• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)



  • 1000年前と変わらず貴方を愛してるを英語で

    英文にしてください。 1000年経った今でも貴方を愛してる。 I'm still loving you after 1000 years. I still love you as same as 1000years ago. 1000年後にやっと貴方を見つけたわ。 I finally found you after 1000 years. 貴方に会って思い出した。昔私が愛した人だと。 When I met you, I remembered you were my love. When I met you, I knew you were my love. metをsawに変えてもいいです。 少し違う言い回しですが。。 I remembered(knew) that you are the one(man) from 1000years ago. 、この中でどれが良いとおもいますか? 他に何か良い文章がありましたら教えて下さい 宜しくお願いします

  • この英訳と文法の説明はあってますか?間違っている所

    この英訳と文法の説明はあってますか?間違っている所がある場合は1箇所だけ訂正してください。複数の間違いの箇所を解説をするのは大変だと思いますので1箇所だけ教えてください。 Even if you haven’t used Adobe Photoshop at all for seven years since you used it for a long time seven years ago, you will soon remember how to use it if you use it a little. あなたは7年前にアドビーフォトショップをずっと使っていたので、今日まで7年間全くアドビーフォトショップを使っていなかったとしても、少しアドビーフォトショップを使えばすぐに使い方を思い出しますよ。

  • 和訳お願いします。

    ・ You know. I would you like me to teach you ? ・ what ever you would like me to learn ・ I think if we were to see each other for the first time and kiss. すみません、そのままコピペしました。。 よろしくお願いいたします。m(__)m

  • 和訳してください!

    昔の友人?恋人のような男性から2年ぶりに連絡が来ましたがあまりにも自分が英語を忘れすぎて彼のメッセージが正確に理解できません。。。なんとなくはわかるのですが正確に知りたいので分かる方、和訳お願いいたします。 自分の名前はAとしています。 I am glad that u are fine...i am good too ... i wanna say a couple of things to you! Back there, when we were at LA, i thing that didn't treated you the way that you deserve, and i wanna say really sorry aboute that A...you deserve to know that i have a lot of good memories about you and the good times that we had in LA I know that all this things happened a long time ago, but i want to say sorry to you anyway... U always were so nice to me, and back there i was to young and too immature to know that... So, this is your Brazilian friend saying sorry to you about something that happened almost 2 years ago, but still care about that...i know that we live really far way, but anyway, i wanna be ok with you Miss you A

  • 和訳お願い致します

    この表現をされた場合、行く行くは付き合いたいといってますか?異性としてみられてますよね?友達にも使うのでしょうか どんなシチュエーションで使うか気になりまた。 I really think you are a wonderful person One of the nicest, kindest people I have ever met in my life I want to get to know you better and I want to spend more time with you

  • 次の英文の和訳をよろしくお願いします。

    次の英文の和訳をよろしくお願いします。 After all,the Stone Age people who produced the brilliant cave paintings in what is now Spain and France were as tall as we are,as handsome,as intelligent,and as artistic.And that was twenty-five thousand years ago.

  • 和訳をお願いします

    ほぼ意味は把握できているのですが完璧ではないのでどうか和訳をお願い致します。 I am sorry. I am sorry for ever bothering. I am sorry for ever hurting you. I am sorry for even being in your life and bringing it disruption. I will never annoy you again. I know that you dont understand me, but someday you will and then it will be too late. I wish you the best of happiness and virtue. You will always have a place in my heart. Farewell

  • I'm not the man that I wa

    I'm not the man that I was when I met you ten years ago. これは、なぜ、whatじゃないんですか? この文の構造がわかりません。 詳しいよろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳していただけないでしょうか。。

    住宅事情に関する英文ニュースの中の1文です。 さまざまな単語、構文の可能性を考えたのですがどうしても意味が分かりません>< よろしくお願いします。。 Landlords aren't as likely to cut tenants breaks as they were a couple of years ago. cut tenants breaksの「breaks」の意味が分かりません。 住宅・不動産関係の言葉なのでしょうか。。いくら調べてもしっくりくる訳が見つかりません。 一応、全文はこちらのサイトです。 http://moneyland.time.com/2012/02/28/rent-used-to-be-too-damn-high-now-its-even-higher/ よろしくお願いします><

  • 和訳をお願いします

    何となくは分かるのですが、きちんとした意味までは掴めないので詳細教えていただきたいです。 Do you know something? My happiness in life lies in little things. When you found someone. Someone who you were willing to forgive for anything, who could make you laugh and smile all the way home, holding your hand even while driving. Whose face you could spend all day looking at without saying anything and still felt you never had enough of. whom you could run your fingers through his hair until he almost fell asleep. The sight of him first thing you woke up was most memorable. I know this relationship must end someday. It is not supposed to be in the first place. Your charm will kill me someday. Thank you for having come into my life. I wish for us to have more time together. I love to touch your hair. And to steal a glance at your eyes. I know I'll miss you for a long long time. I’m sorry to make you feel so sad. You’re the best thing that ever happended in my life. Thank you again and thank you for everything.