• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー

selling baked meaning invented imported





  • 英語 名詞の問題です!

    次の英文の誤っている箇所をそれぞれ指摘し、正しい語にして英文を書き換えなさい。という問題です! 1.Fifty family live in the village. 2.She bought three balls of red wools. 3.I usually eat four slice of bread every morning. 4.He likes classical musics better than rock. 5.People say necessity is the mother of inventions. 以上の五問です! よろしくお願いします!

  • 現在分詞、過去分詞と関係代名詞の関係は?

    英語 現在分詞、過去分詞が名詞を修飾する働きは関係代名詞自体とはどのように違うのでしょうか。 例えば、(1)The girl standing over there is my friend.は        The girl who is standing over there is my friend. でもいいのか。             (2) The cookies baked by my mom are the best in the world.は         The cookies which are baked by my mom are the best in the world.でもよろしいか。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の長文の添削をお願い致します。

    自分で「コメとパン」についての英文を作成してみましのたで、長文で面倒くさいかもしれませんが、英語に詳しい方がいらっしゃいましたら添削をお願い致します。 英文で変な部分がございましたら、バシバシご指摘下さい。 Some people eat rice, the others eat bread in the morning. It often compares rice and bread. But it’s very difficult to compare rice and bread, because both rice and bread have some advantages and disadvantage. For my part, I think that rice is superior to bread. Because rice keeps you going longer than bread, when I eat rice in the morning, stomach has been full by noon. On the other hand, when I eat bread, I’m hungry about ten o’clock. However, bread has advantage. Bread is easy to set the table for breakfast. I just bake breakfast and can eat to place the butter on bread. But I have to wash into rice cooker. In the case of rice, because I have to prepare for a side dish, I take time.  In this case, both rice and bread have some advantages and disadvantage. But, I’m sure that rice is superior to bread for an office worker to work from morning, because rice keeps you going longer than bread.

  • 合っているか見てください。再帰代名詞

    再帰代名詞の代名詞的扱いです。 1) Bill never goes to the barber. .......He cuts his own hair. / He cuts his own. 「彼は自分の物を切る。」 2) Mary doesn't buy many clothes. She usually makes her own.「彼女は自分の物を作る。」 3) We don't often buy bread. We usually bake our own. 「私たちは よく自分の分を焼く。」 4) Paul is a singer. He sings written by other people, but he also write his own.「かれは また 自分の物も 書く。」 とは 出来るのでしょうか?  宜しくお願いいたします

  • 次の英文の意味は?

    1.He is very clever. In fact he is a genius. In fact の意味? 2.Japan tasted its first butter. 3.bread and butter 4.a rod and line 5.She was very clever and looked liked a fool. and の意味? 以上5つ、宜しくお願いします。

  • 英訳の修正をお願いします(メールの文です)

    There is an event of Valentine's Day in Japan today. (今日、日本ではバレンタインデーというイベントがあります。) Do you know Valentine's Day? (あなたはバレンタインデーを知っていますか?) The girl gives the cake to a favorite boy in Japan. (日本では女の子が好きな男の子にお菓子をあげます。)チョコだったらcakeをChocolateに変える Is such an event in Australia? (オーストラリアにこのようなイベントはありますか?) By the way, is it famous though heard that the cartoon of Japan is famous in Australia? (ところでオーストラリアでは、日本の漫画が有名だと聞いたのですが有名なんですか?)

  • 添削お願いできませんか。

    どなたかよろしくお願いいたします。 海外の掲示板に書きこみたいのですが、翻訳ソフトで作ってみました。これで通じますでしょうか。 Doesn't it carry out now which did video photography in Pan Ams 09? How do you do? It is from Japan. In fact, the person who did video photography in Pan Am last year is looked for. It is the game of Yoshihiko Matsumoto of the black obi LIGHT FEATHER. Only the final goes into DVD but the person himself/herself is wanting to look at other games. It is especially a game with caio terra. Doesn't it carry out now which was photoed bysomeone?

  • 翻訳お願いします!

    この長文を翻訳してください。お願いします。 長いので、2パートほどに分割します。 (1) Once upon a time, there was a poor girl alone in a village. Her dad and mom died, her relatives weren't there, and at the age of 12, she finally lost her house. Only the poor clothes she wore and a piece of bread were the girl's belongings. However, even in such a situation, the pure and gentle girl believed in God. She believed that even in such a situation, God is sure to protect me.. The girl was walking alone on the road where the cold wind blows. Then a traveler talked to her girl. 「Young lady, give me food . I'm about to die.」 The girl saw the traveler's Skinny face and pitifully gave her a piece of bread, 「May you have God's blessing.」 she saw the traveler happily chewing on the bread, and the girl started walking again. This time, a little boy, a little younger than the girl, was crying. 「I am very cold. my hat was blown by the wind.」 The girl stroked the boy's head, then took off her hood and put it on the boy. The boy stopped crying and thanked her girl and went somewhere.

  • たずねる疑問文

    たずねる疑問文にしてください 1.She is interested in math 2.Your parents came back from Canada two days ago 3.She is the tallest girl inthis class 4.Mr. Smith will visit Japan next month 5.There are ten apples on the table お願いします

  • 中学英語の問題です。

    各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように( )内に適語を入れる (1) He can speak French well. He is a good ( ) of French. (2) He didn't have any place to live in. There was no place ( ) him ( ) live in. (3) This tea is hot that I can′t drink it. This tea is ( ) hot for me ( ) drink. (4) English is studied in Japan. ( ) ( ) English in Japan. (5) Her story was very interesting to me. I was ( ) ( ) in her story. (6) Our class has forty students. ( ) ( ) forty students in our class. (7) She bought him the book. She bought the book ( ) ( ) . (8) John became sick last month and he is still sick. John ( ) ( ) sick since last month. (9) Is this your hat? ls ( ) hat ( ) ? (10) I haven't heard from him for years. It has been years ( ) l heard from him last.