• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:ジョークの意味が分かりません)



  • ベストアンサー

皆さん惜しいですね、以下訳します Gotta love us seniors うちら年よりは面白いね During a visit to my doctor, I asked him, " How do you determine whether or not an older person should be put in an old age home?" 医者の診察を受けている時に私は聞きました「年配の方が施設に入るべきかはどうやって判断すればいいのですか?」 "Well," he said, "we fill up a bathtub, then we offer a teaspoon, a teacup and a bucket to the person to empty the bathtub." 「それはね、」医者が答えた「バスタブに水をはり、ティースプーン、ティーカップとバケツを渡してバスタブを空にしてとお願いしてみるのです」 "Oh, I understand," I said. "A normal person would use the bucket because it is bigger than the spoon or the teacup.." 「なるほど、分かった、」私は答えた「普通の人だったらバケツが一番大きいからそれを使うよね」 "No" he said. "A normal person would pull the plug. Do you want a bed near the window?" 「違います、」医者は答えた「普通の人間だったら栓を抜きます。さてあなたは窓際のベッドがいいですか?」(ただ質問しただけなのに当人が老人施設に入る前提の話になっている。ここがジョークのパンチライン) ARE YOU GOING TO PASS THIS ON . あなたはこれを次に流しますか? (これは昔よくあったチェーンメールです。Pass this onとは別の人に流してと言う意味です。他の人が言っているテストのPassではありません。) OR DO YOU WANT T H E BED NEXT TO MINE? : それとも私の隣のベッドがいいですか? (他に人に送らないならば当人と一緒に老人施設に入りますか?というちょっとした脅しですね)



回答ありがとうございます。 テストに合格の意味ならONは要りませんよね。 またGOING TOは近未来の意志です。テストに合格しましたか、は過去形でないと意味を成しません。


  • 意味の違いについて

    1) I left my car keys behind in the office. 2) I left behind my car keys in the office. 3) Do you want me myself to tape it? 4) Do you want me to tape it myself? 5) Do you want me to tape it by myself? 1)~5)までの意味のちがいについてです。 1) = 2)だと思っています。 3) = 4)= 5)だと思っています。 違いはありますか?

  • 英語のジョーク

    意味は全てわかるのですが、何が面白いのかわかりません。どなたか教えていただけませんか? Interviewer: How much milk do these cows give? Farmer: Which one, the black one or brown one? Interviewer: The brown one. Farmer: A couple of litres per day. Interviewer:And the black one? Farmer:A couple of litres per day. Interviewer:I see, what do you give them to eat? Farmer:Which one, black or brown? Interviewer:Black. Farmer: It eats grass. Interviewer:And the other one? Farmer:Grass. Interviewer:Why do you keep asking which one when the answers are the same? Farmer:Because the black one is mine. Interviewer: Oh, whose's the brown one? Farmer: It's also mine!

  • ショートジョークなんだと思うのですが意味が分かりません。

    A blonde woman goes into an electronic store. She goes to an elrctronic store to buy a TV. She looks around and she calls over the salesperson. She says to the salesperson, "Excuse me, I'd like to buy this TV." But the salesperson says, "I am sorry, but we do not sell to blondes, blonde women." and she is angry and she leaves the store. And the next time she comes back. She is wearing a black wig on her head. and she calls over the salesperson and she says to the sales person, "Excuse me, but I would like to buy this TV." and the salesperson says, "I'm sorry ma'am, but we do not sell to blondes." and she is angry again and she leaves the store for the third time. Finally, she comes back, this time she is wearing a red wig, dark sunglasses, a totally different dress and she says to the salesperson, "Excuse me, I want to buy this TV." and the salesperson says, "I am sorry,but we don't sell to blondes." and she says, "well, how do you know I am a blonde?" and he says, "well ma'am, you are not looking at a TV, you are looking at a microwave." 「ブロンドの方には売れません。」「どうして私がブロンドだと知っているの?」「あなたが見ているのはTVではありません。電子レンジです。」だと思うのですが、BlondeとMicrowaveのひっかかり7意味が分らないのです。これってジョークなんでしょうか?

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい!

    ・You're too fur away. ・I'm a bear who cares. ・I'd like to cuddle up with you. ・I'd like to hibernate with you. ・I'm stuck on you. ・Your cave or mine? ・I'd like to give you a bear hug

  • TOを使うか使わないかの判断

    例えば I make you do so なのか I make you to do soなのか、又は I want you do so なのか I want you to do soなのかどのように判断すればいいのでしょうか? 決まりなのどあるのでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • jeepsterの意味は?

    jeepsterの意味は? You're so sweet, you're so fine I want you all and ev'rything just to be mine 'Cos you're my baby, 'cos you're my love Oh girl I'm just a jeepster for your love

  • 意味を教えてください

    My husband and I are both freelancers in creative fields of work and do well financially. We save a little more now that we’re older and we never want for anything. My husband has always made more money more consistently than I do, and with his salary, we are more than comfortable. I am in a field that pays generously but sporadically. Last night, I picked a fight I probably shouldn’t have—it doesn’t matter what it was about. At one point I said, “My feelings are hurt when you talk to me like this.” And he responded with, “Your feelings don’t matter, because I pay for everything.” I was dumbfounded. We went to bed angry, and, honestly, I’m so shocked these words came out of his mouth that I don’t even think I can look at him. What can I do or say here? Should I just keep my mouth shut? Do I have any ground in which to stand—because, as he said, right now, he is paying for most things. we never want for anythingとDo I have any ground in which to standの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • remember 二つの意味

    こんにちは。 rememberには 1.to have or keep an image in your memory of an event,a person,a place,etc.from the past 2.to not forget something that you must do,get,or bring という意味があります。 1は to have from the past となれば「思い出す」、to keep from the past となれば「覚えている」となります。「覚えている」の場合は remember doing something となりやすいです。 2は「忘れない」、「覚えておく」で remember to do something の形をよく見ますが、例文に I hope he remembers the wine. 「彼がそのワインを忘れなければいいな」 というものがありました。これは1の意味で I hope he remembers the wine. 「彼がそのワインを思い出せばいいな」 という意味にも解釈できませんか? rememberは他にもそのようなことが起こりやすくないですか? 回答よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳して頂けませんか?

    「I do my love!!!!! I have no idea about your money & all I want & care about is you!!!!!! Your family is mine, as mine is yours & they have opened their arms & heart to you as well.」宜しくお願いします。

  • Joke

    replaceの意味が二つあることを使ったジョークなんですが、どういう結局どういうことなんでしょうか? Mr. Kelly walked anxiously to the door of the house and knocked. When a sweet old lady answered, he said nervously, "I'm sorry, madam, but I have some bad news. I'm afraid I've run over your cat. I...I'd like to replace it." The old woman looked him up and down and said, "I'm game, but how are you at catching mice?"