• 締切済み


I would not get too gloomy-rumor has it she never stopped bonking old Toby de Lisle, just in case you didn't work out. 参考 http://sp.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm16454636?cp_in=watch_watchRelatedContents 1分30秒~です お願いします


  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

   私はそんなにしょげる事は無いと思う ー 噂では、あなたが練習を怠った時のために、彼女はトビーデライルを殴るのをやめなかった、って話だから






  • こういう曲の作り方

    最近、作曲を始めました。 ある程度の曲は作れるようになったのですが、 自分が作りたい曲になりません。 http://sp.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm22107546?cp_in=wt_srch http://sp.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm22028138?cp_in=wt_srch http://sp.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19177794?cp_in=wt_srch http://sp.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm21503476?cp_in=wt_srch この系統の曲を作るにはどうしたらいいのでしょうか? また、声ネタや、音源(←音色?)はどこで手に入るのでしょうか? 自分で作る技術は全くないので、もし購入できるところがあるなら教えて頂きたいですm(._.)m

  • リズム天国のオリジナルリミックスを作りたいんですが

    リズム天国のオリジナルリミックスを作りたいんですが、 http://sp.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm26785471?cp_in=wt_mllst ↑こんな感じの素材を作りたいです。 スマホで作りたいのですが作れる方法はありますか? あったら教えてください(無料かどうかも教えてください)

  • エヴァンゲリオンを本気で踊ってみた

    エヴァンゲリオンを本気で踊ってみた という動画で流れている曲で、 『今帰りなさい 巡り会っても』 というサビの曲はなんという曲ですか? http://m.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm5925264?cp_in=watch_sc&uid=NULLGWDOCOMO&DCMPAKEHO=ON&guid=ON&cpw=wkmg1

  • 曲のタイトルがわかりません

    最近、よく聞く音楽なのですが曲名がわかりません。 クラシック的で高貴な音楽なんですが…。 この動画のボーリングの玉を投げたときに流れてる曲なんですがどなたか教えてくれないでしょうか? ニコニコ動画利用者しか見れないと思いますが宜しくお願い致します。 モンスターエンジン ボーリング http://m.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm4918435/f?cp_webto=watch_friend&uid=NULLGWDOCOMO

  • コンテンツをフォルダで分類する理由

    例えばニコニコ動画ならページが (略)~nicovideo.jp/watch/sm●●●●●●● のように動画ごとにフォルダで分類しています。 クチコミサイトやECサイトなども大抵こうなっています。 どのような利点があるのでしょうか? 例えばGETを用いて?id=●●●●●●●のようにすればプログラム上は同じ表示ができると思うのですが。 やはりGETやPOSTを突いた攻撃を防いだりするための手段でしょうか?

    • ベストアンサー
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  • 和訳お願いします

    She is in a good playful mood-you can now see why they might have once gone out-they are comfortable as old boyfriend and girlfriend. おねがいします! 参照元 「FOUR WEDDINGS AND A FUNERAL」より 動画はhttp://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm16454787の5:30に該当(セリフではなく描写の文である)

  • 和訳お願いします。

    The early democracy could thus be called “direct” democracy, where all citizens (except slaves) could, if they wanted, be involved actively in govenment, and where many matters of policy could be decided by referendum, that is, direct voting on particular problems by the entire state. This kind of democracy could never operate in very large states, as there would be too many people involved, and the result would be chaos. よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳をお願いします What are the limits to human performance in sports? Or are there any limits? Will future athletes continue to be able to break old records by running and swimming faster, jumping higher and farther, and lifting more weight? Or will we get to a point where the human body has reached its limit and few or no new records can be set? These questions came up again when Mike Powell broke the world record in the long jump by leaping over twentynine feet in 1991. The old record which had been set in 1968 was the longest remaining record in the history of track and field. Many people had wondered if the old mark was an absolute limit which world never be passed. But Powell surpassed it, and others are now busy trying to set a new record again.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    "I have never come close to being married or engaged. I was with someone eight years ago when I questioned whether I wanted the pressure of being married or having children. I always felt that if pregnancy was to happen, it would happen; if it didn't, it didn't...I have security, I don't need a man in my life.” 某アーティストのインタビューからの抜粋です。特に最後の文に度々出てくる“it”は、それぞれ何を指すのかがわかりません。 やや急いでいます。お願いします!

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    Dear Prudence, Two weeks ago, I went out with a guy from work (we don’t work in the same department). Two dates in, everything between us was dynamite, and then I think I came on a little too strong. He ghosted; I got the point and moved on. We haven’t spoken since. I’m not too upset about the disinterest but I am annoyed that he was not straightforward. Now there is a possibility that I am about to become one of his supervisors. I would like nothing more than to pretend none of this happened and hope he does the same. However, I have no idea how he feels, and it’s inevitable that I will have to speak with him again. I think it’s probably better to acknowledge what happened before I am promoted. I’d also love to tell him that this is exactly why it’s better to be straightforward, but that would probably be inappropriate and fall on deaf ears. —Ghost at Work I’d love to be in a position of professional superiority over someone who had ghosted on me too, but I think you’re wise to realize now is no time to offer him lessons in dating etiquette. Your instinct to behave as if nothing happened between the two of you is a good one. Wait until after you’ve gotten the promotion to say anything; it would be unnecessarily embarrassing if you initiated the conversation prematurely, didn’t get the new job, and went back to not working directly together. Keep it simple: “Charmathon, I know we went on a few dates that never went anywhere, but my focus now is on working together well, and I hope yours is, too.” Then quietly and professionally revel in your victory. May we all get promoted over the great dates who never called us back. May we all get promoted over the great dates who never called us back.の和訳をよろしくお願いします

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