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I Broke the Glasses - A Tale from The Dark Glasses


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  • ベストアンサー率58% (2275/3919)

> ● I washed my hair the night before and put a wave in it.について ウェーブをかけたということと思います。髪型のwave(s)に関して、単数・複数両方の言い方を混在して使うように思います。例えば beach style hair wave と言った時にwaveもwavesも使うようです。しいて言えば、髪型のウェーブの並々に注目すればたくさん波があるのでwaves, ”髪(型)”と言うひとくくりに注目すればa wave, the waveになるのではと思います。 と言うことで私の解釈では、このケースではa waveでもwavesでもありうる。 > Mr Simmonds'sのところが、Mr Simmonds'となっていないのはどうしてなのでしょうか? 私は"Mr Simmonds' "と教わったのですが、アメリカで同じことで議論しているサイトを見つけたので参考に。 http://forum.wordreference.com/threads/possessive-s-or-ss-with-proper-nouns-chris-or-chriss-dog.29285/ 「昔は ”s”で終わる名詞の所有格は" ' "の後のsは省略と教えたのだけど最近は"s's"と教えているらしい」「イギリスでは"s's"」などなど。 まとめると、上の2つの質問共、どちらでも間違っていないと言うことと思います。自分が使うとしたら、今回の文で覚えたやり方を使い、また別の例に出くわしたらそれも頭に入れるみたいな積み重ねかと。数学や物理学ではないので理屈だけでは覚えられません。 # 個人的には未だに曖昧なのが”the"をつける付けない。英語のネイティブと文書について議論していると、ネイティブ通しでもつける付けないで意見が食い違うことがあります。



ご回答ありがとうございます。 解釈の仕方でa wave、wavesも有りうるのですね。 Mr Simmonds'sという表記については、この形も存在するということがわかりました。 (私も”s”で終わる名詞の所有格は" ' "の後のsは省略、と習いました) アメリカでも議論になっているのですね。 theは本当に難しいですね。ありがとうございました。


  • The Dark Glassesからの英文です。

     ”You're quite the young lady, Joan," he said, looking at my new breasts.   I smiled and put my hand in my blazer pocket.   He was smaller than he had been two years ago. I thought he must be about fifty or thirty. His face was more freckled than ever and his eyes were flat blue as from a box of paints. Miss Simmonds appeared silently in her soft slippers. "You're quite the young lady, Joan," she said from behind her green glasses, for her right eye had now gone blind and the other was said to be troubling her. Muriel SparkのThe Dark Glassesからの英文です。 he=Mr Simmondsは検眼士です。 13歳だった主人公の女の子が2年経って再びSimmondsさんのお店を訪れた場面です。 ----------------------------------- His face was more freckled than ever and his eyes were flat blue as from a box of paints.の his eyes were flat blue as from a box of paintsがわからないのですが、 as fromを辞書で引くと ・・・から(法律・契約など正式な日付に用いる)とありました。 この英文の場合には意味的に当てはまらない感じなのですが どのように訳すのでしょうか? 教えてください。宜しくお願いします。 前文は I broke the glasses by sitting on them during my school holidays two years later.   My grandmother said, after she had sighed, "It's time you had your eyes tested--" "--eyes tested in any case," said my aunt when she had sighed.   I washed my hair the night before and put a wave in it. Next morning at eleven I walked down to Mr Simmonds's with one of my grandmother's long hat-pins in my blazer pocket. The shop front had been done up, with gold lettering on the glass door: Basil Simmonds, Optician, followed by a string of letters which, so far as I remember, were FBOA, AIC, and others. となっています。

  • The Dark Glassesからの英文です。

      We went into the examination room. She glided past me and switched on the dim light above the letter card. I began to read out the letters while Basil Simmonds stood with folded hands. Someone came into the front shop. Miss Simmonds slid off to see who it was and her brother tickled my neck. I read on. He drew me towards him. I put my hand into my blazer pocket. He said, "Oh!" and sprang away as the hat-pin struck through my blazer and into his thigh.   Miss Simmonds appeared in the doorway in her avenging white overall. Her brother, who had been rubbing his thigh in a puzzled way, pretended to be dusting a mark off the front of his trousers. "What's wrong? Why did you shout?" she said. "No, I didn't shout." Muriel SparkのThe Dark Glassesからの英文です。 Basil Simmondsは検眼士です。 主人公の女の子が検眼している場面です。 --------------------------------- ●Miss Simmonds appeared in the doorway in her avenging white overall.のin her avenging white overallの個所はどのように意味を理解して読むのでしょうか? avengingは復讐する、という意味ですか? ●Her brother, who had been rubbing his thigh in a puzzled way, pretended to be dusting a mark off the front of his trousers.のpretended to be dusting a mark off the front of his trousersについて教えてください。 pretended to be dusting ~は「~を払っているふりをする」? a markは印を? offはdustingと繋がって意味をとるのでしょうか?(dust a mark offで「印を払う」ですか?) front of his trousersは「彼のズボンの前で」? 教えてください。宜しくお願いします。 前文は I broke the glasses by sitting on them during my school holidays two years later.   My grandmother said, after she had sighed, "It's time you had your eyes tested--" "--eyes tested in any case," said my aunt when she had sighed.   I washed my hair the night before and put a wave in it. Next morning at eleven I walked down to Mr Simmonds's with one of my grandmother's long hat-pins in my blazer pocket. The shop front had been done up, with gold lettering on the glass door: Basil Simmonds, Optician, followed by a string of letters which, so far as I remember, were FBOA, AIC, and others. You're quite the young lady, Joan," he said, looking at my new breasts.   I smiled and put my hand in my blazer pocket.   He was smaller than he had been two years ago. I thought he must be about fifty or thirty. His face was more freckled than ever and his eyes were flat blue as from a box of paints. Miss Simmonds appeared silently in her soft slippers. "You're quite the young lady, Joan," she said from behind her green glasses, for her right eye had now gone blind and the other was said to be troubling her. となっています。

  • The Dark Glassesからの英文です。

    My grandmother said, "Did you see--" "--Mr Simmonds' sister?" said my aunt. "Yes, she was there all the time," I said, to make it definite. My grandmother said, "They say she's going---" "---blind in one eye," said my aunt. "And with the mother bedridden upstairs---" my grandmother said. "---she must be a saint," said my aunt. Presently--it may have been within a few days or a few weeks--my reading glasses arrived, and I wore them whenever I remembered to do so. Muriel SparkのThe Dark Glassesからの英文です。 (主人公は13歳の女の子です) Mr Simmonds=検眼士です。 ・ "---she must be a saint," (彼女は聖人であるに違いない?) このセリフはどういう意味ですか? sheはMr Simmonds' sisterのことですか? ☆"眼鏡をかける"、を英文にしたときwearとput onのどちらを使っても違いはないのでしょうか?よく使われるのはwearの方ですか? 前文は "Can you read?" said Mr Simmonds.   I stopped looking round. I said, "Read what?"--for I had been told I would be asked to read row after row of letters. The card which hung beneath the dim light showed pictures of trains and animals.   "Because if you can't read we have pictures for illiterates."  This was Mr Simmonds' joke. I giggled. His sister smiled and dabbed her right eye with her handkerchief. She had been to London for an operation on her right eye.  I recall reading the letters correctly down to the last few lines, which were too small. I recall Mr Simmonds squeezing my arm as I left the shop, turning his sandy freckled face in a backward glance to see for certain that his sister was not watching. となっています。 宜しくお願いします。

  • The Dark Glassesからの英文です。

    She looked at me, then returned to attend to the person in the shop, leaving the intervening door wide open. She was back again almost immediately. My examination was soon over. Mr Simmonds saw me out at the front door and gave me pleading unhappy look. I felt like a traitor and I considered him horrible. Muriel SparkのThe Dark Glassesからの英文です。 Mr Simmondsは検眼士です。(she=Mr Simmondsの姉) 主人公は15歳ぐらいの女の子です。 --------------------------------- I felt like a traitor とあるのですがtraitorは”裏切り者”でしょうか? (horribleは”ひどく嫌な”?主人公がMr Simmondsをそう思うのはわかるのですが) なぜ主人公が自分のことをそのように感じたのかがわかりません。 前文は :(主人公が検眼にMr Simmondsのお店を訪れた場面です) You're quite the young lady, Joan," he said, looking at my new breasts.   I smiled and put my hand in my blazer pocket.   He was smaller than he had been two years ago. I thought he must be about fifty or thirty. His face was more freckled than ever and his eyes were flat blue as from a box of paints. Miss Simmonds appeared silently in her soft slippers. "You're quite the young lady, Joan," she said from behind her green glasses, for her right eye had now gone blind and the other was said to be troubling her. We went into the examination room. She glided past me and switched on the dim light above the letter card. I began to read out the letters while Basil Simmonds stood with folded hands. Someone came into the front shop. Miss Simmonds slid off to see who it was and her brother tickled my neck. I read on. He drew me towards him. I put my hand into my blazer pocket. He said, "Oh!" and sprang away as the hat-pin struck through my blazer and into his thigh.   Miss Simmonds appeared in the doorway in her avenging white overall. Her brother, who had been rubbing his thigh in a puzzled way, pretended to be dusting a mark off the front of his trousers. "What's wrong? Why did you shout?" she said. "No, I didn't shout." となっています。 教えてください。宜しくお願いします。

  • The Dark Glassesからの英文です。

    For the rest of the holidays I thought of him as "Basil", and by asking questions and taking more interest than usual in the conversation around me I formed an idea of his private life. "Dorothy," I speculated, "and Basil." I let my mind dwell on them until I saw a picture of the rooms above the shop. I hung round at tea-time and, in order to bring the conversation round to Dorothy and Basil, told our visitors I had been to get my eyes tested. Muriel SparkのThe Dark Glassesからの英文です。 Basilは検眼士です。(DorothyはBasilの姉です) 主人公は15歳ぐらいの女の子です。 ----------------------------------- ●I let my mind dwell on them until I saw a picture of the rooms above the shop.のsaw(see)は「・・・を心に描く」「・・・を想像する」の意味だと思うのですが、imagineとはどのような違いがあるのでしょうか? ●I hung round at tea-time and, in order to bring the conversation round to Dorothy and Basil, told our visitors I had been to get my eyes tested.の I had been to get my eyes testedは、「検眼をする予定だった」と読むのでしょうか? be動詞+to不定詞は「予定」の意味ですか? (なんとなく、すでに検眼を終えてきているので、I had got my eyes testedとしてもいいような気がするのですが。) 前文は She looked at me, then returned to attend to the person in the shop, leaving the intervening door wide open. She was back again almost immediately. My examination was soon over. Mr Simmonds saw me out at the front door and gave me pleading unhappy look. I felt like a traitor and I considered him horrible. となっています。 教えてください。宜しくお願いします。

  • The Dark Glassesからの英文です。

    I had seen Miss Simmonds once before, at a garden fete, where she stood on a platform in a big hat and blue dress, and sang "Sometimes between long shadows on the grass", while I picked up windfall apples, all of which seemed to be rotten. Now in her white overall she turned and gave me a hostile look, as if I had been seducing her brother. I felt sexually in the wrong, and started looking round the dark room with a wide-eyed air. Muriel SparkのThe Dark Glassesからの英文です。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー I felt sexually in the wrong, and started looking round the dark room with a wide-eyed air. ここの、 I felt sexually in the wrongとはどういう意味合いですか? in the wrongとはどういうことを言いたかったのでしょうか? (主人公の女の子は何も悪くはないと思うのですが) また、 and started looking round the dark room with a wide-eyed air.の個所の with a wide-eyed airという表現は(主人公の状態として)どんなことを表しているのでしょうか? 小説なので書いている表現を読み取るのが難しいのですが 教えていただけると幸いです。 前文は I was sent to have my eyes tested. He took me into the darkened interior and said, "Sit down, dear." He put his arm round my shoulder. His forefinger moved up and down on my neck. I was thirteen and didn't like to be rude to him. Dorothy Simmonds, his sister, came downstairs just then; she came upon us silently and dressed in a white overall. Before she had crossed the room to switch on a dim light Mr Simmonds removed his arm from my shoulder with such a jerk that I knew for certain he had not placed it there in innocence. となっています。 (お手数をおかけしてしまってすみません) he(Mr Simmonds)=検眼士です。 宜しくお願いします。

  • The Dark Glassesからの英文です。

     "Can you read?" said Mr Simmonds.   I stopped looking round. I said, "Read what?"--for I had been told I would be asked to read row after row of letters. The card which hung beneath the dim light showed pictures of trains and animals.   "Because if you can't read we have pictures for illiterates."  This was Mr Simmonds' joke. I giggled. His sister smiled and dabbed her right eye with her handkerchief. She had been to London for an operation on her right eye.  I recall reading the letters correctly down to the last few lines, which were too small. I recall Mr Simmonds squeezing my arm as I left the shop, turning his sandy freckled face in a backward glance to see for certain that his sister was not watching. Muriel SparkのThe Dark Glassesからの英文です。 Mr Simmonds=検眼士です。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ●row after row of lettersのところはどうやって読むのでしょうか? ●Mr Simmonds' jokeというのは、主人公の女の子が字が読めないなら、と言って(検眼のときに)文字ではなく絵を見せたことですか? 前文は I had seen Miss Simmonds once before, at a garden fete, where she stood on a platform in a big hat and blue dress, and sang "Sometimes between long shadows on the grass", while I picked up windfall apples, all of which seemed to be rotten. Now in her white overall she turned and gave me a hostile look, as if I had been seducing her brother. I felt sexually in the wrong, and started looking round the dark room with a wide-eyed air. となっています。 宜しくお願いします。

  • The Dark Glassesからの英文です。

    "The mother bedridden all these years and worth a fortune. But what good is it to her?" "What chance is there for Miss Simmonds now, with that eye?" "She'll get the money. He will get the bare legal minimum only." "No, they say he's to get everything. In trust." "I believe Mrs Simmonds has left everything to her daughter." My grandmother said, "She should divide her fortune---" "---equally between them," said my aunt. "Fair's fair." I invented for myself a recurrent scene in which brother and sister emerged from their mother's room and, on the narrow landing, allowed their gaze to meet in unspoken combat over their inheritance. Muriel SparkのThe Dark Glassesからの英文です。 Miss Simmondsと"he"は姉弟です。( Mrs Simmonds<the mother>は二人の母親です) 主人公は15歳ぐらいの女の子です。 ---------------------------------------------------- ところどころ意味がわからないのですが、 ● the bare legal minimumのbareはどういう意味ですか? ● In trust・・・委託して? ●Fair's fair・・・公平の公平?どういう意味でしょうか? ●on the narrow landing・・・狭い踊り場の上で? ● allowed their gaze to meet in unspoken combat over their inheritance. ここはどうやって訳すのでしょうか? 前文は For the rest of the holidays I thought of him as "Basil", and by asking questions and taking more interest than usual in the conversation around me I formed an idea of his private life. "Dorothy," I speculated, "and Basil." I let my mind dwell on them until I saw a picture of the rooms above the shop. I hung round at tea-time and, in order to bring the conversation round to Dorothy and Basil, told our visitors I had been to get my eyes tested. となっています。 教えてください。宜しくお願いします。

  • The Dark Glassesからの英文です。

    Dorothy was beside us in no time. She peered one-eyed at the glasses, then at me. "Are you constipated?" she said. I maintained silence. But I felt she was seeing everything through her green glasses. "Put them on," Dorothy said. "Try them on," said Basil. They were ganged up together. Everything was going wrong, for I had come here to see how matters stood between them after the affair of the will. Basil gave me something to read. "It's all right now," I said, "but it was all a blur when I tried to read this morning." "Better take a dose," Dorothy said. I wanted to get out of the shop with my glasses as quickly as possible, but the brother said, "I'd better test your eyes again while you're here just to make sure." He seemed quite normal. I followed him into the dark interior. Dorothy switched on the light. They both seemed normal. The scene in the little office last night began to lose its conviction. As I read out the letters on the card in front of me I was thinking of Basil as "Mr Simmonds" and Dorothy as "Miss Simmonds", and feared their authority, and was in the wrong. Muriel SparkのThe Dark Glassesからの英文です。 主人公は15歳ぐらいの女の子です。 Basil=検眼士です。 Dorothyは検眼士の姉です。 主人公が検眼のためにBasilの店を訪れている場面です。 -------------------------------------------------------------- 一番最後の As I read out the letters on the card in front of me I was thinking of Basil as "Mr Simmonds" and Dorothy as "Miss Simmonds", and feared their authority, and was in the wrong. の個所の ●I was thinking of Basil as "Mr Simmonds" and Dorothy as "Miss Simmonds"というのは 主人公のどういう心境を表しているのでしょうか? うまく掴めません。 ●and feared their authority, and was in the wrong.のauthority(権威)とはどういう意味なのでしょうか? 小説の前の方から読んでいないとわかりにくいと思いますが、教えてください。宜しくお願いします。 前文は "What are you doing?" she said. He jumped up and pulled the blotting paper over his work. Her one eye through her green glasses glinted upon him, though I did not actually see it do so, but saw only the dark green glass focused with a squint on to his face. "I'm making up the accounts," he said, standing with his back to the desk, concealing the papers. I saw his hand reach back and tremble among them. "I shivered in my soaking wet clothes. Dorothy looked with her eye at the window. I slid sideways to avoid her and ran all the way home. Next morning I said. "I've tried to read with these glasses. It's all a blur. I suppose I'll have to take them back?" "Didn't you notice anything wrong when you tried---" "---tried them on in the shop?" "No. But the shop's so dark. Must I take them back?" I took them into Mr Simmonds early that afternoon. "I tried to read with them this morning, but it's all a blur." It was true that I had smeared them with cold cream first. となっています。

  • The Dark Glassesからの英文です。

    I was sent for to try on my new reading glasses. I had the hat-pin with me. I was friendly to Basil while I tested the new glasses in the front shop. He seemed to want to put a hand on my shoulder, hovered, but was afraid. Dorothy came downstairs and appeared before us just as his hand wavered. He protracted the wavering gesture into one which adjusted the stem of my glasses above my ear. Muriel SparkのThe Dark Glassesからの英文です。 主人公は15歳ぐらいの女の子です。 BasilとDorothyは姉弟で、 Basil は検眼士です。 ---------------------------------------------------------------- He protracted the wavering gesture into one which adjusted the stem of my glasses above my ear.の中のoneは何を指しているのでしょうか? Basil ですか? (もしそうだとしたらなぜoneという単語で表しているのでしょうか?) また、oneの前にintoという前置詞がついているのはどういう意味なのでしょうか? 教えてください。宜しくお願いします。