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  • ベストアンサー率80% (9768/12169)

誤植などがいくつか見つかりましたので、訂正して再送いたします。 個々のチームが数百ドルを稼ぎ出した。しかし、最大の利益を生み出したチームは、完全に違う視点から資源を見て、650ドルを獲得した。これらの学生は、最も貴重な財産は5ドルでも2時間でもないという見分けをつけたのである。代りに、最も貴重な資源は月曜日の3分間のプレゼンテーション時間である、というのが彼らの洞察であった。 彼らは、クラスの学生を募集したい会社にそれを売ろうという結論に至ったのである。チームは、その会社のために3分間の「コマーシャル」を作成し、授業の間学生にそれを提示した。これは見事なものであった。彼らはそれを、ものすごい-誰も気づかない-まさに、目の前に示してくれることを待機していた、貴重な宝物であると認めたのである。 すべてのチームが成功したか? 残念ながらそうではなかった。あるチームは、雨の日にサンフランシスコで傘を売るためにそれを仕入れたが、学生が作業に取りかかった直後に天気が晴れ渡ることになってしまったという、くたびれもうけであった。そして、そうそう、あるチームは洗車場を運営したり、また別のチームはレモネードスタンドを立ち上げたりしてみたが、その見返りは平均よりずっと低かった。


  • 次の英文を和訳してください!

    長文の途中なんで、意味が分からないところもあるかも知れませんが、気にせずお願いします。 How did they do this? The teams that made the most money didn't use the five dollars at all. They realized that focusing on the money actually created boundaries to their imagination. They understood that five dollars is essentially nothing and decided to reinterpret the problem. They asked themselves, "What can we do to make money if we start with absolutely nothing?" They ramped up their observation skills, tapped into their talents, and unlocked their creativity to identify problems in their midst–problems they might have experienced or noticed others experiencing–problems they might have seen before but had never thought to solve. These problems were annnoying but not necessarily at the forefront of anyone's mind. By unearthing these problems and then working to solve them, the winning teams brought in over 600 dollars, and the average return on the five-dollar investment was 4,000 percent! If you take into account that many of the teams didn't use the funds at all, then their financial returns were infinite. よろしくお願いします。

  • 次の英文を訳してください!

    長文の途中からの文なので、意味が分かりにくいところもあると思いますが、よろしくお願いします。 So what did they do? All of the teams were remarkably inventive. One group identified a problem common in a lot of town-the frustratingly long lines at popular restaurants on Saturday night. The team decided to help those people who didn't want to wait in line. They paired off and booked reservations, and they sold each reservation for up to twenty dollars to customers who were happy to avoid a long wait. As the evening passed, they made several interesting observations. First, they realized that the female students were better at selling the reservations, probably because customers were more comfortable being approached by young women. They adjusted their plan so that the male students ran around town making reservations at different restaurants while the female students sold these places in line. They also learned that the entire operation worked best at restaurants that use vibrating pagers to alert customers when their table is ready. Physically swapping pagers made customers feel as though they were receiving something tangible for their money. They were more comfortable handing over their money and pager in exchange for the new pager. This had an additional bonus-teams could then sell the newly acquired pager as the later reservation time grew nearer. よろしくお願いします。

  • 次の英文を和訳してほしいです。

    The article mentions that it took 17 years from the beginning of the investigation to the publication of the 11 papers on Ardi in 2009. During that time only one paper was published by the team members, in 1994. It is interesting that the team did not publish papers on the research for 15 years, for we live in the era of “publish or perish” – in other words, professors understand that they need to publish academic articles in order to keep their jobs, or at least to be able to advance their careers. True, 47 of the 70 investigators on the team were listed as authors on the 11 papers. Also, the publication of the papers all at once essentially guaranteed that the papers were given a lot of attention. Still, it is encouraging that the universities and other institutions that funded the research continued to support the team members despite the lack of papers. After all, “publish or perish” is largely due to the need for universities to be recognized as places where a lot of research is being done. High levels of publication lead to high evaluations, which helps attract students and funding to a particular university. The presence of good students and large research budgets help the school maintain its excellence. So the term “publish or perish” may not be quite as cynical as it first sounds.

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いします。

    Classes in American universities and colleges vary depending on the level of study (first year, second year, third year, or fourth year) as well as the subject. Usually in the first two years of university and college, students are required to take general education courses. These courses typically cover all the disciplines, so students are required to take one course in science, one course in math, one course in sociology, one course in writing, and so on. These classes are established to teach academic skills but are also intended to help students think more broadly about different topics. There are some science students that might never take a sociology class. Therefore, the general education requirement encourages students to experience a more liberal arts type of education. In the social and behavioral science course in particular, classroom participation is not only expected but your grade can depend upon your ability to speak up and contribute in the classroom. Professors often expect you to say what you think, even if that opinion is not yet informed by reading or research. They also expect you to tell them what you know after you've done the reading or research. In other words, they know the research but they what to make sure you also know the research. therefore, professors expect you to show them during class discussions and questions that you are critically thinking about the material. Generally, university classes in the United states are very casual. Many students call their professors by their first names and often students will chew gum or eat snacks during their classes. Students also dress very casually and often wear sweats and occasionally even pajamas to class.

  • 次の英文を和訳してください!

    What would you do if you had two hours to invest five dollars? In an experiment, teams received an envelope with five dollars and were told they could spend as much time as they wanted planning. However, once they opened the envelope,the y had two hours to generate as much money as possible. She gave them from Wednesday afternoon until Sunday evening to complete the assignment. Then, on Monday afternoon each team had three minutes to present their plans to the class. They were encouraged to be entrepreneurial by identifying opportunities, challenging assumptions, leaveraging the limited resources they had, and by being creative. What would do if you were faced with this challenge? Would you go to Las Vegas or would you buy a lottery ticket? There may be significant risk with a small chance of winning. Another idea is to set up a car wash or lemonade stand, using the five dollars to purchase the start-up materials. But most of her students eventually found a way to go far beyond the standard responses. They seriously challenged traditional assumptions–exposing a wealth of possibilities–in order to create as much value as possible.

  • 次の英文を和訳してほしいです。

    There was one large difference between the animal study and the human research projects mentioned in the article: the researchers controlled what the animals in the earlier studies ate, while the humans reported their eating behavior. Thus, as Dr. Bartke mentions, there is a question about the quality of the data. As long as the researchers kept careful records on what was fed to the animal subjects and prevented the animals from getting food from other sources, they could be confident of the food intake measurement. Humans, however, are not lab rats. It is not ethical, or generally possible, to completely control the environment that a human experiences. In this case, it was likely not economically feasible to control the diet for the subjects in the “diet group.” As a result, the researchers relied on self-reported data from these subjects. It is very unlikely that all of the members who reported that they cut their caloric intake by 30% actually did so. If the control their diet and observe their action, then we might be able to accept that the members of the group actually reduced their calories by 30%. However, one would then worry that a group of people who could take three months to go to a lab environment might not be representative of the general population.

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いします!!

    "It has very much become a cancer of poor women and a cancer for which poor women die," she said. Disparities in mortality extend to highly treatable cancers, such as acute lymphoblastic leukemia, fatal to just 10 percent of patients in wealthy countries but deadly 90 percent of the time in poor countries. Knaul said there are several myths about global cancer that need to be exploded, including that there's nothing that can be done, that tackling the problem would cost too much, and that bigger health issues plague the developing world. All are false, she said, adding that institutions like HSPH are key to gathering affordable, innovative solutions from around the world that can be used toward new strategies to meet the challenge. Students are a big part of the solution, Knaul said, because they'll be designing the health solutions of tomorrow. In addition to organizing Friday's event, students who have been touched by cancer planned to participate and share their stories of surviving or supporting a family member's struggles with the disease. Toni Kuguru, one of the student organizers, became interested in the subject when her husband, David, became ill with multiple myeloma. He was treated in the United States and is currently in remission, but the episode got Toni Kuguru thinking about the health care system in his native Kenya, where the outcome could have been different. Kuguru said she hopes that more students will get involved after hearing about the problem and the personal testimony of those touched by cancer. "What we're hoping for the student body is that they'll be inspired. We're hoping students understand there's lots of possibilities out there to become involved," Kuguru said.

  • 英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えてください

    英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えていただきたいです よろしくお願いします!! 3They publicly expressed their horror at the brutality and made it known to the East Germans that they sympathized with their fate. 4The Western press made a great show of supporting those who took part in the uprising and gave the impression that there would be Western involvement and help, but this impression that there would be Western involvement and help, but this impression was deceptive. 8The inactivity of Great Britain must be seen in the light of this stance. 15Adenauer was taken aback by popular uprising. 16He was at a loss about both the origin and the extent of the potential for protest.

  • 英文和訳について

    「次の英文の面白いところを要点を分かり易く、英語で説明しなさい。」という問題がテストに出るそうなのですが、どのように答えれば完璧でしょうか。できるだけ簡単によろしくお願いします。 A Canadian couple took a trip to Japan. They had studied Japanese in Canada before starting on their trip. On their first night in Tokyo, they went to a sushi shop. When they finished eating, the husband tried to use Japanese and asked, “Ikura?’’ meaning "How much is it?'' The cook at the counter shouted loudly, "Ikura for two!'' Beautiful Ikura-zushi was immediately placed in front of the amazed Canadians. The man was disappointed. He changed from Japanese to English, and again asked for their bill, "How much?'' Do you think they got the bill? No. This time they got Hamachi-zushi!

  • 和訳してくださいm(_ _)m4

    Another group involved in mammoth research was an international team headed by Dr. Goto Kazufumi. There were 33 scientists on this team. They were Japanese, Russian, and British. In August 1997, they went on their first expedition to look for a mammoth. At that time, they were only able to find mammoth bones. They said, "If there were also piece of skin, we could get some mammoth DNA." In August 1999, Dr. Goto tried again to find a mammoth with a second team made up of 26 Japanese and Russian scientists. This time they found a piece of mammoth skin, but it was not in good enough condition to use the DNA. The Japanese project is now led by Dr. Iritani Akira, and they keep trying to find mammoths. In 2002, they found another frozen mammoth in Siberia. A piece of flesh taken from it was brought to Japan in July 2003. its DNA was also not well preserved, but the team didn't give up the project.