• 締切済み






  • この名曲の歌詞を読んでどのように感じますか?

    ◇エリック・クラプトンの「ティアーズ・イン・ヘブン」 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKlcuEdtGVo&feature=related 高層マンションから転落して、わずか4歳で事故死してしまった、クラプトンの息子コナー君に捧げられた曲です。 娘にも、子どもを思う親の気持ちが分かってほしいと思って聞かせました。 「ティアーズ・イン・ヘブン Tears In Heaven」/作詞・作曲 エリック・クラプトン 1. Would you know my name 僕の名前を憶えていてくれるだろうか? If I saw you in heaven もし天国で会ったなら Will it be the same 前と同じようにいられるだろうか? If I saw you in heaven もし天国で会ったなら I must be strong, and carry on 僕は強くならなければいけない、生き続けなくては Cause I know だって僕は分かっているから I don't belong Here in heaven 自分が天国にいるべき人間ではないって事を 2. Would you hold my hand 手を差しのべてくれるだろうか? If I saw you in heaven もし天国で会ったなら Would you help me stand 僕を支えてくれるだろうか? If I saw you in heaven もし天国で会ったなら I'll find my way, through night and day 僕は頑張って生きるよ 昼も夜も Cause I know I just can't stay だって僕は わかっているから Here in heaven 自分が天国にはいられないって事を Time can bring you down 生きていれば,つらい事もある Time can bend your knee 生きていれば,神様にひざまずきたくなる事もある Time can break your heart 生きていれば,悲しみにくれる事もある Have you begging please 神様に懇願したくなる事もある Begging please 懇願したくなる事も (間奏 instrumental) Beyond the door ドアの向こうの天国には There's peace I'm sure. きっと安らぎの世界がある And I know there'll be no more... そして僕は知っているんだ Tears in heaven 天国には涙なんてないって事を 3. Would you know my name 僕の名前を憶えていてくれるだろうか If I saw you in heaven もし天国で会ったなら Will it be the same 前と同じようにいられるだろうか If I saw you in heaven もし天国で会ったなら I must be strong, and carry on 僕は強くならなければいけない、生き続けなくては Cause I know だって僕は分かっているから I don't belong Here in heaven 自分が天国にいるべき人間ではないって事を Cause I know だって僕は分かっているから I don't belong Here in heaven 自分が天国にいるべき人間ではないって事を ★私は (供を思う親の気持ちには、洋の東西を問わないんだな。 『愛しのレイラ』のような曲も素敵だけど、この「ティアーズ・イン・ヘヴン」も亡くした子供への愛情があふれている名曲だ。 歌詞に「もし天国で会ったなら」と書いてあるから、クラプトンはコナー君に生き返ってほしいと泣いたんだな。 エリック・クラプトンはこれからも名曲を発表し続けてほしい) と思いました。 みなさんのご感想をお聞かせ下さい。 参考 「愛しのレイラ」 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fX5USg8_1gA&feature=related

  • 大至急、翻訳をお願い致します。

    Today three years have passed since you departed for heaven. Your music, born from your powerful way of life and your natural talent, always gives me hope. Your music made me feel understood, and kept my life positive. A great hero who saved me, I miss you.

  • 英文の翻訳お願いします。

    多分間違えてブーツを作ってしまったという英文だと思いますが、大変でも翻訳お願いします。 I wanted to let you know that we have received your Redwing boots today and they look great. I wanted to make sure you are aware of the style of lineman patch they put on a plain toe boot. I have placed a picture below of your boots. Please let me know id this is acceptable. If you would like it made differently please let us know. Keep in mind that a remake will take 6 to 8 weeks また、そのブーツでいいので送ってほしいという英文も作成していただけるとありがたいです。

  • 翻訳をお願いします

    以下の文章を翻訳していただけませんか?宜しくお願い致します。 Venus was in your house of death and inheritance. This is a intense placement that brings deep feelings to the surface. It causes a karmic or past life bond, which is like the forgotten inheritance of love, and will come out in various ways, but not always happy ways, other things will surface with it too. It causes subconscious power struggles. Where you pull against restrictions in your life and do things that test or provoke your partner. A love that is old and karmic and encompasses other lives. The relationship that will be very seductive, the partner will be irresistible and you will be pulled into an inescapable fate by this relationship. This means that there will be some mystery and intrigue in your love life or his. Your soul mate will be a charismatic person who will come into your life and will totally seduce you, mind body and spirit. He will be irresistible and have the power to make you melt. But this love relationship could also be filled with intense rather jealous feelings too.

  • 翻訳のお願い

    外国の会社から下記のメールが来ました。 とりあえず自分なりに翻訳したのですが 英語が苦手なので正確に翻訳してほしいので 何卒よろしくお願いいたします。 Can you speak nippon language or English or Chinese? your Telephone I will let my director in in Nippon ring to you OK?

  • 翻訳をお願いします

    下記の内容を翻訳していただけないでしょうか? 宜しくお願いします。 There is the possibility that your soulmate will be a man above your social cast or class. Or wealth that comes after marriage, popularity and an uplift in circumstance. You will marry a man of distinction and maturity who is worthy, ambitious and dignified, someone people look up to and admire. The wedding will be in a month close to the month of your birth. You have the need to shine in any relationship and you will invest a lot of work and effort in it and will make the marriage a focal point of your life. You’ll see yourself primarily as a wife, and will place tremendous importance on marriage. Until you find your true soul mate your life may feel incomplete, even if you have many relationships, or a steady boyfriend to fill up your time, something will be lacking and you’ll be keenly aware of it. You are subconsciously searching for someone who is like yourself. You’ll disregard other peoples views, advice or criticism about the marriage partner, and will seek also a strong capable partner.

  • 英語でのやりとりの翻訳をお願い致します。

    I will be fine, I promise. I will leave u in good hands ok. これはどういう意味でしょうか? 私は別れるという意味かと思い、 Are you going to leave me? と聞いたら、 No. と返ってきました。 翻訳お願い致します。

  • 歌詞の翻訳をお願いします

    ホイッスルという曲の歌詞です。 翻訳機だと意味がわからないので、お手数ですがどなたか和訳お願いします。 Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby Let me know Girl I'm gonna show you how to do it And we start real slow You just put your lips together And you come real close Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby Here we go I'm betting you like bebop And I'm betting you love creep mode And I'm betting you like girls that give love to girls And stroke your little ego I bet I'm guilty your honor But that's how we live in my genre When in hell I pay rottweiler There's only one flo, and one rida I'm a damn shame Order more champagne, pull it down hellstream Tryna put it on ya Bet your lips spin back around corner Slow it down baby take a little longer Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby Let me know Girl I'm gonna show you how to do it And we start real slow You just put your lips together And you come real close Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby Here we go Whistle baby, whistle baby, Whistle baby, whistle baby It's like everywhere I go My whistle ready to blow Shorty don't leave a note She can get any by the low Permission not approved It's okay, it's under control Show me soprano, cause girl you can handle Baby we start snagging, you come in part clothes Girl I'm losing wing, my bucatti the same road Show me your perfect pitch, You got it my banjo Talented with your lips, like you blew out candles So amusing, now you can make a whistle with the music Hope you ain't got no issue, you can do it Give me the perfect pitch 'n never lose it Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby Let me know Girl I'm gonna show you how to do it And we start real slow You just put your lips together And you come real close Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby Here we go Whistle baby, whistle baby, Whistle baby, whistle baby Go girl you can work it Let me see your whistle while you work it I'm a lay it back, don't stop it Cause I love it how you drop it, drop it, drop it, on me Now, shorty let that whistle blow Yeah, baby let that whistle blow Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby Let me know Girl I'm gonna show you how to do it And we start real slow You just put your lips together And you come real close Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby Here we go Whistle baby, whistle baby, Whistle baby, whistle baby

  • 大至急、翻訳をお願い致します。

    Today three years have passed since you departed for heaven. Your music, born from your powerful way of life and your natural talent, always gives me hope. You were the one who understood the most, who kept my life positive. A great hero who saved me, I’m lonely without you.

  • 翻訳をお願いします。オークションの質問で来たのですが、なんとなく言わん

    翻訳をお願いします。オークションの質問で来たのですが、なんとなく言わんとしているところはわかるのですが、正確な訳が知りたいです。 I'm Takashi Presently in Canada.i saw your item paste on YAHOO AUCTION Am interested in buying your item for my Friend, i will offering you $2,000.00USDollar for each of the item plus shipment to my Friend in Nigeria via EMS SPEED POST .Let me know how many pieces you have for sale.i will be remitting your payment via Bank to Bank transfer Or PayPal into your account.Get back to me via your personal e-mail and please reply back in English.Reply back to (takashi***@gmail.com)Hoping to read from you fast,Thanks.