• 締切済み



  • 92128bwsd
  • ベストアンサー率58% (2275/3919)



  • 英文の解釈

    They speak well of him.の受動態は回答を見ると He is well spoken of by them.となっていますが、 なぜHe is spoken well of by them.ではいけませんか?

  • 英文として誤っているものを1つ選んでください。

    英文として誤っているものを1つ選んでください。 ア I dare say you are right. イ I daren't to look down. ウ How dare you speak to me like that? エ I never dared to ask him. 文法が間違えていると思うのですが どこが どう違うのかが分かりません。 違うところと理由を教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • この英文を訳して下さい。

    He never noticed anyone was watching him, and it was with surprise that he heard himself spoken to.

  • 英文を訳してください。

    以下の文を訳してください。 He never noticed anyone was watching him, and it was with surprise that he heard himself spoken to.

  • 英文として誤っているものを1つずつ…

    英文として誤っているものを1つずつ… (1) ア You need not have to see him. イ We don't have to leave now. ウ He has only to study hard. エ We all have to go there. (2) ア What you say might be true. イ It was very cold. I might be in the Arctic. ウ He said he might be home late. エ Might I borrow your tape recorder. (3) ア I dare say you are right. イ I daren't to look down. ウ How dare you speak to me like that? エ I never dared to ask him. (4) ア I think we had best stop now. イ I'd sooner go on. ウ We don't have better go on any farther. エ You'd better keep quiet about this. 本当に急いでます。 出来れば解説もあると嬉しいです! よろしくお願いします!

  • 英語の問題なのですが

    He is honest in all he does. Have you ever heard him (spoken) ill of by others? という英文なのですが、 彼は立派な人だ。 あなたは今までに彼の悪口を聞いたことがありますか? と訳したのですが、こんな感じで問題ないでしょうか? ※()内は選択肢なので間違っているかもしれません。選択肢は speak speaking spoken to speak です。こちらも間違っていれば教えていただけると助かります。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の訳!

    英文の訳をお願いします! He was worried about it himself. His yacht was made up of such materials as recycled alumminum cans and PET bottles, and solar batteries were used as a power source. Horie found that most of the oceans and the seas were still clean, which made him very happy. But he was shocked at the polluted water around Japan, especially Osaka Bay.

  • 英文で間違っているところを教えてください。

    高一です。 プレゼンテーションのための英作文をしたのですが、「どこが間違っているのか」、「どこの表現がおかしいのか」が分からないので教えてください。 大筋「AとBの会話で、学校内の人気なことで有名な少年の噂について話している状況」 *日本語訳をすべて書くと長くなるので、心配なところだけ書きます。 A Hey, B. A I have a question to ask you. B Hello,what is that? A I heard about a popular and famous boy in this school from my friend.   (私は友達から、この学校の人気なことで有名な少年について聞いた) B Who is he? A I also don't know him. B Does he have anything features? A I heard that he is a very smart. B There are many smart students in this school. B That alone does not make it clear. A He likes soccer for a long time. And he is good at playing soccer. B ウーン. What are there anything else? A I hear that he likes math and studies it all the time. You don't find him not studying math. B Really? Is he studying math, except when math is taught? A Yes. A And there is another one. A He has a girlfriend. B I see. B He is so popular. A Oh, I remember. A He fractured when he played soccer. B Oh! I feel that I have seen him. B I have forgot his name. 「ここで(A)がポケットから写真を落とす」 B What is this? A I had forgot that I have a picture. B Please show me. 「ここで(B)が写真を見る」 B I know him. He is there! 以上です。 文法的に間違っているところ、直した方がいい表現があったら教えてください。

  • I ask him a question という文は正しいはずですが、

    I ask him a question という文は正しいはずですが、このa question を代名詞にして I ask him it. となるとおかしい感じがします。普通は I ask him about it. となるような。どちらが正しいかというものはあるのでしょうか。

  • 英文添削おねがいします。

    Students practiced these conversations last week. 先週この会話を練習した。 So I want you to ask students some questions from these questions. だから生徒にこの質問からいくつか生徒に質問してほしい。 A class is 〇〇 min. 授業は〇〇分、 There are 〇〇 students in a class. 一つのクラスに〇〇人いる。 A student has about a minute. 一人約一分。 So I think you can ask him or her about 3 – 5 questions. だから3~5問くらい質問できると思う。 And If the student ask any questions, give him or her bonus point.(5 is maximum point.) もし生徒がなにか質問してきたら、ボーナスポイントをあげて。(最大5点) よろしくおねがいします。