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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語問題)

英語問題: 比較級を用いた文の完成


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

2つの文がほぼ同じ意味を表すように、比較級をつかって英文を完成させる。 1. My mother isn't as tall as I am. 私の母は、私ほど背が高くありません。 →I [am taller than my mother.] 私は、私の母より背が高いです。 2. The other dentist isn't as good as you. もう一方の歯医者さんは、あなたほどよくありません。 →You [are better than the other dentist.] あなたは、もう一方の歯医者さんよりも良いです。 3. I don't know as many English idioms as you do. 私は、あなたほどたくさん英熟語を知りません。 →You [know more English idioms than I do (than me),] あなたは、私よりたくさん英熟語を知っています。 4. Tom can't swim as fast as Jim. トムは、ジムほど速く泳げません。 →Jim [can swim faster than Tom.] ジムは、トムより速く泳げます。 英語になおす 1. カオリはアヤカと同じくらいピアノが上手です。 Kaori plays the piano as well as Ayaka. 2. 私は姉よりたくさんのCDを持っています。 I have more CDs than my sister. 3. もっと早く歩かないと、私達は学校に遅刻しますよ。 (~に遅刻する be late for~) If we don't walk faster, we will be late for school. 4. もう少しコーヒーをいかがですか。 (もう少し~ some more ~) Would you like (to have) some more coffee? 英文完成 僕は大都会がいい。都会の生活のほうが刺激的だから I like living in a city [better] because city life is [more] exciting. 私は田舎。都会よりも星をたくさん見ることができるから I like living in the country [better]. The reason is that we can see [more] stars in the country [than] in the city. 都会がいい。たくさんの人に会える機会が多いから I'm [more] interested in city life [than] in country life. There are [more] opportunities to meet many people in the city.


  • 英語問題

    お願いします! Aに関しては翻訳も A 入る語を下から選び適切な形に 1The countryside has () vegetables  than cities. 2Which are more (),cities or country  areas? 3The countryside is () than the city. 4You may not have as( )information  in the country as in the city. [ crowded fresh much quiet ] B並べ替え 1都会の生活の方が田舎よりやることがたくさんあるので好き I like life in the city because there are (things/more/to do) than in the country. 2日常生活は田舎よりも都会の方が生活のペースが速い Everyday life is(than/faster/in the city/in the country). 3田舎の生活は都会の生活と同じくらいよいと考える人達もいる Some people think that (as/as/country life/good/is)city life.

  • 英語問題

    お願いします! 文を完成 1たくさんの若い人達が小さな町から大都市に引っ越してきている Many young people ( )( ) from small towns ( ) big cities. 2大都市の方がより簡単に仕事を見つけられると思っているからだ They think they can find jobs ( )( ) in a big city. 3しかし、都市では田舎ほど生活空間は大きくない However,living space is not ( ) big in the city ( ) in the country. 4そういうわけで、田舎へ戻る人がどんどん増えている Therefore,( )( )( ) people are returning to the countryside.

  • 英語で分からない問題があるので教えてください!

    (1)次の英文をIt is〔was〕... that~の構文を使い、 ←の語句をそれぞれ強調する英文を完成させなさい。 1) Jim ← It was ( )that ( ) in a taxi. 2) his wallet ← It was ( ) that ( ) in a taxi. 3) in a taxi ← It was ( ) that( ). (2)日本語訳を完成させなさい。 I'd like to book a room at the hotel.  →そのホテルの部屋を( )。

  • この英語の問題解けますか?

    この英語の問題解けますか?The company didn't issue uniform in fact, the company didn't care what you wore as long as you showed up. But this guy was dressed up in smartly pressed tan trousers and work shirt, complete with his name,Jim,written on the pocket. I guess he supplied himself with the uniform の一番最後のhe supplied himself with the uniform に意味が最も近いものはどっちか。 1.Jim made his uniform himself 2.Jim brought his own uniform ちなみに最後までの大体の日本語訳は 会社は制服を支給していなくて、実際の所は何を着ていても良かった。だが、ジムはズボンと作業服をキチンと着ていた。私は~~~~と推測する。です。

  • 英語日記28(2) 

    すいませんが最近英語力のライティングをあげようと英作文をまいにち書くようにしてます。 レベルのひくい英作文ではずかしいのですが。できれば文法や細かい間違いを指摘して頂けると幸いです。 I have been there when I came to Australia first time. I think that the time flows really slowly in Cairns. This is because Cairns is a kind of tourist city. Many people are coming from all over the world. It may look like Hawaii. There was one thing that I could not believe was that someone walked with strip to the waist. Someone call the police and catch him if he would do it in my country. So I didn’t believe it. And I have one more thing surprising me is that many people have tattoos in Cairns. My country image of tattoo is very bad. There are few people have tattoo in my country. For example, like a group of gangster. My mother said “you mustn’t have a tattoo” before going to Australia. However, there are many tattoos includes women as well. Cairns is small city but people are good and commodity price is not expensive. Cairns is one of the city that live easily.

  • 英語の問題で分からない問題があります><

    次の各文の()に適語を入れなさい。という問題が2問あります。 (1)The city was a sea of fire as ( ) as the eye could see. (2)I'll never forget your kindness as ( ) as I live. 次の各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように( )に適語を入れなさい。という問題が2問あります。 (1)a. There are many issues needing immediate work. b. There are many issues which ( ) immediate work. あとaの文の意味を教えてください。 (2)a. Will you please lend me your book? b. Would you mind ( ) me your book? の全部で4問です。1つでも分かる方がいらっしゃればどうか回答よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英語 空所補充問題

    ( )内に適当な語を入れてください。和訳もお願いします。 1 I am not so ( ) interested in philosophy as in literature. (often, much, many, long) 2 What is the weather in your home town ( ) about this time of the year? (likely, like, liked, alike) 3 Take that book back to the library, ( ) you? (aren`t, do, shall, will) 4 "I`d ( ) it if you could help me with my assignment." (thank, apologize, hate, appreciate)

  • 中3 英語・現在完了について

    あなたは何年この市に住んでいますか? ↓ How many years have you lived in this city? は How many years you have lived in this city? じゃだめなんですか? どうしてか教えてください。

  • 英語の間違いについて

    この英文に間違っているところや、アドバイスなどがあれば教えてください。 Many people live in big city. I live there, too. (私もそこに住んでいる) A big city have many stores, schools, subway and more. But we can favor anyone in a small town. (しかし小さい町に住んでいれば親しくなることができる) This is because a small town don't have many people. However, I want to live in a big town. I would like to discuss the reasons why I think so by talking about friends and dreams. よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語が合っているか見てほしいです(>_<)

    『てかね、この前、実生活で最近知り合ったアメリカ人の女の子に告白されたの(笑) 最初、私のことを人間的に好きだって言われてるのかと思って(ありがとう。私もあなたが好きだよ。)って言ったら(Really???<333 I meant like "I have a crush on you" kinda like you.)って言われてビックリしたの(笑) 危うく相手が言ってるLIKEの意味を知らずに知らないうちに女の子と付き合うところだったんだ(笑)』と言ってくれたのですが、 『By the way, I was asked to go out with this American girl who I met in real life. I thought she liked me as a friend and told her that "Thank you. I like you too." but she shortly replied me "Really???<333 I meant like "I have a crush on you" kinda like you." and I got shocked lol I didn't understand of the meaning of LIKE and I was about to start dating with this girl lol』←英語合っていますか?