• 締切済み


私の猫が部屋に入って来られるように、ドアを開けておいて下さい。 Please keep the door open ( 4語 ) get into the room. かっこの中に4語が入ります。 僕は( for my cat to )だと思うんですが、これであっていますか?



合っていると思いますよ。 getという原形動詞があることと、意味から判断して最後は不定詞のtoであることが分かりますし、不定詞の意味上の主語としてfor~を用いることも妥当です。



即答ありがとうございます。 少し自信を持てるようになりました。



  • a room について

    Attention please, please make a room for other passengers to get into the train. この文はa room の部分が誤りとのことなんですが、なぜなんでしょうか? 正しくするにはどう変えれば良いでしょうか? 教えて下さい。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 動詞の変換&穴埋め問題

    動詞の変換&穴埋め問題 1.You cannnot make a horse (drink) water if it doesn't want to. A.to drink 2.He was seen (hide some money) behind the picture on the wall. A.to hide some money 3.He heard someone (knock) on the door of my room last night. A.to have knocked 4.The Internet enables you (get) information quickly. A.get 5.It is careless (for) you to make such a mistake. 1~4番は()内の単語を書き換える問題です。 5番は前置詞の穴埋め問題です。 どの問題も自信無いです^^; 訂正&アドバイスお願いします。

  • 英語問題

    1a:Please continue your good work. b:Please () your good work. (1)repeat on (2)keep up (3)endure with (4)came up 2a:Is she still trying to find a job? b:Is she still () for a job? (1)keeping (2)making (3)chasing (4)looking 3a:I'm trying to recover from the shock. b:I'm trying to () the shock. (1)get across (2)get above (3)get off (4)get over 4a:They considerd this as most important. b:They looked () this as most important. (1)for (2)on (3)around (4)to 5a:I had to get rid () my doubts about it. b:I had to remove my doubts about it. (1)in (2)of (3)with (4)from 同じ意味になるように語句を入れます 解答をお願いします

  • ()に適語をお願いします!!

    1、財布を忘れてきたから10ドル貸してよ Please () me ten dollars because I forgot to bring my wallet. 2、彼は今こちらへ向かっています He () () here now. 3、お宅の猫がうちの庭に入らないようにしてくれないかしら Can't you () your cat from coming into my garden? 英語 高校 大学 中学

  • 使役動詞getについて

    目的語によってその後ろの動詞や形容詞が変化するのはわかりますが、目的語にはどのような規則性があるのでしょうか? 1 He got the clock GOING. 2 I cannot get this door TO SHUT. 3 I must get my work FINISHED. 4 Can you get your paper READY by the weekend? それと leave the door OPEN →ドアは“られる”のだからopenedなのでしょうか? これはもしかして形容詞?

  • 穴埋め問題なんですが・・

    こんにちは、ケンブリッジ検定を受ける者なんですが、以前テキストブックを購入したんですが答えが付いなくかなり苦労しています。私の答えがあっているのかの確認と空欄部分を助けて下さい。 She specialises in pop music and is (1, ? ) for managing the production (2, ?  ) a pop singer's new single or album and (3, ? ) that it involves. She is the person who selects the songs for the album, the photographs for publicity purposes, who shoots the video and chooses the clothes the singer (4, ? ) for that video. In (5, ? ) typical day she will meet the people designing the artwork for the album, the singer's manager, journalists and marketing managers. (6, During ) the week she will have to listen to the hundreds of tapes that are (7, sent ) to the record company by singers and bands hoping to (8, get ) famous one day. She needs to understand (9, what ) makes a good pop band and at the same time has to be (10, ? ) to stop star potential. In (11, ? ) of working long hours she feels it is (12, worth ) it when a song finally gets into the pop charts. She learnt about the pop industry by (13, having ) work experience and editing pop magazines (14, as ) well as taking a business course. In that way she (15, ? ) out how to go about marketing and selling in the highly competitive music industry.

  • 英文の穴埋めの添削をお願いします!不定詞

    1)I'm not proud of (my family being rich). 2)This dress needs (mending). 3)"Our trip to Tokyo was fun, wasn't it?" "Yes, it was great! I'm really looking forward (to going) there again sometime." 4)Would you mind (to close)the door? 5)If you happen (to seeing) John, please let me know. 6)The government has refused (to allow) foreign journalists into the area for several weeks. 7)Are you used (to singing) in public? 8)Her hobbies are (playing the guitar and singing). 9)"What would you like to do today?" "I feel like (going) for a drive." 10)We finally (succeeded to reach) the top of the mountain. ()内の穴埋めです。 解説や英訳も加えてくださると助かります。 添削よろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m

  • 英語の穴埋め問題!!

    以下の問題について全くわからないのですが、どなたか教えていただけないでしょうか?こういう構文の問題は暗記なのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします。 1.I was caught ( 1 ) a shower ( 2 ) my way home. 2.She is ( 1 ) poor health after working ( 2 ) three years without a break . 3.Our school building is now ( ) construction. 4.When he heard the news, he burst( ) tears. 5.No one can make ( ) what he is planning to do. 6.Sooner or ( ) we have to buy a new computer. 7.I'm sorry he si on another line. ( ) on,please. 8.Our success ( )whether you will help us or not. 9.I'm staying at this hotel for a ( ) of day. 10.My brother majored ( ) German at a university.

  • toとforの使い方について

    There was no room to swing a cat.とThere was no room for doubt.での toとforの使い方の違いについて教えてください。

  • 意味を教えてください

    My gentleman friend and I are senior citizens who live together. We have acquired a dog and cat. I pay for the cat's food, vaccinations and litter. He pays for the dog's food and vaccinations. Last week my boyfriend accidentally slammed the door on the cat's tail. Part of it had to be amputated, and the bill for surgery, drugs, cone, etc. came close to $400. slammed the door on the cat's tailとconeの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 家庭菜園でトマトの苗を植えた際に、1つの苗だけ成長が止まっており、葉っぱの色も紫色に変色しています。
  • ナスの隣に植えてしまったことが原因で成長が停止している可能性があります。別の場所に移植することで改善する可能性があります。
  • 追肥は1週間前に行いました。どうすれば良いか、対処法を教えていただけないでしょうか。