• ベストアンサー


Does anyone in the LA/SFV/Pasadena area have an electrician they can recommend ? I have a relatively small job that is out of my DIY skill set.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

ロサンゼルス、サン・ファーナンド・ベイ、パサデナ地区の誰でもいいので、推薦できる電気技術者がいませんか?私のところに自分でやるには手に負えない比較的小さな仕事があります。 以上でいかがでしょうか?






  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    "Look, man, anyone can go online and be what they call a 'hater' or have an opinion and that goes in many different directions. We're just really trying to do something that feels good and not only honors the catalog of what we have but moving forward musically. "Looking at the last 10 years of STP, not much has gotten done and that's very, very frustrating to live with. I don't want the next 10 years of life to be like that. I want the next 10 years to be great and we contribute or at least try to contribute really valid music. It's really what I got into this for — to write the best songs I can write."

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    STP first sought to self-release their music when they reunited in 2008, but Atlantic Records sued them because they claimed that while they had released the DeLeo brothers from their contracts for Army of Anyone, Scott Weiland and Eric Kretz were still under contract and they owned the rights to the next STP album. STP gave in an recorded their 2010 comeback album Stone Temple Pilots for Atlantic, which ended up being their final album with Weiland. The album debuted at #2 and spawned the radio hit “Between The Lines.” STP's remaining members appear to have gotten out of the deal since then. ※ 『Stone Temple Pilots』『Army of Anyone』はバンド名、『Scott Weiland』『Eric Kretz』は人物名、『Between The Lines』は曲名です。

  • 英語の翻訳をお願い致します。

    英語の翻訳をお願い致します。 ネットで海外にレンズを販売し、そのあとのメールのやり取りです。 Helo Friend, Anyone can't repaired this lens,because there is not mechanical problem.problem is in Lens Element.Those aren't repaired. You have mentioned, tinny Haze in this lens.but they are not Haze.one Lens Element is already dead .If you can supply me Last Two Lens Element.I don't want your money.so please try to understand this.Thanks Have a nice day! よろしくお願い致します。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    In general, contributors are advised that they are contributing to an idea, not making a purchase in a store. Like anyone contributing to an early-stage project, you accept the risk that the project might not come to fruition. We leave it up to you to make your own judgment about the merit of a campaign before making a contribution. Fortunately, the democratic nature of crowd funding makes it easy to judge a campaign's likelihood of success. In order for any campaign to be successful, campaign owners have to put thought and effort into their Pitch and convince a crowd of people to support their cause. Campaigns that are not transparent with their goals and project status tend not to attract contributors. How you can report a fraudulent campaign: If you see a campaign that you believe to be fraudulent, you can inform us immediately by flagging the campaign as prohibited content. Simply click on the "prohibited content" link located beneath every campaign's Perks, or send us a note at indiegogo.com.

  • 英語 リーディング 英文法 TOEICの試験問題集 any some について

    問題集で Does (_____) here have an extra pencil ? 1.any people 2.some people 3.anyone 4.any ones 正解は3。 1,2はどうしてダメなんでしょうか? any people , anyoneの違いの解説も教えてください m(_ _)m

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    Brian Kramp's "Kramp Cast" podcast on OnMilwaukee.com recently conducted an interview with former STONE TEMPLE PILOTS and VELVET REVOLVER singer Scott Weiland. You can now listen to the chat using the audio player below. According to The Pulse Of Radio, Weiland has a simple solution to the legal battle brewing between him and his ex-bandmates: he wants them to buy out his stake in the group. Speaking with a Florida radio station, Weiland continued to insist that STP cannot use the band name without all four original members in the lineup, saying, "They can't use the name with me not being in the band without us coming to an agreement. They'll have to buy me out of the company because I have major value in the company and in the brand. The lawyers will deal with it."

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    SCOTT WEILAND Says His Former Bandmates In STP Will Have To 'Buy Him Out' Of Company On August 22, Chad Tyson of the 98.7 The Gater radio station in West Palm Beach, Florida conducted an interview with former STONE TEMPLE PILOTS singer Scott Weiland. You can now listen to the chat below. Speaking about his legal battle with his former bandmates over the use of the STONE TEMPLE PILOTS name, Weiland said: "We're in litigation. There's a band agreement, a band contract agreement. They didn't follow the rules that were set down as to… for any member, if you were to… There has to be a reason for letting go a member, you have to give them a certain period of time to deal with it whatever different ways you want them to do. But it's just ridiculous, 'cause they can't use the name with me not being in the band without us coming to an agreement. So I just don't really see that… They'll have buy me out of the company, because I have major value in the company and in the brand. So that's where we're at. The lawyers will deal with it."

  • 日本語訳をお願いします。

    日本語訳をお願いします。 Is it possible for everyone to work? Then what does it mean to say that unemployment is voluntary? Can anyone get some sort of job? マクロ経済の内容なのですが、最後の Can anyone get some sort of job? のニュアンスがいまいちよく分かりません。 誰もが何かしらの仕事をゲットできるよという意味なのか、 誰もがどんな仕事でもゲットできるよという意味なのか。。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の翻訳をお願いします。

    As Hume’s example indicates, in small enough groups they may be solved by bringing everyone affected to an understanding of what they need to do, an approach we can call self-governance (as distinguished from government). このような文章があるのですが、「Humeの例が示すように、小さいグループでは影響を受けるすべての人に、何をしなければならないことかを理解することで、解決できるかもしれない。このようなことは(政府とは区別して)自治と呼ぶことが出来る。」 みたいな訳になるのでしょうか? ちなみにCoordination problemsについて話です。 きちんと一語ずつ訳していただかなくても大丈夫です。 こういうことが言われている、と日本語で理解できればいいので簡単で結構です。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 翻訳お願いします。

    Once the zoo dentists have treatedthe sea lion, they move on to a much bigger animal-an elephant! Elephants are Dr.Brown's favorite animals, because they have the most interesting teeth. As he displays one of the huge teeth, he explains:“This is an elephant molar. They do not have any side-to-side movement;they can only go back and forth.” Elephants use six sets of teeth in a lifetime. When the last set of teeth is gone, they can no longer eat and will die. Today the zoo dentists are treating sue, a ten-year-old female african elephant. While they perfome their examination, they not only check the teeth in Sues mouth, but also look at her tusks. An elephant's tusks are actually teeth and must be treated and checked like them,too.For the dentists, Sue is the perfect patient because she stands quietly while they examine her. She gets an excellent report from the dentis,too. “Perfect!”says Dr.Brown.“Her teeth look wonderful!”  So far, the zoo dentists' patients have been great, but not all animals behave so well. Have they ever been bitten? “No, we have never been bitten, but almost,“ says Dr.Brown, laughing. “A couple of times we have had to move pretty quickly to get our fingers out of the way!” 自分で訳してみても全くわからないのでお願いします。

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  • また、留学生との交流を通じて、相互理解や国際交流の意義を説明することも有効です。留学生との交流が自分の成長や世界観の広がりにつながることを伝えることで、親も納得しやすくなるかもしれません。
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