• 締切済み


タイトルの通りなのですが、英文の賃貸契約書を友人から少し訳して、と言われ気楽に引き受けたのですが、冒頭から普段目にしない英語ばかりで頭の中が??? で困っています。 以下の文です。よろしくお願いします。 「(...) together with the use in common with the Landlord and others having the like right of the common entrances, staircases, landings, lavatories and passages of the Building and of the escalators (if any) and lifts as provided by the Landlord (whenever the same shall be operating) EXCEPT AND RESERVED unto the Landlord and all persons authorized by the Landlord or otherwise entitled thereto: 」 で以下、ずらずらと権利が箇条書きで並んでいます。 どなたかイギリス英語が得意な方お願いします。



No.2の方が上手に解説くださったので助かります。 確かに、EXCEPT AND RESERVED unto は 法律英語でも 英国的な言い回しのようで、私もこちらを参考に意味を捉えようとしました; http://www.justanswer.com/uk-property-law/78a5e-does-except-reserved-unto-mean-legal-docu.html なので、『但し』 『例外として』と言う訳し方でいいのでは ないでしょうか?  (、、、にしては回りくどい表現!)



引き続きお答えを下さってありがとうございます。 「但し」ふむふむ、これがシンプルで良いような気がします。 言い回しをもっと最近の言葉に変更してくれるといいのに。。。と 思いましたが、法解釈の積み上げがないので皆さん昔ながらの 言い回しをとって安全に行くようです。ふう。。。 どうもありがとうございました。

  • 16530
  • ベストアンサー率47% (260/542)

これは建物・敷地・設備 (premise) のテナント契約の定形で、テナント(借り主)が契約によって使用可能になる建物・敷地・設備についての概要の、共用部分(the use in common)についての定義と思います。 (...) の部分にテナント契約で専用する建物・敷地・設備についての詳細がどこに書いてあるか示してあると思います。 ここで質問されているtogether 以下は、 大家(Landlord) と借り主(tenant)と同等の権利を持つ他のテナント(others having the like right) と共用する部分をリストしています。 出入り口、階段、踊り場、トイレ、建物やエスカレータ(もしあれば)などの通路、エレベーター(lifts) > EXCEPT AND RESERVED unto the Landlord and all persons authorized by the Landlord or otherwise entitled thereto: ここの文は、その前に列挙されたものが多少の曖昧さを含むので、(例えばentranceと言ってもそこにあるもの全てじゃないよね)除外するものもあるよと言うことを言っています。 "大家と大家に権限を与えられた人たち様に確保された部分、または別途以下の様に権利を与えられたものを除いて" それで、there to: の下にその例外の建物・敷地・設備がリストアップされていると思います。 少なくともこの質問の部分に関しては定形なのであまり気にしなくて良いとは思いますが、契約書と言っても全くすきが無く全てを書くことは不可能なので、最後の部分は、曖昧な部分があればそれは大家と大家に権限を与えられた人(通常は管理会社などでしょうね)の判断に委ねると言う様な意味合いと思って良いと思います。



16530さん、どうもありがとうございます! 素晴らしい。皆さんのお知恵拝借でどんどん理解が進んで来ました。 ブリティッシュの契約書、係りが分からなくて涙目でした。。。 助かりました。


家主と(他者)住民は共用部分の使用として 右権利を有する; ・玄関 ・階段 ・踊り場 ・洗面所 ・建物及びエスカレーター通路(存在する場合) ・家主により提供されたエレベーター(同類の機能を果たすもの) ※但し、権利は 家主と家主が定めているところの住民が 有するものであり、その他の形で 本契約があるものとする。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー except and reserved unto ~ (ブリティッシュ)法律英語の一種: This phrase which is common in legal documents relating to land effectively creates an exception to whatever the preceding clause states and gives rights - often in land - to another person. 『主に土地の権利をめぐる条項などで 例外として甲が乙に与える権利を述べる際に用いられる』とのこと For example, in a land document relating to a restaurant, there may be an easement given to a party, where it states that the land is owned by A "except and reserved unto" B shall be a right of way over part of the land to the benefit of another person, namely B. If you want to give me the exact clause, then I will be happy to assist you further with any additional queries you may have. Otherwise(法): 「その他の」「その他の方法で」「その他の形で」



Ghinoneaさん、素早い反応で助かりました!まさにexcept and reserved unto のところが調べてみても少ししかヒットせず、???状態だったのですが、これで後の文と意味がつながります。本当にありがとうございました。引き続き他のお答えもお待ちしております。



Ghinoneaさまのお答えにより、except and reserved unto の意味は分かったのですが、具体的にここはどう訳せば良いのでしょうか。。。



  • 英文契約書の翻訳

    下記の契約書の文言をうまく訳せないので、お助け頂けませんでしょうか。 Notwithstanding the foregoing, Licensee shall be entitled to deduct withholding taxes imposed on, and required by the law of Licensee’s country of residence to be deducted by, Licensee on payments made by Licensee to ABC:(a) if the same are actually paid by Licensee with respect to the applicable Licensed Products. (自分なりの訳) 前述にも関わらず、ライセンシーは以下の場合に課せられた源泉徴収税を控除されることができ、そしてライセンシーの居住国の法律に従って差し引かれなければならない。ABCに対してライセンシーによって行われた支払?? :(a)当該「許諾商品」に対して同額がライセンシーによって支払われた。 *本当は(b)もありますが、ここでは省かせて頂いています。 途中にある、Licensee on payments made by Licensee to ABC、がどこに繋がる文章なのか全く分かりません; よろしくお願い致します。

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    Assisted by covering fire from its machine guns, the brigade managed to reach the first obstacles in front of the main defensive line by 10:30 am, and the infantry rushed them and the barbed wire through passages made by the pioneers under heavy fire. Half an hour later the 1/19 battalion and part of the 3/48 battalion, which were part of the brigade's right group, captured fort 6 and the trenches to the east of it. The left group was temporarily held up by Romanian fire, but by 12:30 it had driven the Romanians out of their trenches and achieved control of the main defensive line in that part of the sector.

  • 英文を翻訳してください。

    この英文を翻訳してもらえないでしょうか? お願いします。 After checking details on this issue, this is being taking cared of by our Trust and Safety team as they are authorized to handle these matters. It would be best to get in touch with them so this gets resolved right away.

  • 英文翻訳をお願いいたします。

    A new attack was planned against Thiepval for 2 July by the 32nd and 49th divisions of X Corps and the 48th Division of VIII Corps was cancelled and replaced by an attack by the 32nd Division, on the east end of the Leipzig Redoubt and the Wonderwork (Wundtwerk) on a front of 800 yards (730 m), by the 14th Brigade and the 75th Brigade attached from the 25th Division. Information about the changed plan reached X Corps late and only reached the 32nd Division commander at 10:45 p.m. along with an increase in the attack frontage to 1,400 yards (1,300 m) north to Thiepval Chateau. With most telephone lines cut the artillery were not told of the postponement, until half of the bombardment for the original 3:15 a.m. zero hour had been fired.

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    During the night, the German and Ottoman forces retreated back to Bir el Abd, where they had been three weeks before, on 20 July, when they established a base with a depot for supplies and stores.On 7 August the Greater Bairam (a feast day celebrating the end of the Islamic year) coincided with the Egyptian Camel Transport Corps at Romani being ordered to move out with supplies for the advancing troops, but 150 men, most of whom were past the end of their contracts and entitled to be discharged, refused orders to fill their water bottles, draw their rations and saddle up. One man was hit about the head with the butt of a pistol and the dissenters were dispersed into small groups and reassigned to various units in the infantry division; the 52nd (Lowland) Division.

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    European imperialist and colonialist powers had apprehensions about Jihad before 1914; Clemenceau had predicted it in 1912, if war broke out between the Great Powers. In August 1914, Charles Lutaud, the Governor of Algeria expected a rebellion and on 5 November, tried to forestall the Ottoman call to arms, by presenting the Ottomans as German puppets. The French were assisted by Royal Navy code breaking, to anticipate landings from German U-boats and negate the intriguing of the Central Powers. French prestige after the Moroccan Crises, reduced the likelihood of attempts to overthrow the colonial regime and German prisoners of war, were used as forced labour in Morocco and Algeria, to display French military prowess. Most of the French regular troops were sent to France in 1914 and replaced by Territorial troops in Morocco but on the frontier of Algeria and Libya, Senussi operations against the Italian army led the French to allow the garrisons of Ghadames and Ghat to retreat into Algeria and then be rearmed to re-capture Ghadames in January 1915, as part of the French policy of drawing Italy into the war.

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    At the Battle of Mons the BEF had some 80,000 men, comprising the Cavalry Division, an independent cavalry brigade and two corps, each with two infantry divisions. I Corps was commanded by Sir Douglas Haig and was composed of the 1st and 2nd Divisions. II Corps was commanded by Sir Horace Smith-Dorrien and consisted of the 3rd and 5th Divisions. Each division had 18,073 men and 5,592 horses, in three brigades of four battalions. Each division had twenty-four Vickers machine guns – two per battalion – and three field artillery brigades with fifty-four 18-pounder guns, one field howitzer brigade of eighteen 4.5-inch howitzers and a heavy artillery battery of four 60-pounder guns.

  • 英文翻訳をお願いいたします。

    "French intentions in Syria are surely incompatible with the war aims of the Allies as defined to the Russian Government. If the self-determination of nationalities is to be the principle, the interference of France in the selection of advisers by the Arab Government and the suggestion by France of the Emirs to be selected by the Arabs in Mosul, Aleppo, and Damascus would seem utterly incompatible with our ideas of liberating the Arab nation and of establishing a free and independent Arab State. The British Government, in authorising the letters despatched to King Hussein [Sharif of Mecca] before the outbreak of the revolt by Sir Henry McMahon, would seem to raise a doubt as to whether our pledges to King Hussein as head of the Arab nation are consistent with French intentions to make not only Syria but Upper Mesopotamia another Tunis. If our support of King Hussein and the other Arabian leaders of less distinguished origin and prestige means anything it means that we are prepared to recognise the full sovereign independence of the Arabs of Arabia and Syria. It would seem time to acquaint the French Government with our detailed pledges to King Hussein, and to make it clear to the latter whether he or someone else is to be the ruler of Damascus, which is the one possible capital for an Arab State, which could command the obedience of the other Arabian Emirs."

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    The British and French benefitted from superior numbers, which enabled the Allied commanders to relieve divisions after shorter periods in the line. Severe criticism of General Sir Douglas Haig and General Henry Rawlinson during and since the war, for persisting with attacks on October, was challenged in 2009 by Philpott, who put the British share of the battle into the context of strategic subordination to French wishes, Joffre's general Allied offensive and the continuation of French attacks south of Le Transloy, which had to be supported by British operations and by more recent writing of the ordeal inflicted on the German armies.

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    In September 1914, the Germans had mined the Kamerun or Wouri estuary and scuttled naval vessels there to protect Douala, the colony's largest city and commercial centre. British and French naval vessels bombarded towns on the coast and by late September had cleared mines and conducted amphibious landings in order to isolate Douala. On 27 September, the city surrendered to Brigadier General Charles Macpherson Dobell, commander of the combined Allied force. The occupation of the entire coast soon followed as the French captured more of the territories to the south-east in an amphibious operation at the Battle of Ukoko.

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