• ベストアンサー



  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

> A child to a man says only pure words that he can.  A child says only pure words that he can say to a man ということでは?  子どもは自分が言える純粋な言葉だけを大人に語る > He's too late the man he knows it he said.  He's too late when the man who knows it said. かも。  そのことを知っている大人が (こう) 言った時には (気がつくのが?) 遅すぎる


  • 英文の和訳をお願いします

    映画のとあるシーンです。 普通の人とは違う特殊なものが見える人が、オカルトショップを経営しています。 その店に、変わった男が訪ねてきました。 その時のことを、経営者が思い出しながら話している、という状況です。 He came to my shop. He said he sees it too. He said I can help him stop what's coming... ... that what I saw is salvation. A salvation that some people wants to stop. He said I can help him and I should see what he sees to understand. What I saw was those he killed a long time ago and those he will kill in the future. He just looked at me, sad, and said that he knows my decision before I even say it. He gave me this mashine. He said to use it if the vision changes back.

  • 英文和訳

    構文が読み取れないので文法的に教えてください。 Speech is so familiar a feature od daliy life that we rarely pause to difine it. It seems as natural to man as walking, and only less so than breathing. 和訳はあるのでなんとなく分かります。しかし、倒置などいろいろと文法的要素が詰まっているので出来る限り解説してください。 as natural to man as というのはas asの間にこのような感じにto~がが入ることがあると理解しておけばよいでしょうか。 and only less so than breathing.これ「呼吸するに比べてわずかに自然でないとはいえ」と訳出していますが、よくわかりません。 御願いします。

  • 簡単な文章ですが、構造を教えてください。

    he is a very friendly man who is only too happy to help people. という文章の訳が、 「彼は喜んで人の助けになるような親しみやすい人だよ。」 と何故なるのでしょうか。 too~ to構文があるのがわかるのですが、 「あまりに幸せすぎて人を助けることができない」 と解釈してしまうのですが、どのように考えたらいいのでしょうか。

  • 英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えてください

    英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えていただきたいです よろしくお願いします!! 20The year 1953 had begun particularly successfully for Adenauer as regards foreign policy. 21On 19 March the Bundestag had ratified the treaty of the European Defence Community (EDC). 22Only France’s signature was missing. 25Above and beyond that, uncertainty about the consequences of a possible intervention was too great. 26Only when, in the next few days, he came under pressure to act did Adenauer address a telegram to the heads of government of the Western Allies on 21 June.

  • 何度も投稿して恐縮ですが、どなたか下記の英文を和訳して頂けますか?

    何度も投稿して恐縮ですが、どなたか下記の英文を和訳して頂けますか? 正確さを欠くため、自動翻訳機による翻訳はなしでお願い致します. The identities of the dead and injured were not immediately available. Larry Nickey,a Grand Canyon National Park Fire Department captain,said there was fuel in the plane's cockpit area but the wreck age did not catch fire. Nickey said fire fightersvcut out the plane's bottom to free a man and a woman.He said they were the only two still alive in the plane when he arrived.

  • 英文を和訳してください。

    和訳お願いします。 An old man died and left son a lot of money. But the son was a foolish young man, and he quickly spent all the money, so that soon he had nothing left. Of course, when that happened, all his friends left him. When he was quite poor and alone, he went to see Nasreddin, who was a kind, clever old man and often helped people when they had troubles. `My money has finished and my friends have gone, `said the young man. `What will happen to me now?` `don't worry, young man, `answered Nasreddin. `Everything will soon be all right again. Wait, and you will soon feel much happier.`

  • 英文の和訳をお願いいたします

    以下の英文を和訳をしていただけるかたのみで、 お願いできますでしょうか? 多分引き続き外観の内容だと思いますが、 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 Altogether he could be said to have a good figure. He has health and vitality and is more muscle but of a refined kind, lean than fat. A man who stands elegantly but has posture and poses, looks fit but not athletic, more like one who moves with the dance of life He has a freshness.. His mannerisms and movements have a bounce, a flourish, but can be awkward, angular, aristocratic, relaxed and stately all at the same time. A man who some people may dislike. A nobody pretending to be somebody else, you might say. But he has a certain aura, a quiet strength amid peace and tranquility.

  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳をお願いします 1.He only listens to what please him. 2.The man and his horse that fell into the river were drowned. よろしくお願いします

  • 文の構造と和訳がわかりません・・・

    文の構造と和訳がわからなく困っています・・ That may be too bad;what is worse,however,is for us to pretend we like what we cannnot. I would rather hear a man say,゛I like George Bernard Shaw better than Shakespeare,゛if he means that honestly,than hear him praise Shakespeare with lips but not his heart. howeverの後ろのisの主語やwhatの品詞などわからなくて和訳も出来ません。文が挿入されてたり上手くいきません。どうか詳しく教えて下さい。本当におねがいします!

  • 英文の和訳

    英文の和訳をしていただけるかた のみで、お願いできますでしょうか? 抽象的かもしれませんが どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 On the day you meet he will impress you, and in the days and hours afterwards he will haunt you. That is the only word for it. He will make an impact on the depth of your being that barely registers, except that in the time that follows you will not be able to think of any man but him.. He will seem striking, alluring in some way that you cannot fathom, and which has nothing to do with his looks, as though a chord is struck in your deeper soul, or the innermost chambers of your being. You will recognize him, not only from the description, which is in a sense quite bland, but something inside of you will be mesmerized. All day and days afterwards he will have stamped his indelible impression on your mind and you’ll keep thinking back to him, to the meeting, to the man, to the warm kindling feeling inside of you. Like a curtain of a dream it will drop across you life. It will be that mystical, that beautiful, yet real and solid too.