• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:次の英文の構造が分かりません)

Why doesn't it say 'You were gone so long (so) that she took off to go look for you'?


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

1。構造  甲だったので乙  甲=You were gone so long when you left before  乙=that she took off to go look for you. 2。訳  甲= さっきあなたが出かけたのは非常に前だったので  乙= 彼女はあなたを探しに行った 3。なぜ「You were gone so long (so) that she took off to go look for you」と普通に言わないのでしょうか?  ここの before は副詞ですから、A before that Bで「Bよりも時間的に先にAである」ではありません。別にこれが「普通」とは断定できないと思います。



分かりやすいご回答のおかげで目の前がパッと開けました ありがとうございます


  • so long for me to の意味

    I am sorry that it took so long for me to write back to you. という文で that 以降が解かりません。soの使い方も、イマイチ理解していないのでsoについても教えていただきたいです。宜しくお願いします。

  • 四つの英文について

    1. Breath. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one *you know you have for sure. *you know you have for sure の部分をうまく訳しきれません。 2. I want to love someone whose heart has* been broken, so that he knows exactly how it feels and won't break mine. 相手を悲嘆させるように誰かを愛したい。そうすると彼はまさにそう感じ、私を悲嘆させないようになるから。 so that 以下は結果と理由の意味をもたせて訳してみました。しかしこの文章はよくみれば has* been broken と完了形になっています。そうすると、悲嘆させたように、というふうに訳すほうが良いのかとも考えてしまいますが、それだとちょっと奇妙な感じがします。ここでは完了形ではなくて継続の意味と考えれば私の訳はそのままでもよいでしょうか? 3. "Buck off" Tuesday! "buck" を調べた限りではスラングで1ドルのことのようです。お店の前だったら1ドルまけるということになるんでしょうか? 4. it starts off so good but time alters the feelings & suddenly the one you wanted no longer appears appealing, you no longer feel willing to continue. people become whom they already were, destroying the pretty picture you once took of them. those feelings you felt begin to fade like the sun light behind rain clouds. "It starts off so good" は、大変気分よく始まる、くらいで訳してよいでしょうか? それから、 "people become whom they already were, destroying the pretty picture you once took of them." の一文は文法的にも表現的にも和訳するのに手こずります。特に "took of" が検索にかかっても今一つはっきりしません。個人的には take charge of を略したものかなとも考えました。この一文の全訳も含めて回答をお願いします。 以上の諸々の疑問につきましてご教示ください。

  • 難しい構造の英文はどうやったら読めばよいか

    中三です But no spacecraft in history had ever been able to start communication again after such a long black out. All the project members wanted to see what the Earth looked like to Hayabusa just before it burned up. It would seem that bright German or French people who have good English as well as their own language are really far better off and that the British, at any rate, are starting to realize. What should doctors say, for example, to a 46-years old man coming for a routine physical checkup just before going on vacation with his family who, though he feels in perfect health, is found to have a form of cancer that will cause him to die within six months? There are plenty of races at present that have fully developed languages in which they can express everything that is in their minds, but have no system of writing. こんな感じの簡単、さほど難しくない構造の英文ならわかるのですが A currently popular explanation for the rise in allergies is the so-called "hygiene hypothesis." The sign that what one does is of social value is that he or she is paid money to do it. We were able to develop an analytical analogue of the whole collapse mechanism had nothing to do with any outside or inside explosives other than the impact of the plane and the fire. By making a note of somthing that strikes you, you separte it from the incessant stream of impressions that crowd across thw mental eye, aad perhaps fix it in your memory. All of have had good idea or vivid sensations that would one day come in uesful, but which, because we were too lazy to write them, have entirely escaped us. このような難しい構文の英文だとわかりません このような英文はどうやって読めばいいですか?

  • 英文歌詞の読み方

    絶園のテンペストのOP曲「Spirit Inspiration」の英文歌詞の読み方をカタカナで書いて欲しいです よろしくお願いします Dig down inside Past all deception You move on with your fist And your legs Cover the wounds No one is laughing So make “now” your ally And leap before you look If you don’t trust the future Continue with that force What is left to learn now So do it And when I look there’s someone That’s running by my side Spirit inspiration No I can’t lose Being yourself Adding to knowledge A new self emerges I’m born again Don’t look behind Run far ahead now The past overlaps and Is bound to follow you No I won’t Go follow footsteps The stereotype is breaking down Dig inside Revealing naked heart Throw fear away And now farewell so long, so long so long… If you don’t trust the future Continue with that force What is left to learn now So do it And when I look there’s someone That’s running by my side Spirit inspiration Go get it

  • 間違っていますか?簡単な英文です。

    早速質問ですが、私は今同性の外国人のメル友がいます。 彼女は今日本に留学に来ていて、私は3月からワーホリでオーストラリアに行きます。  もちろん、その間もお互い連絡を取り合おうねと言っているのですが、昨日来たメールに下のようなことが書かれていました。 前は私が帰国後、今よりも英語が上手く話せるようになったら、彼女も今より日本語ができるようになれば会おうと約束していました。 I think you will be away for a long time when you go to Australia, so I hope I can meet with you sometime. 『Maybe if not before you go』 I hope that maybe you will visit back to Japan after you go. この文の『』の部分がよく分かりません。 これは出発前ではなくて、と言うことでしょうか? 全体的には、出発前ではなくて、一時帰国とかした時に会えたらいいな。みたいな感じですか? 宜しくお願いします。

  • 次の英文を訳してください!

    長文の途中からの文なので、意味が分かりにくいところもあると思いますが、よろしくお願いします。 So what did they do? All of the teams were remarkably inventive. One group identified a problem common in a lot of town-the frustratingly long lines at popular restaurants on Saturday night. The team decided to help those people who didn't want to wait in line. They paired off and booked reservations, and they sold each reservation for up to twenty dollars to customers who were happy to avoid a long wait. As the evening passed, they made several interesting observations. First, they realized that the female students were better at selling the reservations, probably because customers were more comfortable being approached by young women. They adjusted their plan so that the male students ran around town making reservations at different restaurants while the female students sold these places in line. They also learned that the entire operation worked best at restaurants that use vibrating pagers to alert customers when their table is ready. Physically swapping pagers made customers feel as though they were receiving something tangible for their money. They were more comfortable handing over their money and pager in exchange for the new pager. This had an additional bonus-teams could then sell the newly acquired pager as the later reservation time grew nearer. よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の構造を教えてください

    The most important thing for you to do as a student of literature is to advice yourself to be an honesty is definitely the best policy .If you prefer the poetry of a thirdrate poet to that of Shakespeare it is a most regrettable thing, but not so regrettable as your doing so and saying you do just the opposite . わからないところは、but not so regrettable as your doing so and saying you do just the opposite. のところで、訳は、実際はそうでありながら、口先ではそれと正反対のことを言うことほどには遺憾なことではありません。 but not so regrettable as your …これは not so much ~as~の構文のmuchがないやつではないですよね?your doing so のsoは代名詞ですか?saying の後ろにyou do just the opposite とつながるのはthatが省略されているのですか? 質問が多くて恐縮ですが、詳しい説明を教えていたただければうれしいです。

  • 次の英文の意味を教えていただけませんか.

     以下のような文章がありました. My mother never let herself get down; no matter how bad things were, she stayed cheerful. Even though we had a hard life, she still maintained the attitude that everything was fine. She took life one day at a time, made the best of every day, and never let things get the better of her. I remember her coming home tired from her job at the restaurant and saying that we were lucky - that as bad as things seemed to be, there were people far worse off than we were. (以下,省略)  上の英文の中で,She took life one day at a time, というのはどんなことを言っているのですか.one day (ある日),at a time (一度に) に間違いがなければ,took life の解釈にかかってくるのですが,辞書で当たってみた限り,life の前に修飾語を置かないで take life と使った例を見出せませんでした.これは一種の慣用的表現なのでしょうか.もし慣用表現でないとしたら,どうしてそういう解釈になるのかも含めて解説して頂ければと思います.宜しくお願いします.

  • 英語

    1:I am sorry to have kept you () so long. (1)wait (2)to wait (3)waiting (4)waited 2:Don't you think advertisements sometimes () people to buy things they don't need? (1)let (2)make (3)have (4)cause 3:John's mother wanted to go shopping,so she asked him () his little brother while she was out.(1)if he looked after (2)he would look after (3)looking (4)to look after 4:I like his new house, but I hadn't expected it() so small. (1)be (2)of being (3)to be (4)to being 5:She was seen () into the teacher with her boyfriend. (1)go (2)going (3)gone (4)went 6:We often hear it () that ours is an essentially tragic age. (1)said (2)say (3)saying (4)to say 解答と訳をお願いします

  • 日本語訳

    She took a long time soaking, afterwards remembering to go around outside to stoke the embers of the tin-lined fireplace beneath the tub and to throw on a few more sticks so that the water might keep its heat for her mother.という部分の日本語訳がどうもうまくいきません。教えてください。また、特にso that以下の意味のつながりが変になってしまうので・・・よろしくおねがいします。