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Polls Show Higher Percentage of People in Favor of Reducing Government Social Services Among Graduates More Than Five Years Before


  • ベストアンサー
  • 92128bwsd
  • ベストアンサー率58% (2275/3919)

> more than five years beforeは大学を卒業してから5年以上経っているという意味でしょうか? その通りです。 being polled (調査を去れる) more than five years before (5年以上前に) graduated from a university (大学を卒業した) Polls of those who (人たちの調査) in favor of recuding と書いてあってrecudingはタイポと思いますが何ですか?質問には関係ありませんが。





  • ◆簡単な英語訳をお願いします。

    次の日本語を英語訳したいのですが、以下で合っているでしょうか? 原文:私が大学を卒業したのは10年以上前の事だ。 英訳:The day which I graduated university is more than 10 years ago. よろしくお願いします。

  • a をつけるかつけないかの基準がわからない

    こんにちは♪英語の勉強をしています^^ Ham has more calories than chocolate cake. Ham has fewer calories than Potato chips. Potato chips have more calories than chocolate cake. Ham has a higher percentage of total fat than chocolate cake. Ham has a lower percentage of total fat than chocolate cake. Potato chips have more calories than chocolate cake or ham. Chocolate cake has a lower percentage of total fat than ham or potato tips. これらの文章で 1)aをつけるかつけないか 2)haveかhasか 3)fewerかlowerか の区別がいまいちわかりません アドバイスいただけませんでしょうか。 よろしくお願いいたします!

  • 次の文で質問なのですが...

    Mate is a beverage found in much of South America. While it is uncertain where mate was first made there are more varieties of it found in Paraguay than anywhere else. Also, mate is used more widely there than anywhere else. Also, mate is used more widely there than anywhere else. Therefore, Paragua is likely tehe place where mate originated. という文があるとして、 Typically, the longer a beverage has been in use in a particular place, the more widely that beverage is used there. という文が結論をさらに強めるらしいんですがなぜでしょうか。 別に長く使われていたからと言って、そこでつくられたとは限らないのではないですか? また違う文ですが、 The amphibian species whose population declines have been attributed by many scientists to industrial pollution are not known to be among those species whose populations do not vary greatly as a result of natural variations in the weather. の意味がちょっとわかりづらかったです...よろしければ訳をいただけますか?

  • 次の文の意味がわかりません

    The subjective effects of occasional sleep deprivation are more pronounced than are its effects on overt behavior. 次の文から導き出される事らしいのですが... A univeristy professor researching sleep disorders occasionally taught class after spending whole nights working in a laboratory. She found lecturing after such nights diffucult: she reported that she felt worn out and humorless, and she had difficulty concentrating and finding the appropriate words. After several weeks of lectures, she asked her students to guess which lectures had been given after nights without sleep. Interestingly, very few students were able to correctly identif them. No one can assess the overall effects of sleep deprivation on a particular person as well as thatsleep-deprived person can. と言えないのはなぜでしょうか。

  • 高校英語です。訳して頂きたいです!

    少し長いのですが、よろしくお願いいたします。 University of Cambridge population biologist Andrea Manica examined data from more than 4,600 male and 1,500 female skulls—all less than 2,000 years old—from academic collections across the globe, each of which was measured for 37 different structural characteristics. He and his team found that the farther a population was located from Africa , fewer variations in skull shape they displaye. Manica argues that this strongly supports the idea that modern humans arose in Africa, probably around 200,000 years ago, and then spread to other locations around the world starting about 50,000 years ago, hardly or never mixing with other species of hominids. There would be more variability in an African population because Africa has a less stable climate and environment

  • "as foreign filers"の意味が分かりません

    Accordingly, the market for S-O 404 services is more limited than in the overall United States practice and, as foreign filers, the deadlines are at least a year later than December 31, 2004. 上記の文章中での"as foreign filers"を辞書等で調べましたが、意味がよく分からず困っています。何かの言い回しでしょうか… どなたか教えてくだされば大変助かります。

  • 次の英文を訳してくださいm(__)m

    次の英文を訳してくださいm(__)m He began his lifelong love affair with Japan five years before the Okinawan blood bath,when he came across A translation of the 11-century Japanese novel "The Tale of Genji" while he studying at Columbia University.

  • ちょっと長いですが、和訳お願いします。3文ともに続いています。

    ちょっと長いですが、和訳お願いします。3文ともに続いています。 The state's interest inschools reached its ultimate expression in T'ai-tsu's proclamation for the establishment of village schools everywhere. The purpose of this, no doubt went beyond the simple recruiting of officials and implied a wish to extend the civilizing force of education to the whole rural population, an aim which revealed an impulse in T'ai-tsu, the man of the people, to affect all of the people more profoundly than government had tried to do before. In this he overreached himself, as the idea of the schools languished in the absence of state money to support them. they persisted in name in many place, but there is no evidence of a revolution in popular education.

  • 比較級のthat ofで

    ×The population of China is bigger than Japan. ○The population of China is bigger than that of Japan. というのは有名ですが、では Indian philosophy is more complicated than Greek philosophy. で2個目のphilosophyの繰り返しを避けるためにはどういえばいいでしょうか? 可算名詞だったらone/onesが使えると思うのですが、不可算には使えないのですよね。

  • 次の英文の和訳お願いします。

    1.most of the local politicians have proposed that streets should get more international names to mirror the international composition of the city's population. 2.it's necessary that laws should be passed to prohibit the use of corporate funds directly or indirectly for political purposes. 3.as i have told you before , there questions need not detain us longer. 4.i dare say that you may feel irritated at being suddenly awakened when you are caught napping. 5.in order to create a peaceful, stable enviroment that fosters development, citizens have to have confidence that their votes count, their government cares about them and that democracy can deliver basic services.