• ベストアンサー

日本語が出てきません~BRING CLARITY TO~

よろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m 題のとおりなのですが、bring clarity to という句をうまく日本語にできません。 ネットでたたいてみても結構使われているようなのですが。。。 具体的に私が読んでいた文は His comment did not bring clarity to the situation,but it did calm the fears of those supporting the treaty. という文です。 彼の批評はその状況にclarityをもたらさなかったが、その協定の支持者の不安は確かに和らげた。という感じでしょうか。。。 どうぞよろしくお願いします。!


  • ベストアンサー
  • maabo50
  • ベストアンサー率34% (49/143)

直訳としては正解ですね。英語の学習としては、このまま状況を思い浮かべるのが、bestです。無生物主語の不自然さををうまく日本語に訳すとすれば、 「彼の説明で状況がはっきりしたわけではないが、その条約の支持者たちの不安は確かに静まった。



下記同様、自然な訳をありがとう御座いました!いいたい事はわかっているのに、すんなり日本語にできない。難しいですね訳出をするとなると。 どうもありがとうございました!


その他の回答 (1)


His comment did not bring clarity to the situation,but it did calm the fears of those supporting the treaty. >彼の批評はその状況にclarityをもたらさなかったが、その協定の支持者の不安は確かに和らげた。という感じでしょうか。。。 直訳で合っていると思います。 clarityはclearの名詞形で、明瞭、明快、透明、清澄等です。 [彼のコメントによって、その状況は明快にはならなかったが  その協定を支持する人々にとっては、恐怖を和らげる事となった]



ありがとうございます!bring clarity toは日本語ではもう「明確にする、はっきりさせる」とした方が、確かに自然ですね。この場合も無生物主語だったのでしっくりきます。 より自然な訳という点で、次点とさせていただきました、どうもありがとうございました!



  • To thankに理由の意味?

    why did Masa bring refreshments today? To thank us for our hard work という文があるんですが、To thankにwhyに対する理由を答える意味があると考えていいんですか?

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    The final borders of Hungary were defined by the Treaty of Trianon signed on 4 June 1920. Beside exclusion of the previously mentioned territories, they did not include: the rest of Transylvania, which together with some additional parts of the pre-war Kingdom of Hungary became part of Romania; Carpathian Ruthenia, which became part of Czechoslovakia, pursuant to the Treaty of Saint-Germain in 1919; most of Burgenland, which became part of Austria, also pursuant to the Treaty of Saint-Germain (the district of Sopron opted to remain within Hungary after a plebiscite held in December 1921, the only place where a plebiscite was held and factored in the decision); Međimurje and the 2/3 of the Slovene March or Vendvidék (now Prekmurje), which became part of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. By the Treaty of Trianon, the cities of Pécs, Mohács, Baja and Szigetvár, which were under Serb-Croat-Slovene administration after November 1918, were assigned to Hungary. An arbitration committee in 1920 assigned small northern parts of the former Árva and Szepes counties of the Kingdom of Hungary with Polish majority population to Poland. After 1918, Hungary did not have access to the sea, which pre-war Hungary formerly had directly through the Rijeka coastline and indirectly through Croatia-Slavonia. With the help of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, Hungary expanded its borders towards neighbouring countries at the outset of World War II. This started under the Munich Agreement (1938), then the two Vienna Awards (1938 and 1940), and was continued with the dissolution of Czechoslovakia (occupation of northern Carpathian Ruthenia and eastern Slovakia) and the Axis invasion of Yugoslavia. This territorial expansion was short-lived, since the post-war Hungarian boundaries in the Paris Peace Treaties, 1947 were nearly identical to those of 1920 (with three villages – Jarovce, Rusovce, and Čunovo – transferred to Czechoslovakia). Representatives of small nations living in the former Austria-Hungary and active in the Congress of Oppressed Nations regarded the treaty of Trianon for being an act of historical righteousness because a better future for their nations was "to be founded and durably assured on the firm basis of world democracy, real and sovereign government by the people, and a universal alliance of the nations vested with the authority of arbitration" while at the same time making a call for putting an end to "the existing unbearable domination of one nation over the other" and making it possible "for nations to organize their relations to each other on the basis of equal rights and free conventions". Furthermore, they believed the treaty would help toward a new era of dependence on international law, the fraternity of nations, equal rights, and human liberty as well as aid civilisation in the effort to free humanity from international violence.

  • 英語の文構造と日本語訳について知恵を貸してください

    日本語訳は何となくわかるのですが、品詞分解できません。 どなたか助けていただけるとありがたいです。 Denise Honestly! I was in the middle of an important call. Tom Yeah, and you never got see those fireman in action, did you Denise? Anna Look at the time. I really need to get on with my work. 主に、 'Yeah, and you never got see those fireman in action, did you Denise?' の文について質問です。 品詞分解して構造解釈すると、 you が主語 never got (never+過去形):してない see those firemen 複合名詞  消防士の光景? ※意味も不自然ですし、名詞seeとfiremenの間にthoseはおかしいですよね。 in action 修飾語:活動中の 他の解釈として、 you never got see (that) those fireman (are) in action. 最初は接続詞のthatと動詞areを追加してみたのですが、そんな用法ありませんし、困り果ててます。どなたか助けてください。 日本語訳 うん、あと、活動中の消防官たちを見たことないよね、デニス。

  • used to make them came from abroad の解釈について

    -It looks to me like one of the big springs above the door is broken. Have you had problems with those springs? -Yes, just recently. The metal used to make them came from abroad. 上記英会話文の The metal used to make them came from abroad.の意味がいまいちよくわかりません。 「その金属は海外から輸入されたものです。」という意味なのかなと思っているのですが。。。 まず、句なのか、それとも節なのか、どちらでしょうか? used to(~するために使われている金属) はThe meatlを修飾している形容詞句なのでしょうか? それとも、used to(かつては~だった)の動詞の意味なのでしょうか? それと、make them came from aboroad のmake は「them(金属?)を海外から来させる」の使役動詞なのでしょうか?使役動詞ならcame は原型のcomeになるべきではないでしょうか? 短い文ですが、わからないだらけです。ご説明して頂けますでしょうか。よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文を訳してください

    The Soviet Union had not lived up to its agreements at Yalta to bring more democracy to the countries of liberated Europe. という文があるのですが、 「ソ連は自由になったヨーロッパの民主主義をもたらすため、ヤルタで協定を締結していなかった。」 自分で訳してみたものの、意味がわかりません>< こちらの英文を訳して欲しいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • どうすれば何を修飾するかを予測するできるのか

    If I am now a comparatively calm and placid person, able to cope tolerably well with those problems that life always presents us with, it is, I firmly believe, due to the fact that I was allowed to grow up without too much fuss being made of me. 上の文ですが、, able to cope tolerably well withの箇所を私は「andが省略されている?それとも分詞構文?」と考えたのですが、参考書には「a comparatively calm and placid person」とサラリと書いてありました。この文にかぎらず、修飾・被修飾関係の把握が苦手です。今回の場合は、a comparatively calm and placid personは抽象的なので、ここを読んだ時点で具体的説明が続くことを予測しながら「, able to cope tolerably well with those problems that life always presents us with」と読んで予測の正しかったことを確認するのでしょうか? 修飾・被修飾関係を正しく把握や予測できるようになる参考書等があれば合わせて教えてください。

  • 日本語訳をお願い致します。

    The standing terms of the alliance was that the first member that was approached for an armistice should conduct the negotiations; the British government interpreted that to mean that Britain conduct the negotiations alone. The motives for this are not entirely clear, whether it was the sincere British interpretation of the alliance terms, fears that the French would insist on over-harsh demands and foil a treaty, or a desire to cut the French out of territorial "spoils" promised to them in the Sykes-Picot agreement. Townshend also indicated that the Ottomans preferred to deal with the British; he did not know about the American contact or that Talaat had sent an emissary to the French as well but that emissary had been slower to respond back. The British cabinet empowered Admiral Calthorpe to conduct the negotiations with an explicit exclusion of the French from them. They also suggested an armistice rather than a full peace treaty, in the belief that a peace treaty would require the approval of all of the Allied nations and be too slow. The negotiations began on Sunday, October 27 on HMS Agamemnon, a British battleship. The British refused to admit French Vice-Admiral Jean Amet, the senior French naval officer in the area, despite his desire to join; the Ottoman delegation, headed by Minister of Marine Affairs Rauf Bey, indicated that it was acceptable as they were accredited only to the British, not the French. Both sides did not know that the other was actually quite eager to sign a deal and willing to give up some of their objectives to do so. The British delegation had been given a list of 24 demands, but were told to concede on any of them if pressed, except occupation of the forts on the Dardanelles and free passage through the Bosphorus; the British desired access to the Black Sea for the Rumanian front. Prime Minister David Lloyd George also wanted to make a deal quickly before the United States could step in; according to the diary of Maurice Hankey: [Lloyd George] was also very contemptuous of President Wilson and anxious to arrange the division of Turkey between France, Italy, and G.B. before speaking to America. He also thought it would attract less attention to our enormous gains during the war if we swallowed our share of Turkey now, and the German colonies later. The Ottoman authorities, for their part, believed the war to be lost and would have accepted almost any demands placed on them. As a result, the initial draft prepared by the British was accepted largely unchanged; the Ottoman side did not know it could have pushed back on most of the clauses, and the British did not know they could have demanded even more.

  • 日本語訳を!c10-2

    お願いします!続き Jewelers weren't the only Late Harappan craftsmen who changed their ways.Potters developed a new kind of kiln that could get hotter faster.This kiln had a hollow center.Holes around the edge of the kiln floor let the fire into the chamber with the pottery.The higher temperatures made pots stronger.So did a new way of working the clay-craftsmen used a wooden paddle and a smalk lump of clay like an anvil to beat the clay walls of a pot and make the walls thinner and stronger.Working this way,potters could make pots with a rounded base instead of a flat base,which made them easier to balance on the hip or head and easier to pour from.The hot temperatures of the new kilns also let potters try out new kinds of black and red glazes and,in time,different designs.Did a clever,inventive potter bring about these changes? Or did new people moving to the city introduce them? Potters also began to make small figures of horses,donkeys,and two-humped camels-animals that until this period been used only high in the mountains of Central Asia.What's more,the people using these animals did not write Indus script,although they did use circular seals with geometric designs similar to those found on seals during the Harappan period. Over time,the new leaders who came to power kept neither written records nor made Harappan-style seals to stamp clay and seal trade goods.This may have been because the trade networks had collapsed,so there was no need for the records.Or it's possible that the new leaders decided not to write down their records.

  • コンマを跨いで後ろから名詞を修飾している形容詞句・・・?

    こう言われても、中々理解出来ない英文があって困ってます 「そういうもんだ」と割り切る前に、もし理解出来るように説明して頂けるなら幸いです [1]It was a really comfortable place , run by a large family headed by a pleasant-looking grandmother. [2]I am now a comparatively calm and placid person , able to cope tolerably well with those ploblems. 共通して、「名詞←コンマ+形容詞句」の『place , run』『person , able』なのですが、 自分はコンマを跨いで名詞を修飾する.という部分を違うように見てしまいます [1]なら分詞構文、[2]なら『I am ・・・』の続き 前にコンマが無ければ形容詞句として見れるのですが・・・ コンマがあると、どうしても「文の区切り」か「and」のように思えます 次にまた、こういう構造の英文に出会った時、形容詞句を見破れる自信がありません・・・

  • 過去の仮定文

    下記の過去の事実なんで、その事実に反する、ありそうもない過去の仮定文に書きかえてみたんですが、これで合っているでしょうか? 1.I did not take better notes, since I did not know that question was going to be on the examination. Ans.>I did take good notes for examination. 2.I did not bring my tennis racket and shoes, since I did not know that you were looking for a partner. Ans.>I did bring my tennis racket and shoes, because I did know that you were looking for a partner.

  • 社交不安障害(精神障害者)の恋愛と結婚について悩んでいます。入院歴があり、薬を飲んでいる私は大学生になったとしても結婚相手が見つかる可能性が低いのではないかと思っています。真性童貞であることも悩みのひとつです。
  • 私は現在大学進学を目指して勉強中ですが、社交不安障害であることや薬の服用歴があることから、結婚を考えると心配です。血筋や財産などについてはそこそこ恵まれているので自信はありますが、女性に受け入れてもらえるか不安です。
  • 素直で心優しい女性に巡り合うことができるか不安ですが、私は努力を惜しまず真剣に働き、自分を向上させていくつもりです。何かアドバイスや励ましをいただけると嬉しいです。