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直訳調でいくと(カッコ内は私の補足です)、 「こんにち、ホワイトカラー職(管理職)の不安定さ(雇用が安定しないこと)は、株式市場が落ち込めば(失業率が)上がり、株価が回復すれば(失業率が)下がるといったふうに、景気循環の関数であるのではない(景気が良ければ安定し、景気が悪いとクビが増えるということではない)。また、通信事業やハイテク産業といった浮き沈みの激しいセクター(事業領域)に限られたことでもないし、国内のいくつかの地域に限られたことでもないのである。」 もうちょっと意訳的にしてみると、 「現代においては、ホワイトカラー層の雇用は安定していないが、それは、株式市場が落ち込めば不安定になり、株価が持ち直せば安定するといったふうに、景気循環との関係で左右されているわけではない。また、通信やハイテクといった浮沈の激しいセクターだけとか、国内のいくつかの限られた地域でだけ不安定だというわけでもない。」 といったところでしょうか。





  • 英文 

    こんにちわ。 This interpretation of events would be plausible if gross world product had remained roughly constant , with a rising share going to the powerful regions and a declining share going to poorer regions. この英文で with以下の文章とそれ以前の文章のつながりがわかりません。 このwith が付帯状況のwithであり、going to のあとに動詞が省略されているのはわかるのですが、それは remain roughly constant なのかどうかもわかりません。 わかる方がいらっしゃたらお教えください。

  • 英文の翻訳をお願いします

    長文で恐縮ですが、 英文の和訳をお願いします。 He will attract money. He has little understanding of the depth of human greed cupidity and envy, jealousy. He is weak willed where friendships or illicit unions are concerned, the combination will bring about his rune. Not everyone will understand his motives and will think he is only concerned with pleasure and falls victim to it, for he has a sense of gaiety, fun, and independence or unconventionality, but it is also circumstance, not shallowness or weakness that place her in difficult relationships. Unfortunate or foolish in human relationships or marriage. But in other area s of life successful. He can brighten up drab days and difficult surroundings and likes to add color to life, he has much energy that way, but will help others and will do them with no great fuss or bother, and won't expect praise or recognition. For this reason he has many good qualities but they tend to get taken for granted, while his minor falls from grace get noticed..

  • 英文の翻訳をお願いします

    タイトルの通り英文の翻訳をお願いします。 翻訳をお願いする2文はイギリス政治について書かれたもので、本文は以下の通りです。 1. Before 1997, few people in Britain spoke of spin, or spin doctors, soundbites or control freaks - all American terms that entered the language around this time. 2. A spin doctor is someone who coaches a pitcher in the art of deceiving the player on strike with the degree of rotation put on the ball. です。 1の本文の中でも、spin、spin doctors、soundbites、control freaksの意味が解りませんでした。また、ハイフン以降の文も解釈出来ていません。 2はwith以降の文が上手く訳せません。 お手数ですが、お時間ありましたらご回答お願い致します。

  • 英語が得意なjかたこの英文の和訳をしていただけませんか

    This is because plants support various living things in the environment. At present, there are 25 regions in the world that have been classified as hot spots. Together, the combined land area of these regions dose not exceed 1.4% of the total land area of the earth, but over 60% of the earth’s land creatures are distributed in these regions. However, 70% of the original plant life in these regions has been lost. Furthermore, in the areas where species are declining, it has been reported that more than 90% of the original species have disappeared. Japan is a country with many forests and 67% of the land area of the country consists of forests.

  • 英文を翻訳してください。

    大体は内容が分かったのですが、正確に解りたい為 翻訳をお願いします。(長文です。) The vast majority of our line is permitted for use manufacturing. No license fee is required. However please be aware -- We do have a few licensed designs that are intended "for personal use only". These fabrics are marked as such on the selvage edge. The restriction applies to the manufacturing and sale of finished goods made out of the fabric. Please note that our line changes frequently; fabrics are discontinued, designer contracts end, and new designers and fabrics are added on a rolling basis. This is why the selvage edge is the best way to check if the fabric you are using is restricted in any way. Here are the prefixes of some artist-licensed style numbers to avoid if you are concerned with restrictions in manufacturing. Please note this list could change in the future. BRIAN-C (discontinued) KYLA-C - (discontinued) JESSIE-C - only restricted for kitchen textile products (discontinued) GREG-C (discontinued) CASKATA-C - (discontinued) COLLIN-C - (discontinued) NEWFY-C - (discontinued) NW-C - (discontinued) In case you are interested, here's a little more information behind this - The royalty an artist earns on fabric by the yard is not the same as a royalty they would earn on finished products (handbags, bedding, or other mass manufactured items made of fabric). The artist does not want to interfere with current or future licensing opportunities for other fabric products. When you buy our prints that are licensed from these artists, you are welcome to make a quilt, give a quilt or bag as a gift, donate to a project charity, or present your project in a quilt show or book. It is the reselling of tote bags, finished quilts, tablet covers, etc. that is prohibited. Some of the artists may be willing to allow you to produce a limited amount of items for resale on Etsy or a craft fair, but you would have to request a licensing agreement for that product directly with the artist. Credit to Timeless Treasures Fabrics is always very much appreciated in item listings/descriptions of the finished goods if possible, but is not required.

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    Liaison between divisional engineers and artillery had been poor, advanced guards had not known the importance of reporting on the condition of roads, ground and the accuracy of maps; the cavalry element of advanced guards was also criticised for hesitancy although in contrast, Charles Bean, the Australian Official Historian, concluded that the advanced troops of I Anzac Corps had been sent out on a limb. Falls rejected claims that British methods were predictable, noting that attacks had been made at dawn, noon, afternoon and at night. Bombardments had been fired before some attacks, during attacks on other occasions, on call from the infantry or were dispensed with. Attacks had been made indirectly, using ground for cover and a number of outflanking moves had succeeded. Combined operations with infantry, cavalry, cyclists, armoured cars and aircraft had also occurred.

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    In the end, two mines were blown before the attack, while three mines and two Wombat charges were fired to support the attack, including those forming a northern flank. Trench raiding involved making small-scale surprise attacks on enemy positions, often in the middle of the night for reasons of stealth. All belligerents employed trench raiding as a tactic to harass their enemy and gain intelligence. In the Canadian Corps trench raiding developed into a training and leadership-building mechanism. The size of a raid would normally be anything from a few men to an entire company, or more, depending on the size of the mission.The four months before the April attack saw the Canadian Corps execute no fewer than 55 separate trench raids. Competition between units even developed with units competing for the honour of the greatest number of prisoners captured or most destruction wrought. The policy of aggressive trench raiding was not without its cost. A large-scale trench raid on 13 February 1917, involving 900 men from the 4th Canadian Division, resulted in 150 casualties. An even more ambitious trench raid on 1 March 1917, once again by the 4th Canadian Division, failed and resulted in 637 casualties including two battalion commanders and a number of company commanders killed.

  • 英文の翻訳をお願いいたします。

    どなたか英文の翻訳をしていただける人が居ましたらぜひお願いいたします。 It could be argued, based on the ideas of Pierre Bourdieu, that the design industry's response to these pressures has been to create, or recapture, a sense of distinction, the set of discourses which emphasises shaping and nurturing 'natural creativity'. It has, in other words, reinvented itself as a form of art, borrowing the trappings of mystique (the tortured lone designer in pursuit of aesthetic truth), the canon (the last of great designers and a chronological design history), the language, the accepted wisdom of taste - and the gatekeepers (the critics the star designers and the teachers) who determine between them an exclusive body of knowledge. These factors have arguably led to a rejection of practice (how to 'do' design) and the critical theories (how to 'do' design) and the critical theories (how design 'works') in favour of the pursuit of design for design's sake, and a language with which to discuss it that excludes those who do not understand it or cannot or do not wish to participate. If this is true, then the end result is a source as well as a site of conflict between different parties. Not only is design in conflict with itself, but it feeds the very conflict the move towards distinction set out to counter. Design is often profoundly misunderstood by the end-user and media. While most people take their clothes to a specialist to have them dry-cleaned, get a builder in to add an extension to their home and a plumber to fix the central heating, many amateurs think they can 'do' design, because the process has been demystified and is much less exclusive, much less something that only an elite few can create and judge. It is a 'chicken-and-egg' situation: the more amateur designers encroach upon professional expertise, the more designers redefine what it is that makes the definition, the more the amateur decides to do it for himself.

  • 英文の翻訳をお願いしますm(_ _)m

    What is the point of short-term memory in everyday life? Textbook writers sometimes argue that it allows us to remember a telephone number for the few seconds taken to dial it. However,even that function is rapidly becoming obsolete now most people have mobile phones that store all the phone numbers needed on a regular basis. In 1974,two British psychologists,Alan Baddeley and Graham Hitch,come up with a convincing answer to the above question.

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    In 2007, Sheldon wrote that although German casualties from 1 June – 10 November were 217,194, a figure available in Volume III of the Sanitätsbericht (1934), Edmonds may not have included them as they did not fit his case. Sheldon recorded 182,396 slightly wounded and sick soldiers not struck off unit strength, which if included would make 399,590 German losses. The British claim to have taken 24,065 prisoners has not been disputed. In 1940, C. R. M. F. Cruttwell recorded 300,000 British casualties and 400,000 German. Wolff in 1958, gave German casualties as 270,713 and 448,688 British. In 1959, Cyril Falls estimated 240,000 British, 8,525 French and 260,000 German casualties. John Terraine followed Falls in 1963 but did not accept that German losses were as high as 400,000. A. J. P. Taylor in 1972, wrote that the Official History had performed a "conjuring trick" on these figures and that no one believed these "farcical calculations". Taylor put British wounded and killed at 300,000 and German losses at 200,000. In 1977, Terraine argued that twenty percent needed to be added to the German figures for some lightly wounded men, who would have been included under British definitions of casualties, making German casualties c. 260,400. Terraine refuted Wolff (1958), who despite writing that 448,614 British casualties was the total for the BEF in the second half of 1917, neglected to deduct 75,681 British casualties for the Battle of Cambrai given in the Official Statistics, from which he quoted or "normal wastage", averaging 35,000 per month in "quiet" periods. Prior and Wilson in 1997, gave British losses as 275,000 and German casualties just under 200,000. Hagenlücke in 1997, gave c. 217,000 German casualties. Sheffield wrote in 2002, that Holmes's guess of 260,000 casualties on both sides seemed about right. Night action of 1/2 December 1917 and Action on the Polderhoek Spur On the night of 24/25 November, two battalions of the 8th Division advanced the line to the ridge crest and a German counterattack on 30 November was a costly failure.