• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文チェックしてください)

The Impact of Inappropriate Actions on Company Revenue


  • ベストアンサー
  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

1 In my opinion, the company shouldn’t have taken [such a course of] action [for the purpose of increasing] the company’s revenue. 2 She shouldn’t have [expressed] such a dirty word [against] him, [considering how] upset [he became as a result of her action.] 3 I should not have entered [the] university, [which turned out to be so] worthless. 1 If I had studied harder, I could have passed the exam. 2 I could have [studied abroad,] had [I] been born in [a] rich family. 3 I might have [reached] the office on time, had [I] left my house 5 minutes earlier this morning.


  • 英文の添削をお願いします!

    1)If I had put the key in the usual place, I would have found it easily. 2)If I have a little more time, I could have looked over my test paper again. 3)If I had taken my brother's suggestion, the situation would have been different from what it is now. 上記の文が文法的に合っているか(動詞・助動詞など)教えていただきたいです。 間違っている場合はアドバイスをお願いします。

  • 英文について教えてください!

    英文について教えてください(*_*) カッコに当てはまるのを教えて頂けたら幸いです(*_*) 1、I couldn't help () at such a sad move. (1)to cry (2)cry (3)cried (4)crying 2.When I was in Salem, I ()often play tennis with John. (1)used (2)would (3)should (4)will 3.Poverty ()him from going to university. (1)pushed (2)prevented (3) resulted in (4)preserved 4.If I were you,I () him. (1)help (2)helped (3) hadhelped (4)would help 5.He would have become a great marathon runner if it()for his knee problem. (1)was not (2)had not been (3)has not been (4)would not have been 6.You ()throw your money into the sea as lend it to such as person. (1)may well (2)might as well (3)will do well to (4)know better than to 7.It won't be long ()we can travel to the moon. (1)when (2)if (3) before (4)until 8. The party was good. You () come! (1)must have (2)can't have (3)should have (4)ought have です(´д`∩ 宜しくお願いします (∋_∈)

  • 英文チェックお願い出来ませんでしょうか??

    It became really convenient. Me, too often buy books by Amazon. However when I visited Honduras in South America as a technical guidance volunteer, Internet used just limited some privileged classes’ rich people, and general public do not receives its benefit, yet. As in rural farm village, information from the Internet does not reach. I felt live in like the “Middle Ages”, but strangely I did not suffer inconvenience from this even though there is no Internet information in rural farm village in Honduras. Moreover, the Japan Oversee Cooperate Volunteers always bring a personal computer with them, but they have trouble with their computer without exception. Thanks to computer and Internet, we can do anything about our life conveniently. In addition, thanks to Youtube and SNS (Facebook, Twitter) government and mass media became difficult to hide the inconvenient matters for themselves. The prominent example is democratic revolution such called “the jasmine revolution” But the confusion has been occurring about “can do everything in Internet”. The hacker who breaks security on the Internet may say so. Could it say right to use splendid technique like WikiLeaks? No, it is wrong. I think the standing person who has a special talent must response for using this. And I think the technique such as hacking must manage only the person who can treat right way. Such a person must have an ambition and a pride. The Japanese exploration satellite “Hayabusa” succeeded the first time in the world “sample return” from the asteroid “Itokawa”. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hayabusa Nevertheless, JAXA (research organization like NASA) is not well-endowed institute and its “Hayabusa” team stands up against the mission to take the sample from asteroid (distant 6,000,000,000km from the earth) and overcome many difficulties for 7 years. I think this is an ambition and a pride. When I belonged to my last company, some outsourcing company said “we can’t do this offer, it’s too severe” and pull out suddenly. I was obliged to finish the work myself and desperately set up all night consecutively in 2 evening, because I must keep the tight deadline on my pledge of honor. My mission is to build a 100% accurate diagnose system for the students who took an examination. I am self-confident that I constructed a correct and first processing system in those days in Japan. When I told about this system to chief manager of major data processing company of New Zealand, I could receive his feedback: “it is a splendid system”. If you engage me, I would provide all my techniques that I have and could give profit for your company. I accumulate know-how for 15 years on methods of software & IT as an engineer. If you meet me, I convinced you can understand that I obtain remarkable result. If you engage me, you may understand how I am useful within 3 months. If you judge I am useless, you can discharge me. You do not have the risk at all.

  • この英文わかりません訳してほしいです

    4つの文章訳してほしいです I wish I had been diligent in my youth → I am sorry I was not diligent in my youth I wish I had faxed the reply to him →I am sorry I don't fax the reply to him お願いします(*_*)

  • 英文日記を添削していただけますか(^^)

    英文日記を書いてみました。文法的な間違いや、表現のおかしい部分などがあれば、直していただけると助かります(^^)ネイティブならこんな表現をするなど、指摘してくださると,なおうれしいです(^^) I quarreled with my husband. I knew I was wrong. But I couldn’t apologize to him. Because I am obstinate. Tomorrow, he is gong to lead a group of students to Hokkaido for school excursion. So I’m little nervous. If I had apologized to him, I could have been happy.

  • 英文問題について質問させてください!!

    英文問題について教えてください!! 説明が一切見当たらないので、意味が分かりません(>_<) ifやwouldやcouldやmightなどでつなげればいいのでしょうか?? 1 What if she hadn't gone to the mountains?(regret it) 2 What if your cousin had had an accident last weekend?(lie in hospital now) 3 What if your class tests hadn't been corrected?(we-get upset then) 4 What if there had been a hurricane?(our bungalow- be gone now) 5 What if you could speak Spanish?(work in Spain all last year) 6 What if he hadn't told the truth?(the police-put him in prison) 7 What if he had done it?(I-despise him for a long time now) 8 What if your parents had emigrated to America?(be given American citizenship) 9 What if you had studied zoology?(work in a zoo now) 10 What if your dream hadn't come true?(I not be rich) です。 どなたか分かる方、答えを教えてください!! よろしくお願いします!!!

  • 英文チェックお願いします!

    いつもお世話になります。どうしても確実に伝えたい案件がありますので通じるかどうかチェックお願いします。 【私が言いたい事】 クレジットカード会社に確認しました。 2月22日にFAXしたそうです。 念の為今日もう一度FAXするとの事。 それでも確認が出来ないならもう一度クレジットカード会社にコンダクトを取って。 よろしくお願いします。 【訳】 I asked the credit card company. There should have been fax on February 22. Faxing once again today just to make sure. Still take the conduct once again in the credit card company if confirmation is not possible. Thanking you in advance. お手数おかけしますが是非お願いします。

  • 英語の翻訳と解説をお願いいたします!

    英語の翻訳と解説をお願いいたします! 『私の家族が貧しかったら、私はNYに来ることができなかったかもしれません』 という文を翻訳お願いいたします! 仮定法過去完了を使うのかと思いましたが、 『家族が貧しくない』ということは最初から変わらないことなので、迷いました。 If my family had been poor, I might not have been able to come to NY. このようになるのでしょうか? それとも、If節をただの仮定法のように過去形にすることは可能なのでしょうか? If my family had been poor, I might not have been able to come to NY. このような文はみたことありません。 しかし、その逆(主節が普通の仮定法)はありますよね?たとえば If I had gone out yesterday, my cold might recur. のような感じで・・・ とても混乱しています!どうか、お助けください!よろしくお願いいたします!

  • 英文のチェックをお願い致します…!!

    長くなってしまうのですが、以下の文章であっているかどなたか確認して頂けると嬉しいです。 ☆のところがとても不安な箇所ですので、そこだけでも結構です。全体通して不安ですが。 The most important thing for me is my family. And I should cherish it. First, I thank my parents very much. I owe it to my parents that I could put myself to playing tennis in my junior high school and high school days. In the second year in high school, when I really wanted to leave club activities, my parents encouraged me to continue it. ☆1 At the time, if I was easily allowed to leave club activities, ここに"今の私はないと確信する"と入れたいのですがI'm sure...から続きません、教えて頂きたいです。 When my mother came and watched games, she looked at a tournament table and checked my next competitor. ☆2 I will be dutiful to my parents because I have done what I wanted to do. Second, I also thank my grandparents. I live with them. When I come home, I'm happy that there is someone at home. So I thank my grandmother very much because my parents and my grandfather work. My grandmother cares about me and my sister. ☆3 And she came to the piano concert for me. My grandfather died when I was in the second year in high school. I couldn't believe it because he has worked and been fine until he entered hospital. ☆4 I regretted going to the hospital few times. ↑お見舞いにほとんど行けなかったのが心残りだ、というような意味にしたいのですが、間違っている気がしてなりません。教えてください。 He also came to the piano concert every year, and seemed to look forward to it. So I'm happy that I can cherish my family and feel love from my family. I wish people in the world cherish their families. 長いですがどなたかよろしくお願い致します。 酷い文章で申し訳ありません。

  • 高校生レベルの英語を和訳してください!

    小テストの範囲なのですが、和訳を写したプリントを紛失してしまいました(--;) 先生に頼んでも「自己責任よ」ということで教えてもらえず……(泣) 残念ながらアホ学校のため、友人の中にはまともに訳せる人間がいません! どうか訳を教えてください! 1問ずつでも構いません(;_;) (1)If you had told truth,she wouldn't have been angry. (2)I wish I could have spoken Chinese. (3)I wish my parent had followed my advice than,he would have been better now. とりあえず3問お願いします!