• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

売主殿、 私は実際に値引きを要求しているわけではありません。もう既に支払いは済ませてあります。ただ、配送(通関申請)の都合上、価格を下げて頂きたいだけです。



また値引きかと思いましたが、 そういうことだったんですね。 本当にまた助けていただき、ありがとうございました。


  • 次の英語を日本語にしてもらえませんか?

    I have not received my item. The USPS attempted a delivery while I was not home, and I asked for a redelivery on the next day, and instead, they shipped it back to you. I have not been able to talk to them on the phone (call forwarding) and It is the New Years weekend. I did want the camera body, but now I am so upset that I no longer want to mess with the incompetence of the U. S. Postal Service. Since I have already paid for the shipping to me, would you please deduct from the price of the camera, the shipping charge for sending it back to you, and refund the balance of the price of the camera back to my pay pal account. That way you are out nothing on the transaction. It's not your fault, and I will lose money and get nothing, but I want nothing more to do with it.

  • この英語を日本語に

    訳してもらえませんか? 私は英語が出来なくて 辞書とかで調べても さっぱりわかりません なので分かる方教えてください。 You that I have only you who is the dearest who should love I will swear that I love you as long as it is alive. I want you to wait... offering one's hand.... until the moment please me you when transmitting. this desire この3つです。 お願いします

  • 英語を日本語にして貰えますか?

    意味が分からない所が多々あります。。。 意訳で結構ですのでヨロシクお願いします。 went you be next to me i will always have the same feeling toward you ..no matter of what happen ... this is how i am and i want you to always feel happy and care ... in the good time and bad ... only happiness can make a better life .. and i will make it come true ..i want too make it come true.

  • 次の文章を日本語に訳してもらえませんか?

    I wrote this letter to inform you about a CUSTOM issue. Some days ago, I bought the CV 35.7 m39 lens at your page. After that, I was informed by Korean Custom goverment. They told me I have to pay for this item(about 20% of the price plus shipping cost). So, it was charged more about $100 to buy this. I think ,if you would WRITE LOWER PRICE of item ON THE BOX(actually under $150), it will be helpful for Korean customer NOT to PAY some EXTRA COST for your item. Thank you for your concern for this issue!

  • 英語から日本語へ訳して頂きたいです。

    旅行中に仲良くなった人から頂いたメールの一部分です。 なんとなくは理解できたのですが、細かい部分が分かりません。。。 英語が得意な方に翻訳して頂きたいです。 were i live is safe .... i walk here at night like 3 o 4am but for a girl any ware is not safe is dangerous .because you are girl .. but i be glad to help you and guide you to various places. i understand that you are scared for coming here by your self .. and i respect that i will send you picture of were and how is the city that i live and before you travel. i want you to feel comfortable and safe with me and your travel but think what is best for you ..if you want,... i travel to japan first and you travel here later .any way is good for you .. i only want you to be safe and not do worry about me and the travel to here.

  • 英語を日本語へ訳して頂けますか?

    下記の英語を日本語へ訳して頂けますか? 英語は第二言語の方なので変な部分があるかもしれませんが...。 i break up with my ex-girlfriend because she was not a good person . she treat me bad and she never care about what i think and like . she really was evil. all my friend toll me that she was not good for me because she treat me bad in frond of all my friend . and she call me loser all the time went she felt sad for no reason . she got me depress so depress ... i got tired of it i want it some one ho love me for ho i am and what i love to do ... she never care about me and what i want for me and my future ... i am scare to fine some one like my ex .....i dont want that life again.. i am happy now ... but i know you are not like that you are sweet and caring girl... i only want a good and happy girl for me and i really want i happy family ...

  • どのたか英語から日本語への翻訳をお願い致します。

    Ebayで商品を出品しているのですが、以下の質問を受けました。 Please immediately send the 2 dolls to this following address: XXXXXX PO. BOX XXXX DOHA XXXX DOHA, XXXXX XXXXX Qatar I paid for 4 USD additional shipping cost without any reason. so Please so your part asap. 二つの人形を以下のアドレスに送ってください。 私は追加の$4を支払いました。可及的速やかに商品を送って下さい。 といった意味なのでしょうか??? きちんと意味を理解したく、どなたか翻訳をお願い致します。

  • ebay英語を教えて下さい

    私が出品している商品に対し、以下の質問がありました。 Is there any possible way I can haggle my way to reduce the price by 100 or any sort of discount. I have nearly enough but I want to be able to buy this before Valentines day for my husband. 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

  • 以下の日本語訳を教えてください

    the post office wont take the bike the box is too big it can only go ups and that is $596 in shipping which is ridiculous, but I will do it if you want. I can give you a refund if you want, let me know. minus fees would be fare. ---------- 海外オークションで自転車を落札し、その出品者からのお知らせ文になります。 これはつまり、送料だけで$596ということなのでしょうか。 或いは、商品金額込みで$596なのでしょうか。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 【至急】単数・複数の問題教えて(英語 中学1年)

    Do you have any pets,Mr.Beck? No,I,do'nt. But,I want a dog. 答えの文で、But,I want a dog. どうして、a dogになるんでしょうか? dogsでもいいのでしょうか? a dogとするのは決まり事なのでしょうか? また、anyを使った分では、そのあとの単語(名詞) は複数にしないといけないのでしょうか? anyは、「何か」と訳しますが、上の文に当てはまると 上手く訳せません どのように訳せばいいのでしょうか 急ぎです 教えてください