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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:翻訳お願いします)



  • ベストアンサー

We witness a remarkably similar process in the terrorist's construction of the image, including how much slippage is involved in the manifestation and interpretation of those image. テロリストのイメージつくりの過程は全く驚くほど似通っていることが目視できる。つまり 彼らの(事件に関する)表明や(理由の)説明が如何に事実とスリップして居るかがわかる。 The targets on September 11 were chosen as much as images by the terrorists than for any other single reason, more perhaps than as politically or strategically damaging 911事件の攻撃目標は、「どっちが より政治的もしくは戦略的ダメージを加えられるか?」よりは 「どっちがよりイメージが大きいか(目立つか)」で選択された ー - ぶっちゃけ ただの目立ちたがり ということ テロリストが攻撃目標と選択の理由を政治的軍事的なものと言ってはいるが それは実際は(すべっていて、)(嘘で)(ズレていて)本当は「イメージ的にどっちがより凄く目立つか」で選んでいる。 ということ。


  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    In the first month 29 ships totalling 89,517 GRT were sunk, a pace of destruction which was maintained throughout the summer. As the sinkings increased, so too did the number of politically damaging incidents. On 19 February U-8 torpedoed Belridge, a neutral tanker travelling between two neutral ports; in March U-boats sank Hanna and Medea, a Swedish and a Dutch freighter; in April two Greek vessels. In March also, Falaba was sunk, with the loss of one American life, and in April Harpalyce, a Belgian Relief ship, was sunk. On 7 May, U-20 sank RMS Lusitania with the loss of 1,198 lives, 128 of them American citizens.

  • 翻訳お願いします。

    As seen in ABC, spontaneous wetting of a surface can only occur when the surface tension of the liquid is lower than the surface energy of the substrate. 表面活性剤の資料です、宜しくお願いします。 

  • 翻訳お願いします。

    Much has been made of the changes in the automobile market, with China supplanting the United States as the largest car producer in the world, but the transition in the automobile market is but a microcosm of the shifting manufacturing landscape. 宜しくお願いします。

  • 英語の訳をお願いします!!

    In this sense,rice does much better.It contains far less fat than bread, and white rice contains less than one-tenth of the fat in both breads.Protein is a substance our body needs in order to grow and remBesides the mineral above, whole-grain foods have a higher amount of magnesium in brown rice is seven times as much as that in white rice.Whole-wheat bread contains more than three times the amount of it than in white breads.There is also a largeain healty.Both kinds of bread have around four to five times as much protein as both kinds of rice have.

  • more than について

    Americans worked as much as two weeks more a year than workers in some countries . アメリカ人は、いくつかの国の労働者より1年間あたり2週間も多く働いている A more than Bで Bよりさらに多くA ですけど A=as much as two weeks、B=workers in some countries ですよね これで いくつかの国で労働者よりさらに2週間多く ですので しかし比較するものは同類でなければならないんではないでしょうか? 例えば The population of Tokyo is larger than that(the population) of Osaka.のように

  • 翻訳

    お願いします! As you khow,Japan imports only wheat and beef but also many other agricultural products.Japan also imports some industrial products.The water that is used in making such imported products is called "virtual water." Please look at Figure 1,which shows how much virtual water is used in various products.You can see that corns and soyaeans need a large amount of water.Most of these crops are used as feed for cattle raised in Japan. Figure 2 shows the countries from which we are importing virtual water.As you can see,we are importing as much as 64 billion cubic meters in one yer.This is equal to two-thiids of the total use of regular "real" water in Japan.

  • 翻訳してください!

    It maybe, that,in his edition of the Bible, he had more closely followed the version of Tyndale than he had wished, and pressure for the time had induce him to make the New Tastement much less of a new transelation than those portions of the Old had been, which Tyndale also had rendered into English. 自分でもやっては見たんですが、最後のwhich以下がどこに つながっているのかわかりません。。。お願いします。

  • 翻訳をお願いします

    In regards to this match we are awaiting the official confirmation as this was abandoned in the 73rd minute, therefore we aim to settle inline with our sports rules which states; An unplayed or postponed match will be treated as a non-runner for settling purposes unless it is played within 5 days of the original scheduled match time. In which case the bet will stand unless cancelled by mutual consent.

  • 翻訳お願いします><

    Multiple camera angles are used to deconstruct the space as well as time, so each time we revisit the passage of play, it is the same moment of time presented from a different perpective. It does seem rrather overstating the case to call the slow-motion replay in a spoting event a synchronic deconstruction, and yet it is undeniable that something is happening to our sense of time when these 'sub-texts' are presented. Threre is this compulsion to analyse when we witness the slow motion - we are being told that this is a moment of significance and worthy of closer, slower examination. The telecast itself takes such interruptions and rather than losing the sense of the immediacy of the images actually strengthens that sense. 英語できるかた宜しくおねがいします。

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    Intensive hand-to-hand fighting commenced, with both sides taking massive losses. Surrounded, Austro-Hungarian forces were forced to retreat, on the line east of Gorizia, giving Italian forces control of the heavily damaged town.Both sides had taken massive losses, with an estimated of more than 20,000 soldiers killed or missing. Although victorious, Italian losses were much greater than those of the Austro-Hungarians, with around 5,000 of their soldiers killed. This was largely due to the frontal assaults on Austrian positions, which were superior to that of the Italians. Italian generals were eager to crush Austro-Hungarian forces in the area, with the intent of going as far as Ljubljana.