emigrated to Canada in the early 20th century.The families have clung tenaciously to their religious beliefs,ancestral German dialect,and the customs of their forefathers.A brave and stalwart spirit has served them well:Hutterite farms are among the most productive in the land.

  • 日本語訳を! 4-(5)

    お願いします。  Documents were often written on paper made from the papyrus plant. Papyrus makers would peel the skin off the triangular stem of the papyrus reed, then slice the stem into thin strips. They laid the strips next to each other overlapping slightly, then arranged another layer on top going in the opposite direction. After covering the reed strips with linen, they pounded the sheet with a mallet. The crushed reeds oozed sticky papyrus sap. When dry, the sap glued the strips together. The sheets were most often used like the pages of a book, but if the scribes wanted long rolls, they glued the ends of the sheets of paper together with flour and water paste. Scribes wrote on the papyrus sheets with pens that looked like paintbrushes. They dipped their brushes in water, then rubbed the brush on a cake just as you mix watercolors. Black cakes were charcoal often made from the soot on cooking pots. Red cakes came from the red earth of the desert.  Hieroglyphs are everywhere in Egypt. There are even markings like ancient graffiti on the stones along travel routes. Some are very old like this inscription written nearly 4,000 years ago at a quarry in the mountainous derert: "I was commander of the troops...in this highland, equipped with water skins, baskets,...and every fresh vegetable of the South. I made its valleys green, and its heights pools of water; settled with children throughout...." And some are more recent, like the "thank-you note" that a group of priests wrote in 196 BCE to their 13-year-old Pharaoh Ptolemy V for making it a law that their temple receive money. They carved the law and their appreciation on polished black stone. They wrote the thank you note three ways―in hieroglyphs, demotic, and Greek.

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    The wreck is designated as a controlled site under the Protection of Military Remains Act at coordinates 59°7.065′N 3°23.843′WCoordinates: 59°7.065′N 3°23.843′W and diving is forbidden without a licence. The ship is upside down at a depth of 55–70 metres (180–230 ft) of water. In 1983 one propeller and part of its drive shaft were illegally salvaged. They are now on view at the Scapa Flow Visitor Centre and Museum, Lyness, Hoy, Orkney. Media The sinking of the ship and the events surrounding Kitchener's death are portrayed in the 1969 film Fräulein Doktor about a female spy, and the 1921 film How Kitchener Was Betrayed.