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  • 英語の文法ミス教えてください

    Historically, capital punishment has been for murder is widely used all over the world. A lot of people believe that capital punishment can refrain a case of murder, however, opponents believe the capital punishment is evil. There are three reasons, considering its immoral, not effective and practical aspects. First, capital punishment is immoral. Opponents believe that a thought of killing murder is a bad thing, even murders killed people. They always regard killing people as evil. Second, opponents insist that capital punishment is absolutely ineffective way of stopping the case of murder. According to scholar, they clamed that the death penalty is only as effective as the long-term imprisonment. Third, the death penalty is unfair. Racial prejudice sometimes makes judgment unfair. For example, white people tend to give a big penalty to black or another colors.

  • この一文を教えてください。

    Between the ages of 20 and 30, as people get married and have children, they start to value time spent with their families more and more highly. In contrast to this, as people pass the age of 40, they no longer feel as strong a need to increase family time. この文のthey no longer feel as strong a need to increase family time.がわからないので教えていただけませんでしょうか。feel as という熟語でしょうか。文法や構造を教えてください。よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英語の文法チェックしてください

    Especially, Australian people are more individualism than Japanese. We tend to care about what people think about. On the other hand, Australian is more likely to do whatever they want. Also, they value their own individuality. I do not know that was good for us, but I just changed my mind after knowing their thinking, and now I always do whatever I want to try as much as possible because my life can not repeat. Anyway, all of my experiences in Australia were amazing for me. The most unforgettable experience over there was learning to appreciate my parents because they always cared about me, and support me all the time. Now, my family is the most precious treasure to me. なにか文法のミスを指摘してもらえるとうれしいです

  • 英語の和訳

    学生なのですが 英語の和訳がわからないので よかったら教えてください! People often feel that cats are staring at them. Perhaps this is because cats'eyesare very big. Compared to their body size,they have the biggest eyes of all mammals. They can see six times better in the dark than people can. Cat owners also find that their pets spend a lot of time sleeping. Both domestic and wild cats sleep for sixteen to twenty hours a day. Sometimes cats which are playing suddenly lie down and fall asleep. But they can wake up right away and be ready to chase their prey at any time. Cat owners love watching their cats play with a string or a ball. It's true that humans first tamed cats because they were useful. But today,we keep cats as pets because they have cute looks and mysterious personalities. よろしくお願いします

  • 日本語に訳してほしいです。

    Reunions are interesting parties. It's usually a group of people who were all together some time in the past, trying to come together again to relive something of what they once had. They are usually somewhat more generously proportioned now, possibly a great deal, uh, more experienced and possess faces and bodies with a lot more, shall we Say, character? What really counts is that these are all friends united in a common cause of memory and everyone should avoid saving things like (Good Godl Look at you! What happened ?" Still, they're not the same people about them in the car on the way to the reunion.Aren't we all looking we expected to see while thinking for the old faces and the old bodies, and to hear a lot of the old jokes? We expect to pick right up where we left off. Of course, no one remembers what it was really like.

  • 英語の文法ミス指摘してください

    Drinking alcohol is a controversial issue. The reading section clam that drinking sometimes made you addicted and give a serious problems to your healthy situation. For example, drinkers are more often have a heart attack. In case of pregnant, drinking is absolutely bad because drinking cause premature birth. On the other hand, the lecture believes that moderate drinking make you better. For example, some studies show us that light drinkers has less risk to become a hear attack then people who do not drink at all. What is more, in case of moderate drinkers have much less risk than non-drinkers.

  • 英語の訳をお願いします!!

    So you can see why I believe that Americans are obsessed with time. All of the Americans I know have wristwatches, but many of my Latino friends don't regularly wear one.I don't, Americans are always setting their watches, making sure the time is 'exact.' I once heard two American students arguing about what time it was.One said, 'It's 3:45.' The other said,'No,It's not! It's 3:48, you idiot!'That's how Americans think about time.It's the most important thing in their lives. People do think about time differently after all.It seems to me,thought, that the American and Latino students do everything they're supposed to do.They work and study about the same amount. But the Latinos don't feel as pressured by time as the Americans do. It's no wonder that Americans are so stressed out.

  • 英語の並び替え問題がわからないので教えて下さい。

    【問題】 世間には暇がなくて読書できないとこぼす人が多い。 a/that/cannot/to/people/of/they/time/complain/find/lot/read よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語教えてください

    My research revealed that lucky people scored much higher than unlucky people on a dimension of personality known as extroversion.Extroverts are far more sociable than introverts.They enjoy spending time visiting friends and going to parties,and tend to ( ) to jobs that involve working with other people. ( )に入れるもので(1)attract (2)be attracted (3)be attracting (4)be attractiveがあります。 答えは(2)ですがなぜかわかりません。 親切で英語わかって優しいかた、他の選択肢の何が悪いか、などを含めて教えてください!!

  • 英語の文を日本語にしてください。

    (1)Even people in their 40s and 50s feel their memory starting to slip. "Why can`t I remember names?" they sigh. "Where did I put my keys?" With the passing of the years, the question move from annoyance to concern. (2)Leisure is a very important topic, for several reasons. Many people spend more time at their leisure than at work; many find their leisure more satisfying than their work; leisure can be a major source of happiness and of mental and physical health. よろしくお願いします。