• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:翻訳をお願いします!)


  • 海外の展示会でのブース契約のためのガイドラインの一部です。
  • 提出するアートワークには、適切な解像度やサイズ、正確なカラーマッチング情報と証明が必要です。
  • アートワークはCD-ROMまたはDVDでオーバーナイトデリバリーで送信するか、AAAのFTPサイトに投稿することができますが、ハードコピーの証拠とバックアップも必要です。


  • ベストアンサー
  • ddeana
  • ベストアンサー率74% (2976/4019)

私共はあなたのイベントや展示に可能な限り、最高品質のグラフィックスを提供したいと願っております。その為に以下のガイドラインに従いデジタルアートファイルをご提供いただきますようお願いできれば幸いです。もし完璧なすぐに印刷できるように準備が済んでいるファイルをお送りいただいてるのであれば、あなたのグラフィックデザイナーにこの情報をお伝えください。 私共が受理できるアートワークを提出するには、品質の悪い画像を避ける為のファイルの適切な解像度もしくはサイズと、正確な色彩の再現を確かなものとする為の適切なカラーマッチング情報とその裏づけの二つの総合的考察が必要となります。 記載されている受理可能な解析度をもつアートワークは通常Eメールで送るには大きすぎます。 ファイルはCD-ROMかDVDのどちらかにして翌日配達便(もしくは宅配便かもしれません)でお送りください。印刷された確かな証明書はファイルに添付されねばなりません。 ファイルは AAA's FTPのウェブサイトに投稿することもできますが、確かな証明書のコピーとCDもしくはDVDに焼かれたファイルのバックアップは必ず必要です! もし仕上がり、ロゴ、解析度などの関する追加質問がある場合は左側に記載されているグラフィック・マネージャーまで御問い合わせください。



ありがとうございます。スッキリしました~! 全て理解できて助かりました。 またよろしくお願いします。


その他の回答 (1)

  • nyorai1
  • ベストアンサー率0% (0/1)

私たちの要望は、あなたのイベントか展覧品のためにあなたに最良の可能な質グラフィックスを提供することです。 次のガイドラインを使用して、ディジタル芸術ファイルを提供することにより私たちのその努力を手伝うことができます。 私たちに完成し、印刷即座のファイルを送っている場合は、グラフィックデザイナーにこの情報を伝えてください。 従う受理可能な美術品に対する全面的な2つの考慮が、貧弱な品質イメージを回避するファイルの適切な解決あるいはサイズを含んでいる、また適切な色、正確な色再現を保証する一致する情報および証拠。 美術品、それはリストされるような受理可能な解決である、電子メールによって送ることができない(典型的には大きすぎるだろうので、)こと ファイルは、CD-ROMかDVDのいずれかの上の翌日渡しによって送られるべきです。 印刷されたに不利な証拠はファイルに伴う必要があります。 ファイルもAAAのFTPサイトに記入されるかもしれません。しかしながら、CD/DVDの上のファイルのハード・コピー証拠およびバックアップは必要です! 組立て、ロゴ、解決などに関する追加の質問が何かあれば、さらに、左側上でリストされたグラフィックス・マネージャーと連絡をとることができます。 だそうです。



機械翻訳だと、このように意味が通じません・・・ ご苦労様です。



  • 日本語に翻訳お願いします。

    About Freight Forwarders and Hand Carry Using a freight forwarder to ship or hand-carrying items internationally may result in complications not covered by Amazon. If a freight forwarder or hand-carrying is used, the following terms will apply: Amazon won't be responsible for damage, defect, material difference, or loss that occurs to goods after they're delivered to you or a freight forwarder. This means that Amazon isn't able to provide a replacement of, or refund for, any such goods delivered to you or a freight forwarder. You should refuse goods that arrive damaged and instruct freight forwarders to do the same, and goods lost after being received by you or the freight forwarder will be your responsibility. If you (or a freight forwarder you so designate) have a U.S. address, purchase goods from Amazon.com to be shipped to a U.S. location, and then subsequently export the goods, you or the designated freight forwarder are considered the exporter and are solely responsible for compliance with all export and import regulations, including all U.S. export regulations and the import regulations of the destination country. Amazon must not be listed on any export documentation (e.g., export declarations, invoices, packing lists, etc.). If you (or a freight forwarder you so designate) do not have a U.S. address and purchase goods from Amazon.com to be shipped to a U.S. location, you or the designated freight forwarder may not subsequently export the goods without prior written authorization from Amazon. Products not offered for export directly from Amazon.com, which you export yourself or through a freight forwarder may not be returned to Amazon. Products offered for export directly from Amazon.com, which you export yourself or through a freight forwarder may be returned to Amazon, provided that you are responsible for acting as the importer of record and all the costs associated with returning the goods to Amazon. Amazon will not serve as the importer of record on returns that were originally exported by you or a freight forwarder. You may locate Amazon's return address by using the Online Returns Center and viewing the Return Mailing Label. Note: The Return Mailing Label is for U.S. domestic shipments only. In order to use an Amazon pre-paid Return Mailing Label, you must first return the goods to a U.S. address. Then, use the Return Mailing Label to return the goods to the Amazon fulfillment center listed on the Return Mailing Label from that U.S. address. In addition, you become the exporter and importer of record of the shipment; title and risk of loss transfer to Amazon upon receipt of the goods at Amazon's fulfillment center listed on the Return Mailing Label.

  • 翻訳をお願いします!

    日本語に訳していただけないでしょうか? 宜しくお願いします! They transform you spiritually and are karma. They make you the person you are today, and the person you will be when you meet. Each persons karma (development of soul and character) goes at its own pace, it cannot always be measured in years or days. It’s like reading a book, each chapter; a chapter of your life, the meeting is on a certain page but some people read the book faster, some slower. In theory you can hasten the meeting, you could get to the page quicker if you work on your karma, if you become the person your destined to be sooner. Just by having this reading done your are already step closer to that time than before.

  • 翻訳お願いします🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️

    This is a system-generated message to inform you that your email could not be delivered to one or more recipients. Details of the email and the error are as follows:

  • 翻訳お願いします

    You have to remember if your drives both will be putting out 2000mA each then each one will be drawing 3000mA or around there so I would use no smaller than a 26650 cell or cells and I think 32650 would be nice if a good host can be found that is to your liking. The SK can take a 32650 if I put it in the lathe and take out about 0.25mm of aluminum from the inside. The two XB-2 drives I sent you are the very latest model they are capable of 4000mA each so with the proper heat sinking they may work for you. Do not try and run them above 2000mA with out heat sinking them, I do believe they have a built-in temp controller so if they get too hot they will shut down till they cool off, I'll check on that to be sure. The full back side needs to be in contact with a heat sink if your going to take one all the way to it's max current of 4000mA ! Hope this helps Let me know if you need any other info

  • 翻訳できますか?

    以下の文章を翻訳していただけますか? 難しくてわかりません・・ よろしくお願いします。 In the course of this love, much will become suddenly changed. Your life will feel more exciting but may also be less predictable.. These aspects always makes for sudden unexpected beginnings and endings within the relationship itself, it may move forward in fits and starts, rather than smoothly and there will always be reversals. This man will have originality, a new slant on life, he sees and experiences things differently, less conventionally than you are used to. This can be hard at times to adapt to, as any fixed ideas you hold as to how a relationship should proceed or what form it should take are liable to be overthrown. He will change your way of thinking about things. You will be inspired to be more progressive, radical and independent in you the way you live your personal life or conduct this relationship. You will leave former opinions, inhibitions conventions and the way you used to live and think behind. This can be good or bad, it can either Cause inner doubts, if it goes too much against the grain, or bring new inner freedom.

  • 翻訳

    海外で部屋を借りようと思いますが、オーナーより以下メールが届きました。 お恥ずかしながら、英語力不足のため理解に苦しんでおります。 よろしければ要約願います。 Presently, I am in the UK, {London to be precise}, This is the reason I want to rent my apartment out The only option at hand now is, if we can both go through the normal proceedure.. we can still arrive at exactly what you wanted. You can move in even if i am not there to usher you in. The processes are not much, you only need to sign a Lease document {which we can both do online}, then you need to have some documents to yourself as proof of assurance, then we proceed to the payment level and giving you a reference number {like a code} which you would take to the FEDEX head office, to get the keys, because without the reference number, nobody can get the keys except someone i give it to and i would be called to confirm first. Incase you want to be sure of how genuine the person is...this is the reason I would be willing to make available a scanned copy of my Passport and my Certificate of Occupancy, which I am not supposed to expose over the internet for security reasons.... but in this situation, we need to be sure of whom we are both dealing with. I would need to prepare the Lease document with your {Full name, Present Contact address, and Phone number}. So, I would need you to give me the information required for the form which I listed above. I would be expecting to read from you very soon.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    Good news, struggling millennial homebuyer: you’re moving to Japan. Why? Because the sushi’s fresh, the weather’s nice, and the houses are free. An increasing number of unoccupied properties around the country are being listed for sale on online databases known as “akiya banks”—“akiya” translating to “vacant house”—with thousands of homes in relatively good condition being offered up for either nothing or next to nothing, Insider reports. Prices on one particular akiya database don’t go any higher than a maximum of 30 million yen (about $360,000 Australian dollars), while many properties are listed under “gratis transfer” for the sum of literally zero yen. Pay a few taxes and some agent commission fees, and the place is yours.

  • メールの翻訳をお願い致します。

    英語は苦手なのですが海外通販をしています。 1回、オーダーしたことのある化粧品ブランドですが 日本に送れないものがあるということで オーダーをキャンセルして返金をしてもらったことのある ショップです。突然、下記のメールが届きました。 そのメールを翻訳して頂きたいのです。 後、メールの下部(Orの下)に We would be happy to offer you a refund on these items and 20% off your next order placed on ○○○.com. とあるのですがこれは次回の注文は20%オフになるということでいいのでしょうか? 以上、どうぞ宜しくお願い致します。 We are please to tell you that your ○○○ order is ready to be resent to you. We would like to thank you once again for your continued patience and support at this time. Unfortunately we are now of stock in Pure Pigment in Incite and will not be able to include this in your order, please accept our sincerest apologies for any inconvenience or disappointment this may cause you. We would like to offer you the following options to continue your order. We would be happy to offer you replacement Pure Pigments(s) in any shade of your choice from our website to replace your out of stock item(s)http://www.○○○.com/shop/products/eyes/furore-pure-pigment Or We would be happy to offer you a refund on these items and 20% off your next order placed on ○○○.com. Please let us know which solution would be best for you and we will organise this right away and resend your order to you. Kind regards,

  • 翻訳をお願いいたします。

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで。 お願いできますでしょうか? 1段落の後半部分となりますので、内容が中途半端だと思いますが、 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 There is a tendency to either platonic attachments or to secret clandestine relationships, with people you are totally captivated by, enthralled by, but suffer with long periods of waiting for the return on your investment of love. But life can be as lonely as it is beautiful with such a relationship.. You need the dream in your heart or the world is a lonelier place to live

  • 困っています。翻訳お願いします。

    Thanks for the credit card. I just spoke with our warehouse and we are out of stock on a few items. I have listed below. Please let me know if you would like to substitute any of the other prints. Also on the OCS do you have an account number with them for us to use to notify OCS that we have a shipment for you? Out of Stock Items -oven mitt-ahoy-out of stock Ahoy-tea towels-out of stock Francesca tea towels-out of stock - we have the "Claire" another floral Aprons in Aviary in coral and blue Please let us know what you would like to substitute for these out of stock items

  • プレカットラベルのサイズが正しく認識されず、排紙に問題が発生しています
  • 用紙サイズの設定やセンサーの機能が正常でないため、一部のプリンタで問題が発生しています
  • ブラザー製品のプレカットラベルを使用中に正しい用紙サイズが判別されず、排紙がうまくいかないトラブルが発生しています