• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:翻訳をお願いします。)



  • ベストアンサー
  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

> I think you should definitely NOT trust these people, if I may. These kind of people usually trick others who suffer for a lost one, and are so incredibly mean. One of the most terrible things a person can do is to play with others feelings. It's just SO incredibly mean. If I were there, I would have had a couple of not-so-friendly words to tell these men/women. And it would have not been a good day for them, I can ensure you. I just can't bear who does these things, they make me SO incredibly angry!  言わせてもらうなら、あなたはその人たちの言うことを信じるべきではありません。そういう人というのは、亡くなった方を悼む人に取り入ろうとします。卑劣です。他人の感情を弄ぶとはひどいです。まことに卑劣です。私がそこにいたら、その人たちに一言二言は言い返してやります。少しは思い知るでしょう。そんなことをする人たちには我慢がなりません。そんなことを聞いただけで腹立たしい思いが湧きます。 > I totally agree with you. Yes, things can't always go well, but morning always comes :) And generally, there always are tiny little things that can make us happy. That's my opinion at least. I am catholic so I believe everyone has a soul. I also believe that this soul doesn't get lost when someone dies, as we will ...uhm..meet again someday, somewhere...i guess :) but certainly I do not believe in ghosts, I don't believe dead souls have fun scaring people or telling unlikely people to take money from others. What I mean is, even if you lose someone, that person will always be with you. Caring about you, in a certain sense, but not in the same sense those 2 idiots mean. For sure they cannot talk with dead souls or things like that. So, yes, you should tell your friend.  あなたの言うとおりです。たしかに、ものごとはいつもうまくいくとは限りませんが、でも明日という日がないわけじゃない。それに、ちょっとしたことでもわたしたちを幸せに出来るものがあります。わたしはそう考えます。わたしはカトリック信者ですから、誰もが魂を持っていると信じています。そして、魂は人が亡くなったからといって消えてしまうものではなく、いつか、どこかで、再び会うことが出来るのだと信じています。でも幽霊は信じていません。死んだ人の魂が生きている人を脅したり、好ましくない人に他人から金を取らせるというような真似をするとは信じられません。わたしの言いたいのは、親しい方が亡くなられたとしても、その方は常にあなたのそばにいるということです。ある意味では自愛すべきですが、そのイカれた二人の言うような意味とは違います。死者の霊と話しが出来るとか何とかというのは、デタラメに違いありません。お友達に言ってあげるべきです。 > I think she can understand, just explain your feelings quietly and with an open heart. Tell her that you don't think these people know what your grandmother feels, because you already know, feeling her close to you everyday. You are the one who knows these kind of things better than anybody else, so, extraneous people as such can't know it better than you :) Just be honest and calm, I think she will understand :)  落ち着いて公正な気持ちで説明すれば、分かってもらえると思います。その人たちはあなたのおばあちゃんがどう思っているのか知らないのです、なぜなら、あなたはおばあちゃんのことは毎日身近に感じているから。あなたはそういう類のことを、他の誰よりもよく知っている人だし、外部の人があなた以上に知っているわけがありません。自分に忠実に、そして落ち着いていなさい。彼女は分かってくれると思いますよ。


  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    I'm like Albert Schweitzer and Bertrand Russell and Albert Einstein in that I have a respect for life - in any form. I believe in nature, in the birds, the sea, the sky, in everything I can see or that there is real evidence for. If these things are what you mean by God, then I believe in God.

  • 翻訳してください!!!

    ある人からメールが来ました。 ネットで翻訳してみたんですが、意味が全くわからずメールを返せません。 お願い致します。 I'm somewhat serious.   I think we would make a beautiful family.  But I also think that we should date a bit longer... and I think that I should move to Japan.  I want to leave Guam...I've been here as long as I've wanted to.  You don't have another boyfriend or anything do you? I'm not one to rush into things either, but I just thought that I'd tell you that I'm really attracted to you and that I wouldn't mind procreating with you. Make sense? Anyway,  I'm thinking of you now!! Miss you so much!!!

  • 翻訳願います。

    It is not that I do not want to marry you, it would be a lovely dream to do so, I think. I do not think that we have this path ahead of us... but I want to have you in my life always, somehow. Duty as a man? To stand and hold the load, to carry it forward. To move and put the wants of man away. 宜しくお願いします。

  • 高校1年 英文翻訳

    ★至急翻訳お願いします Life is full of adventures. Never give up,and have more guts! These are the mottos kept in Akiko 's mind. I don't like to think about the things I can't do. Instead ,I like to think about the things I can do. I want people around me to change and I also want to change and grow. By making the most of her abilities,she hopes that other deaf people will follow suit. I believe dreams are for everyone

  • 英語の翻訳

    以下、イギリス人とebyでやり取りの中です、google翻訳で何言ってるかわかりませんでした。 翻訳できる方お願いします。 What world do you live in where a buyer can dictate to a seller how much he can sell his good for ? I think it best if you found someone else to buy these parts from. Peculiar that you now know how to write in English. I find it very difficult to deal with fools who think they can tell me what they think and expect me to go along with it, I prefer not to deal with these people as is the case here.

  • 日本語に翻訳して下さい_(._.)_

    Ah thank you What do you mean “suddenly suddenly let me down?” I didn’t mean anything bad from it (Cony sad) I only meant I don’t know if you would like me to do such things like that right away If you are worried that I’m not comfortable don’t be. I’m very comfortable around you, I’ve told you things I’ve never told anyone before. I even showed you my dick and I’ve never shown anyone that ever before. I’m very comfortable with you (heart)

  • 翻訳お願いします

    OK I have the aluminum one finished and the copper is all finished except for the set screws, I need to know if you like this length or if you would like it shortened a little as it's longer than the one you showed me by several mm. I left it this long because I felt the more heat sink you have the better it is for your laser diode but you may not like the look of it so I am giving you a chance to have it shorter if you like. Also I think these heat sinks may not fit your hosts as they were made to fit these hosts and you know I like to make them tight, for example the aluminum heat sink will go in the host that the copper heat sink was made for and it's a bit loose but the copper heat sink will not fit inside of the other host. There is about .005" difference in them so you will probably want these hosts they are $12.00 each that's my cost. Let me know about the length so I can finish it up and get it off to you

  • すみません翻訳お願いします

    友達からのメールです。 すみません翻訳お願い致します。 Hmm it's hard for me to stop thinking about you since we met. I have not had that much fun with some one in a log time and you made me think to have some one in my life. Sorry for sharing so much with you if you do not like

  • 翻訳と英語について教えてください。

    日本語に翻訳してください(>_<) 話していて内容がごちゃごちゃで意味がわからなくなってしまって... それと、 もしかして相手は私と付き合いたいといっているのですか? Likewiseと言ってしまったのですが 相手はもうこれで付き合ったと勘違いしているでしょうか? ちなみに相手はイギリス人男性です。 相手I would love to be more than friends with you... is that something that might interest you? 私Likewise 相手Really? What have you got in mind gorgeous? ;) 私what do you mean? 相手 I mean, when i say more than friends, and you say likewise, what do you think i mean?

  • 翻訳お願いします*急ぎ

    これはディックについてです。 Dick Bruna The Netherlands,Utreht,born1927 “I would love to be able to draw like a child,so spontaneous,so open-minded on those big sheets.As an adult you start to draw and that,they start ane see what happens...I draw things you will see close to home,things that I also like.Maybe I still think a bit like a child,I have childish mind,I think.There are a lot of things I don't understand.” BRUNA'S CHILDRENS BOOKQ Bruna's very first drawings,a red apple on a blue background,were single designs,experiments with color and form.Adults often commented these primary colors did not fit together.During a wet and windy seaside holiday,he draw a storx about a little dots for eyes and clumsy ears.Dick's father was not really foud of these flat compositions.Though Jaap Romein,convinced him to publish seven of these little books,among which‘De appel’,‘Tijs’,‘Toto in Volendam’,‘Kleine koning’en‘Nijntje in de dierentuin’.