• 締切済み

英語 英訳



1 This picture was painted by Turner. 2 Radium was discovered by the Curies in 1898. 3 The starts cannot be seen in the daytime. 4 Soccer is played by people all over the world. 5 I will soon be forgotten by people.



御回答有り難うございます<(_ _)>


  • 中学英語について

    「私たちは世界中の人と話すのにインターネットを使うことが出来ます。」を英語にしなさい。という問題で、僕は 「We can use the Internet to talk with people in the world.」 と書いたのですが、答えが、 「We can use the Internet to talk with people all over the world.」でした。 この場合って僕が書いたのでも正解になりますよね? 解説をお願いします。

  • 英語 教えてください

    People all over the world joined the Spencer family,in saying goodbyeto this beautiful but unfortunate Cinderella. ダイアナに関する文の中に出てきた一文ですが、意味と文の構造がいまいちわかりません。世界中の人がスペンサー家に入ったってどういうことですか??ここでもinはどういう意味? What we can see depends on the day and time we go. 会話文中に出てきたのですが、述語が見つかりません。。どういう意味ですか?

  • will soon の位置

    教科書に、 the day will soon come when we can enjoy space travel. とありましたが、 the day when we can enjoy space travel will soon come. ではだめなのでしょうか?? だめな場合、なぜですか?? よろしくお願いします。

  • 受け身形の選択肢

    We must not forget that sugar in food,if ( )in excess,can cause health problems. という問題で、takenが正解になっています。 過去分詞なので受身形だと思うのですが、理由がわかりません。 カッコの中は省略も多くありそうです。どのような文になっていて、takenがでてくるのか、詳しい方教えてください。

  • 英語を訳せますか?

    Hey, how are you? I`ve seen some of your pictures and i like them. We're giving away the opportunity to some of our followers be divulge. A picture and a description choosen by you, will be posted in our profile who was 15k people following, for only $10 each pic. You can pay via paypal. if you have interest, send me an email to: OBS: DONT SEND DM`S, SEND EMAILS PLEASE!  DM`S WILL NOT BE VIEWED Good day!!! 訳せますか?お願いします。

  • 和訳

    When we think of Chagall’s works,bright and beautiful and pictures come to mind. But this picture expresses a dark and tragic mood. People are running to escape the fighting. Some Jewish buildings are being set on fire. In the center we can see the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. We also see a few Jewish rabbis. Is this just a religious picture? Chagall did not live only in a word of beautiful imagery. His pictures sometimes expressed the chaos around him. In his younger days,he had hard times during World War I and the Russian Revolution. In 1935,Chagall visited Poland and was shocked to find that the Jewish people were being treated badly. He foresaw great danger for the Jewish people,and the start of another war. He painted pictures warning the world of the danger. Soon after that,World War II broke out and the Holocaust began. In 1940 the Nazis took over Paris. He feared for his safety and moved to the United States in 1941.

  • 接続詞模範解答と解説をお願いします(高校受験)

    (1)As we grow older ,we usually become wiser. (    )(    )we grow ,(    )(    )we usually become. (2)The floor was painted black,on the other hand the walls white. The floor was painted black,(    )the walls were painted white. (3)Study harder,or you will fail in the exam. (    )you study harder,you will fail in the exam. (4)Every time I see this picture,I remember my sweet youth. This picture (    )me (    )my sweet youth. (5)The ghost vanished the moment the cock began to crow. (    )(    )(    )the cock began to crow,the ghost vanished.   (6)Not knowing what to sat,I kept silent. (    )I(    )know what to sat,I kept silent.            お願いします。

  • 英語のメールが来ました。意味を教えてください。

    英語のメールが来ました。意味を教えてください。 thanks for messgae. could you please send picture to olawork02@hotmail.com and we will solve your problem as soon as possible. best wishes

  • 英訳お願いします💦怖くて死にそうです。

    The reason is that I am having difficulties getting over my ex girlfriend. We seperated many months ago but for some reason it's been very painfull for me the last few weeks. Again, i am sorry and I hope I will feel better about it soon and can forget her.

  • 英語の和訳教えてください。お願いします。

    Will you send me a picture of you of you so I can put it in my contact list? 意味をおしえてください。 よろしくお願いします。