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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:翻訳お願いします)


  • The 8 Pin Chip does get hot witch is to be expected just like any Driver. So a a little heatsink is all thats needed and you should be good to go.
  • DX has changed the schottky diode to an SS14 which is only rated to 1A and should not exceed that in risk of damaging the driver and possibly killing your diode. My original board had the SS34 schottky diode which is rated to 3A. So make sure you know this... If it has an SS34 Diode you're good, but SS14 Not good. I hate when they do this.
  • Please translate the electronics-related discussion. It is about the 8 Pin Chip and the use of schottky diodes in the driver circuit.


  • ベストアンサー

8ピンチップは熱くなることがあるがどんなドライーでもありうること。小さなヒートシンクを取り付けばそれでOK. 編集者:上記ドライバー用にDXはショットキーダイオードをSS14に変更。定格1A、それを超えるとドライバーが壊れたりダイオードがダメになることもあるので注意すること。私のボードは定格3AでSS34のショットキーダイオードがついている。だからこれを知っておくこと、もしSS34がついていれば良いけれどSS14は良くない。彼等がこういうことをするのは気に入らない。






  • 翻訳お願いします

    Sorry I have not gotten to your order yet and this message is to let you know I am leaving on vacation in two days and plan on being back on or about September 1st. Your up when I return though so that is good news Have a good summer

  • 翻訳をお願いします!

    英文を日本語に訳してください。 宜しくお願いします! There is a powerful bond between you. This echoes back to older lives together. And after knowing him your present day life will become changed forever. You will take a step forward and there will be no way to reverse that or to go back. It might be a good step or a bad one, but something new will be created and you will feel slightly altered by it all. There is both dark and light in this love. You also both have a certain need for independence and to feel in control of your own life and emotions, this relationship erodes the edges of that feeling of being in control.. The psychic energies are deep between you. So sometimes things you wish for happen. But you have to be careful what you wish for, wish only good. - This aspect though small and generally referring to small issues can accomplish the seemingly impossible at times.. His Jupiter in your first house in Libra means that he is a man who wants to do the right thing. The good thing, by you. In the charts of single people this nearly always means a marriage, not just a love affair. He is keen to do with he thinks is right. He is kind, generous. He wants your approval and the approval of other people. Being well thought of, of having a good reputation is important to him. He has the need to please you and to feel that you like him and appreciate him. He can be lavish and extravagant may give you expensive gifts His seventh house conjuncts your tenth in Gemini. This is a very promising sign it shows that you will one day begin a business together, and will most likely also live together. The business you begin will either have two distinct branches to it. Or else you may begin your own business while still working in employment, so that for a time there are two sides to your working lives. You will have a secure and modern business, based on your talents and interests. It will work out well.

  • すみません、翻訳これもお願い致します

    It is also a request to respect this union (marriage). My job is to be a provider and try my best to do so. I might not be making a ton of money, but I am trying and continuing to look. Just up and leaving a job is not the answer and is not what a man should do.

  • 翻訳お願いします

    以下翻訳お願いします。どうしても最後の文章がどっちのニュアンスなのか分かりません。DateとPlaceをこれから決めようと言ってるのしょうか? I'm not sure what to say about our situation but just seems quite unreasonable for your mom to act this way? I don't know your mom but I feel this marriage issue is firstly between you and me, secondly this should be a family matter but that is once we decide to set dates and place. よろしくお願いします。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    “But the thing is, what do you do when your lead actor is sick for the play, you get the understudy and the understudy gets a shot. And plus, what signal does that send to Scott? Because hopefully Scott will see this, and go ‘they're moving on without me, maybe I should clean up, maybe I should get a handle on this stuff, maybe I should look at myself for a minute and think to myself, do I really want to be this difficult to work with?’”

  • 英文の翻訳をお願いします。

    ebayで出品している商品に質問が来ました。出品しているものが大好きで取引をしたいと言う事は何となく分かるのですが、自信がありません。どなたか分かる方、翻訳をお願いします。 Thanks sooo much for responding. I would love to make a deal with you. This dorulumon toy you have is a favorite digimon of mine. I live in America so the only way I can get it is online. I saw that you were selling this as well a xros loader. These 2 items are 2 years old and many people already have them so it's hard to get a good deal. However I am a fan and my budget is small so I was wondering if you could sell this to me for free in a bundle with the xros loader and I'll pay full for the xros loader. I saw your high ratings so I wanted to ask this to you. Thanks for your time and please respond back. Again Thanks!!!

  • 翻訳をお願いします。

    よろしくお願いいたします。 インドの方です。勝手に.をつけました。 切る場所が間違っている可能性もあります。 よろしくお願いいたします。 I had written to you earlier also that you will have to use the guide with whom. you are comfortable and he or she knows and understands your work. this has to be totally your decision as . you will have to make him work in your way. Regarding Mr Arora, i think you have to be more happy than him as. he is working for you for which you are paying him. but since he knows your work . you are comfortable. but he should know that in case he has made a mistake. he should be sorry for it and should not Repeat it again. When you come to Darjeeling. you can decide about your Kalimpong programme as. you will be in darjeeling for 10 days.

  • 翻訳お願いします

    That should work fine, you can put the driver in the pill it's big and made from brass so it should make a good heat sink. Since you will only be using one 26650 cell then you will not want an extension tube for this host, I did buy a couple of them just in case I have to go help a friend now so I will finish it tomorrow.

  • 翻訳お願いします

    翻訳していただけるかた、 お願いできますか? よろしくお願いいたします。 I hope the reading has been like a light cast into the shadows, Tomoko, and that it has illuminated parts of the future and the path that this relationship is making. I come now to the end of our time together. However complex and detailed any reading is, it is really just a fragment of ones life. A few aspects of the chart interpreted as this is all there is ever time for. The synastry reading holds within its secret depth both your life and your friends. An infinite web of events, images, feelings, that span great depth and vast extents of time it is not possible in any one reading to show the whole of that picture, just as it is not possible to write your life story on a single sheet of paper. This then is just an insight.

  • 翻訳をお願いします

    こちらの英文を訳していただけないでしょうか? 宜しくお願いします(*'ω'*) His Pluto falls in your second house. This means that during the course of the relationship, he will have a great influence on your income and finances. This may take a long time but it will tend to happen in sudden bouts.. Pluto is the planet of extremes, so every sop often sudden new chapters or great wealth, or adversely deep poverty will descend on the relationship, forcing you to make changes. Bit inwardly in your character and outwardly in your income. The Pluto or aspect means a need to understand one another's desire for autonomy and control in money matters. And the need to build something good out of life. A future that require old financial fears and habits to be left behind. During the course of your life the relationship will have a vast influence on your income and finances. This may take a long time but it will tend to happen in sudden bouts.. Pluto is the planet of extremes, so every so often sudden new chapters of great wealth, or adversely and deep poverty will descend on the relationship, forcing you to make changes, such changes will reverberate down both inwardly in your own character, changing you as a person, and outwardly in the cloth of your income and every day life. For richer, for poorer this aspect tends to take you both down unvisited avenues of life. The Pluto or aspect works very slowly, over a number of years, and may not be apparent at the beginning of the relationship, it is long term. It psychologically also means a need to understand one another's deep desire for autonomy and personal control in money matters. There is the karmic need to build something good out of life. A future that requires old financial fears and habits to be left behind and bold actions

  • 宛名印刷の際にパターンが二重に表示され、二重に印刷されるトラブルが発生しています。
  • 正常に印刷するためには、どのような方法を取れば良いでしょうか?
  • ソースネクスト株式会社の筆王バージョン20の印刷時のトラブルについて、解決方法を教えてください。