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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:和訳お願いします)



  • ベストアンサー
  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

代わり番こで、自分たちの郷土料理を紹介し合ったのよ。インドネシア、インド、マレーシア、タイ、チャイニーズ、イラン、チュニジア、エチオピアの料理なんかの。 4ヶ月もするとそういったエスニック料理にも飽きてきた。でちょっと冒険心が芽生え出して、より辛口でスパイシーな味を編み出していったのね。 そんでもって、みんながする彼方の土地の話を聞くに連れ、そこへ行ってみたくて堪らなくなったのよ。


  • 和訳してください。

    和訳してください。 Different cultures have different ways of choosing what to name a baby. In some cultures parents name their babies for qualities they want them to have;for example,some American girls have names like Joy and Grace,and some Mexican girls are named Esperanza,or "hope". In many cultures, babies are named after relatives,dead or alive,or famous people. In some cultures,who names the baby is a serious matter. That privilege is often reserved for the mother, father,or an uncle. In parts of Africa, the baby helps decide;someone reads a list of names,and when the baby sneezes, it gets the last name that was read. Some Malaysian parents follow the same practice but instead of waiting for the baby to sneeze,they wait for it to smile.

  • 和訳

    We have often heard of the term"the Global Village"and the notion that the world is becoming smaller and more accesible through improved communication and transportation.Cultures and countries which at one time were far away and exotic are now only a jet flight away.The improved access to information has made the world a smaller, more compact place to live in with greater access to cultural exchanges and integration people. 最後の文の訳が浮かばないのでお願いします。あとこの文のwityの意味も教えてください

  • 和訳なんですけど・・・・・

    3つあります・・・・・ (1)They cook plain rice and eat it with all kinds of dishes. PLAINがどういう働きをしてるか           よくわかりません・・・・ (2)In Europe people do not appear to eat a lot of rice.APPEARをどう訳していいかよくわかりません・・ (3)When I go abroad I'll miss rice so much. 全体的に意味がわかりません・・・とくにWHENが どういう風に使われているかわかりません・・・・ 3つも一気に出しちゃってすいません。。 ご指導のほうよろしくお願いします。。

  • 和訳してください。よろしくお願いします。

    In the present paper, we first describe initial conditions for orbital calculations in the framework of Hill’s equations (Sect.2). In Sect.3, orbital calculations are made for particular sets of e and i, i.e., (e,i)=(0,0) and (1,0.5). Based on these calculations and previous works: Papers I and II, Nishida (1983), Hénon and Petit (1986), and Petit and Hénon (1986), we develop an efficient numerical procedure obtaining <P(e, i)> (Sect. 4).According to this procedure, we systemically integrate the orbits of relative motion, to find collision orbits. Furthermore, compiling results of these orbital calculations, we find <P(e, i)> for various sets of e and i and compare them with those in the two-body approximation <P(e, i)>_2B (Sects. 5 to 7). The results will be compared with those of Nishida (1983) and Wetherill and Cox (1985) who also studied the collisional rate taking account of the effect of solar gravity (but their studies were restricted, as mentioned later).

  • 和訳について

    「the building block of hair」をなんと訳すべきかが分からず、困っております。 原文: Protein, for example, is the building block of hair. If you don't get enough, your mane will grow more slowly, and strands will be weaker. http://health.usnews.com/health-news/articles/2012/06/14/10-best-foods-for-your-hair 髪の話題で、プロテインが良い髪を作るために必要だという話であることは分かるのですが、この「the building block of hair」という表現がこの手の話題ではよく出てきます。どう訳したらスマートでしょうか?ご教授いただけたら幸いです。

  • この文章の和訳をお願いします。

    For regions where |b_i~|≦5.7, we have the same pattern in ⊿b~ and ⊿e~ as those for the case e_i~=0; i.e., they jump discontinuously by a bit change of δ* (see Fig.8). In the same manner as described for e_i~=0 we have tried to decompose up these discontinuous bands. Unfortunately we cannot succeed either in the complete decomposition, because there seems to exist an infinite series of the fine structure. But contributions of the fine structure to the average values, such as <⊿b~> and <⊿e~> are found to be negligible too. In Figs.9 (a) and (b) the average values of <⊿b~> and <⊿e~> are illustrated as a function of b_i~, where <⊿b~> and <⊿e~> are defined as <⊿b~>=(1/2π)∫⊿b~dδ* (3.8) and <⊿e~>=(1/2π)∫⊿e~dδ*, (3.9) respectively. Fig.8. Some discontinuous bands of the change of the impact parameter for continuous variation of δ* with b_i~=3.0 and with e_i~4. Fig.9. (a) The change of the impact parameter, <⊿b~> and (b) the change of the eccentricity, <⊿e~> averaged over the parameter δ* for various values of b_i~ between -10 and 10 with e_i~=4. http://www.fastpic.jp/images.php?file=2049108297.jpg ↑Fig.8. http://www.fastpic.jp/images.php?file=5493230572.jpg7 ↑Fig.9. (a) and (b) 長文ですが、よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳していただきたい

    ・I don't think I can meet you at six tomorrow night because we have a lot of extra work this month. extra work は余分な仕事でいいのでしょうか? ・Both the winner and the loser of the latest election deserve praise for showing that they are both exellent and reliable politicians. for showingあたりが・・・ ・He wasn't much use, and none of the other staff is either. 全体的に・・・ ・I'd say that twenty dollar is too much for the necktie. I'd sayがわからないんです。 4文ですがお願いします。

  • シンプルな文書の和訳をお願いします。

    can you send me bill of sale sew I can pay for item and shipping Of item and price is 50 dollears .

  • 和訳の質問です。

    下記2分の和訳を教えていただけないでしょうか。 よろしくお願いいたします。 ・Russia and Turkey are again the year's hotter markets, representing 42 percent of total anticipated growth for 2015, according to CBRE. ・In western Europe caution will rule. According to CBRE, most construction there this year involves refurbishment and extensions, and these represent only 8 percent of total new gross leasable area. "It's mostly around refreshing the center and trying to reposition the tenant mix."

  • この英文の和訳がどうしてもできない・・・・

    I found that he acted peculiar behavior of some kind and for some individualu it may dominate his mind. という英文があったのですが、「behavior of some kind and for some 」のところがよくわからず、 うまく訳せません。and for someは何に続く and for someなんでしょう?peculiar behavior ですか? 私なりに訳すと・・・・私は、彼がいくつかの奇妙な行動と彼の心を支配するいくつかの個人のための行動を発見した という意味の分からない文になってしまいました。。。。 ご助言のほどお願いします。