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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:以下の英文を訳してください。)

Unveiling the Truth: Examining Essay-Writing Strategies


  • ベストアンサー
  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

All they learned (he said) was a vocabulary of okay words for essay-writing, which they strung together in arbitrary order, relying on the fact that an examiner pressed for time would not actually read what they had written but would scan down the pages looking for these words. He didn't mean to be taken very seriously but it struck me that we could test this hypothesis in practice.  * arbitary → arbitrary ですね。  「(彼の言うところによると) エッセイを書くにあたって、彼らは当り障りのない語句を適当な順番に並べることを考えた。というのは、時間に追われている採点者はどんな内容が書かれているのかを読むのではなくて、語句を拾って上から下までざっと目を通すだけだからというのだ。まぁ、彼はそれを本気にしたわけではないが、私はこのことを実地に試してみようと思いついた」  


  • 以下の日本文を英文にして頂きたく思います。

    I told a press that"You wrote on your newspaper article that no less than 100000 demonstrators paticipated in the rally,but in fact, at most 30000 people did ,didn't they?. He replied "Yes they did. Actually I/we overestemated the number of the paticipants because those people were so busy with thire work that they could't.do it. But we needed to ran that story for the sake of convying thire opinions ,whether they were there or not, through our ariticle." 「あなたは記事で十万人もデモ隊はその集会に参加したと書いたけど。実際は多くても30000人でしょ?と記者に聞いたら、「そうでした(参加者は3万人)。実際にそういう人たち(参加しなかった人たち)は仕事が忙しすぎて参加できなかったので参加者数を多く見積もりました。しかし彼らの意見を伝えるためにいるかいないか に関係なくその記事を載せる必要があったんです。」 のような感じですが、よろしくお願いします。 特に時制や福地の用法、他の表現がありましたら教えて頂ければ幸いですし、日本文を英文にして頂ければ更に助かります。

  • 以下の英文を訳して下さい。

    Alfred von Schlieffen, Chief of the Imperial German General Staff (Oberste Heeresleitung OHL) from 1891–1906 devised a number of plans that called for winning a decisive battle against the French army in Germany, Belgium or France as the war-situation required. Aufmarsch I West was a contingency plan for a Franco-German war, in which France (due to fewer numbers) would be on the defensive and Germany would attack by invading Belgium between Antwerp and Namur and then advancing south to breach the Verdun–Marne–Paris defensive area. German forces would then hold there until rail-supply could be restored and sufficient stocks of ammunition and food built up, in preparation for a second offensive operation. Helmuth von Moltke the Younger succeeded Schlieffen in 1906 and became convinced that an isolated Franco-German war was impossible and that Italian and Austro-Hungarian forces would not be available to defend the Franco-German border as originally planned. Under Moltke, Aufmarsch I was retired but in 1914 he attempted to apply the offensive strategy of Aufmarsch I to the deployment plan Aufmarsch II and the two-front war it anticipated,

  • 英文和訳

    Many of the new Iraqi leaders, including the president, Sheik Yawar, said they would insist that Iraqis be given "full sovereignty," meaning that the government could do more or less whatever it wanted. And they said talks would begin immediately on the influence over American combat operations. But in more subdued moments, some Iraqi leaders said they realized that the presence of more than 100,000 foreign troops would make that goal difficult to achieve. 上記のうち But in more subdued moments, はどう訳せばよいのですか?

  • 以下の英文についてお尋ねします。DEGa

    I just watched that comedy show that you recommended on DVD . On the program ,as you’d told me he was struggling with a situation in which he had to get to allocated directions as a task given to him without speaking Japanese in Canad and trying in speaking broken English desperately to make himself understood. But he barely reached them in the end. It was really worth watching for me, thanks. trying inとありますが、単にtry doingとするのとの差は何でしょうか? また、「君が勧めてくれたDVDに録画したそのcomedy showを見たよ」とする場合、(日本語的に不自然かもしれませんが)I just watched that comedy show recorded on DVD that you recommended とすると、thatの先行詞がDVDになるので違和感があるのですが、どのように修正すれば文意をなすでしょうか? 意訳を入れて説明して頂ければ幸いです。

  • 以下の英文を添削して頂きたく思います。demo

    I told a newz nreporter that"You wrote on your newspaper article that no less than 100000 demonstrators paticipated in the rally,but in fact, at most 30000 people did ,didn't they?. He replied "Yes they did. Actually I/we overestemated the number of the paticipants because those people were so busy with thire work that they could't.do it. But we needed to ran that story for the sake of convying thire opinions ,whether they were there or not, through our ariticle." 「あなたは記事に十万人もデモ隊はその集会に参加したと書いたけど、実際は多くても30000人でしょ?とある記者に聞いたら、彼は「そうでした(参加者は3万人)。実際にそういう人たち(参加しなかった人たち)は仕事が忙しすぎて参加できなかったので参加者数を多く見積もりました。しかし彼らの意見を伝えるためにいるかいないかに関係なくその記事を載せる必要があったんです。」 のような感じですが口語的な表現にしようと考えたのですが、AにBを聞く(Bはt節)ですが、どのような表現方法がありますでしょうか? 特に時制や副詞の用法、他の表現がありましたら教えて頂ければ幸いですし、日本文を英文にして頂ければ更に助かります。

  • 以下の英文について教えてください。

    With his usual frankness he said to Genji: "I wonder whether you have had any answer. I must confess that as an experiment I too sent a mild hint, but without any success, so I have not repeated it." "So he too has been trying his hand," thought Genji, smiling to himself. "No," he answered aloud, "my letter did not need an answer, which was perhaps the reason that I did not receive one." From this enigmatic reply Chujo deduced that Genji had been in communication of some kind with the lady and he was slightly piqued by the fact that she had shown a preference between them. Genji's deeper feelings were in no way involved, and though his vanity was a little wounded he would not have pursued the matter farther had he not known the persuasive power of Chujo's style, and feared that even now she might overcome her scruples and send him a reply. 源氏物語の『末摘花』からの抜粋です。 1人の女性、"末摘花"を巡って源氏と頭中将(源氏の義兄、恋敵)が会話をしている場面です。 以下の個所について教えてください。 【though his vanity was a little wounded he would not have pursued the matter farther had he not known the persuasive power of Chujo's style, and feared that even now she might overcome her scruples and send him a reply.】 この英文の前半の構造ですが though his vanity was a little wounded he would not have pursued the matter farther had he not known the persuasive power of Chujo's style though his vanity was a little wounded たとえ彼の虚栄心が少し傷つけられても he would not have pursued the matter farther 彼はその事を更に追求しなかっただろう となると思うのですが その後の had he not known the persuasive power of Chujo's styleの部分が倒置のようにも思え、よくわかりません。また前の部分とのつながりはどのように読んでいけばよいのでしょうか? また後半の feared that even now she might overcome her scruples and send him a reply. この部分は、he would not have feared that even now she might ~と読むのでしょうか? 【】の部分の訳はどのようになるのでしょうか? よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 以下の英文訳がわかりません。

    That which a person did not burn for in his young days, he will not easily work for as a man どういう文法でしょうか?

  • 以下の英文について教えてください。

    From time to time he saw Omyobu, but though he still implored her to arrange a meeting, none of his many arguments availed him. He also pestered her with so many questions about the child that she exclaimed at last: "Why do you go on plaguing me like this? You will be seeing him for yourself soon, when he is shown at Court." But though she spoke impatiently she knew quite well what he was suffering and felt for him deeply. The matter was not one which he could discuss except with Fujitsubo herself, and it was impossible to see her. Would he indeed ever again see her alone or communicate with her save through notes and messengers? And half-weeping with despair he recited the verse: "What guilty intercourse must ours have been in some life long ago, that now so cruel a barrier should be set between us?" 源氏物語の『The Festival of Red Leaves』(紅葉賀)からの抜粋です。 藤壺が源氏との不義の子供を出産した後の、源氏と、藤壺のお付きの女房(=王命婦)とのやりとりの場面です。 上記の英文の中でわからない個所があります。 (一番最後の英文です) "What guilty intercourse must ours have been in some life long ago, that now so cruel a barrier should be set between us?" 意味は現代訳を参照して大体掴んでいるのですが、that now so cruel a barrier ~のthatは何かを指しているものなのでしょうか? それとも文法的に置かれているものなのでしょうか? 解説していただける方、よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えてください

    英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えていただきたいです よろしくお願いします!! 3They publicly expressed their horror at the brutality and made it known to the East Germans that they sympathized with their fate. 4The Western press made a great show of supporting those who took part in the uprising and gave the impression that there would be Western involvement and help, but this impression that there would be Western involvement and help, but this impression was deceptive. 8The inactivity of Great Britain must be seen in the light of this stance. 15Adenauer was taken aback by popular uprising. 16He was at a loss about both the origin and the extent of the potential for protest.

  • 以下の英文を訳して下さい。

    Zionism was first discussed at a British Cabinet level on 9 November 1914, four days after Britain's declaration of war on the Ottoman Empire. David Lloyd George, then Chancellor of the Exchequer "referred to the ultimate destiny of Palestine." Lloyd George's law firm Lloyd George, Roberts and Co had been engaged a decade before by the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland to work on the Uganda Scheme. In a discussion after the meeting with fellow Zionist and President of the Local Government Board Herbert Samuel, Lloyd George assured him that "he was very keen to see a Jewish state established in Palestine." Samuel then outlined the Zionist position more fully in a conversation with Foreign Secretary Edward Grey. He spoke of Zionist aspirations for the establishment in Palestine of a Jewish state, and of the importance of its geographical position to the British Empire. Samuel's memoirs state: "I mentioned that two things would be essential—that the state should be neutralized, since it could not be large enough to defend itself, and that the free access of Christian pilgrims should be guaranteed. ... I also said it would be a great advantage if the remainder of Syria were annexed by France, as it would be far better for the state to have a European power as neighbour than the Turk." The same evening, Prime Minister H. H. Asquith announced in a speech that the dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire had become a war aim, "It is the Ottoman Government, and not we who have rung the death knell of Ottoman dominion not only in Europe but in Asia."