• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • ddeana
  • ベストアンサー率74% (2976/4019)



  • ざっと和訳をお願いします

    I would like to know why you describe the razor width as 17.3 to 18. Is it because the razor is shorter at the heel and wider at the tip? This would mean that the edge is not perfectly straight.

  • ざっくりと和訳をお願いいたします。

    The edge of the razor hasn't yet been sharpened even once, And not a single piece of rust can be found on the razor's surface. Brand-new items are extremely precious.

  • ざっくり和訳してください。

    I'd really like to know, what in the name of all that is holy makes this razor worth that much money? I can't even fathom paying that much, unless I were so rich I could just use money to start a fire. Please enlighten me. Thanks, and no offense meant

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    和訳をお願いします。 Greg Stone, a scientist studying ocean life, says the day will come when we will find new animals and make other discoveries we cannot even imagine. "We won't know what it holds until we get there", he says.

  • 若干、長文ですがおおまかな内容を教えてください。

    クレームのメールのようです。よろしくお願いします。 I did a HHT (hanging hair test) and I don´t think it´s sharp enough (for being honed by a professional). The real test will be the shave test, but if this one isn´t sharp enough, I don´t want my other razor, I won, from you to be honed, I´ll do that myself. The razor also was honed "tip heavy", more metal was removed at the tip (and spine/back) compared to the rest of the edge (spine/back). Please se pic/link - prob becuase the one who honed it used his index finger to press down the tip against the hone. I don´t know how to solve this (I had to pay customs, so it´s not just to ship it back), please advice.

  • 和訳をお願いします

    何となくは分かるのですが、きちんとした意味までは掴めないので詳細教えていただきたいです。 Do you know something? My happiness in life lies in little things. When you found someone. Someone who you were willing to forgive for anything, who could make you laugh and smile all the way home, holding your hand even while driving. Whose face you could spend all day looking at without saying anything and still felt you never had enough of. whom you could run your fingers through his hair until he almost fell asleep. The sight of him first thing you woke up was most memorable. I know this relationship must end someday. It is not supposed to be in the first place. Your charm will kill me someday. Thank you for having come into my life. I wish for us to have more time together. I love to touch your hair. And to steal a glance at your eyes. I know I'll miss you for a long long time. I’m sorry to make you feel so sad. You’re the best thing that ever happended in my life. Thank you again and thank you for everything.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    During the mobile operations of 1914, armies which operated in enemy territory were forced to rely on wireless communication to a far greater extent than anticipated, having expected to use telegraph, telephones and dispatch riders. None of the armies had established cryptographic systems adequate to protect wireless transmissions from eavesdropping; all of the attacking armies sent messages containing vital information in plain language. From September to November 1914, the British and French intercepted c. 50 German messages, which showed the disorganisation of the German command in mid-September and the gap between the 1st and 2nd armies on the eve of the Battle of the Marne. Similar plain language messages and some decodes of crudely coded German messages, gave warnings to the British of the times, places and strengths of eight attacks of four corps or more, during the Race to the Sea and the subsequent battles in Flanders. Both sides tried to advance, after the "open" northern flank had disappeared, Franco-British attacks towards Lille in October were followed by attacks of the BEF, Belgians and a new French Eighth Army. A German offensive began on 21 October but the 4th and 6th armies were only able to take small amounts of ground, at great cost to both sides, at the Battle of the Yser (16–31 October) and further south at Ypres. Falkenhayn then attempted to achieve the limited goal of capturing Ypres and Mount Kemmel, from (19 October – 22 November). By 8 November, Falkenhayn accepted that the advance along the coast had failed and that taking Ypres was impossible. The French and Germans had failed to assemble forces near the northern flank swiftly enough to obtain a decisive advantage. Attacks had quickly been stopped and the armies had then improvised field defences, against which attacks were repulsed with many more casualties. By the end of the First Battle of Ypres, both sides were exhausted, short of ammunition and suffering from collapses in morale; some infantry units refused orders. The mutual failure in Flanders, led both sides to elaborate the improvised field fortifications of 1914, which made a return to mobile warfare even less likely. In November, Falkenhayn reconsidered German strategy, because the failures on the Yser and at Ypres, showed that Germany lacked the forces in the west to obtain a decisive victory; Vernichtungsstrategie and a dictated peace were beyond German resources.

  • 英文の和訳

    英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで お願いできますでしょうか? 2つの段落になりますが、 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 Life is a journey, a path through the stars, and through fate. There are times when that path is dark lonely and silent and other times when it is suffused with love, well being. Compared to this love, all other love will seem humdrum and mundane. Soul Mate love is a seductive world of heightened emotions, and all consuming desire. It is the most intense relationship that you will ever experience on earth. An attraction that will seem to touch other levels. When you meet he will seem familiar to you even though you will never have met before, you’ll feel that you ought to know him. As if he is someone from the recesses of your subconscious memory, just out of reach. A memory that won't surface. Intense, as the attraction is. There are two sides to these feelings, there is the surging hopes that stir you, and make life wonderful, when you get some encouragement from him and there is also the dark side the days of uncertainty that all love brings but which are felt more intently too with a Soul Bond.

  • 和訳をお願いいたします

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたに。 お願いできますでしょうか? 多分身体についての内容だと思いますが、 難解度は不明です。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 His neck is lean muscular and long, the skin at the back of the neck may be a little redder, neat the hair line. He holds his head in the upright straight position. The face I have described. The back of the neck is broad and red looking. His shoulders straight and thick, the shoulder blades being well covered with muscle. His skin has a lingering warmth to the touch, hot and dry. His chest and trunk are ordinary. The back lean and long. He has a lean spare hard dry muscular frame, a poker straight spine and a face to match, though it is more mellow and a demeanor that speaks of good health and robust strength. He One who carries himself erect. Both silent looking and at ease, as though poverty or hardship has never made its make on him. A classy frame and manner.

  • 高校英語の英文和訳お願いいたします!

    少し長いのですがお願いします。 自力で訳してみたものの、ところどころ関係詞で苦戦しています。。。 (1)The biggest trick that older brains employ is to use both sides of the brain at the same time to handle tasks for which younger brains rely on mainly one side. Electronic images taken by cognitive scientists at the University of Michigan, for example, have slown that even when doing basic recognition or memorization exercises, seniorsexploit the left and right brain more extensively than more men and women who are decades younger. Depending on both sides of the brain gives them a tactical advantage, even if the pure speed of each side's processing is slower. (2)Animal experiments prove that an undamaged nerve cell can take over the functions of a neighboring nerve cell that has become damaged or that has simply declined with time. The brain creats ways to keep itself sharp by making these kinds of adjustments on a widespread scale over time. お願いいたします!!!