• ベストアンサー

Bookstores in TOKYO

Please let me know the names of the largest and the most famous Bookstores in TOKYO.

その他の回答 (1)

  • seibido
  • ベストアンサー率31% (153/482)

It is SANSEIDO in Ochanomizu/SurugadaiUnder YAESU Book Center in Tokyo/Yaesu KINOKUNIYA in Sinjuku/East I think. And if this it is not found in the Yasukuni street from Surugadai under Ochanomizu with SANSEIDO bookstores until Jinbocho, it is difficult to find it wherever you go in Japan, and I think. There is probably the world's best and I think, and is a bookstore district to represent Japan. で、英語、あってるかな?



Great information. Thank you so much. I will visit them.


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