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  • ddeana
  • ベストアンサー率74% (2976/4019)

これはテイラースイフトという歌手のREDという歌の歌詞です。 http://rapgenius.com/Taylor-swift-red-lyrics#lyric ご質問の文の最後のTaylorとは歌手の名前を指すものと考えます。 で、意味ですが 「彼を愛することって、まるで行き止まりの道を新車のマセラッティで走るみたいなもの」という感じでしょうか。マセラッティとはイタリアの有名な高級自動車です。トップスピードで走っても先がなくて止まる。ウワ~っと盛り上がった気持ちがいきなりストンと落とされるみたいな意味合いかと。


  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    My husband and I live in a small, tightknit development full of families with young kids. We were excited to become new parents a month ago and feel more included in the neighborhood already. Our backyard is a large hill sloping down from the street toward our house, and as my husband and I can testify, it’s great for sledding. Our backyard is a large hill sloping down from the street toward our houseの和訳をよろしくお願いします

  • 英語の和訳

    1:In a society where change is not uncommon for every generation to experience a generation gap. 2:It is heartles of him to say such a thing to the sick man. 3:I can't think of what to say in English in this situation. 4:In order to save fuel,people are driving smaller cars. 5:Everyone spoke very quietly in order not to wake the baby. 和訳をお願いします

  • 英語の質問です。

    Let me go Let me go down, down, down, down Let me go down to my desire Let me go down, down, down, down Let me go down my door is open ある歌の歌詞の一部なのですが、上手く訳せません。let me go は離して、という意味ですよね? よろしくお願いしますm(__)m

  • 「彼の教え方」を英語では?

    みなさんこんにちは。 「彼の教え方」を英語でどう言えば良いですか? 「the way he teaches」 もしくは 「how he teaches」 で良いですか? また、下記の二つの文は、意味の上でどのように違って来ますか? I don't like him as a person but the way he teaches is very easy to understand. I don't like him as a person but he teaches in easy way to understand. (前置詞とか自信ないです。違ってたら教えて下さい。) (ここにいる人達の事ではないですよ。。。^-^) よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の質問です。

    スピーチの内容を日本語で考えました。でも、それを英語に直せません。明日締め切りなのでたすけてください。 「私の好きな歌は、(曲名)です。この歌が好きな理由は2つあります。一つ目は、歌詞です。この歌は、メンバーの一人が自分のお母さんに感謝の気持ちをかいた歌です。とても共感できる部分がたくさんあるので気に入っています。たとえば、(歌詞)や、(歌詞)は、本当に共感できると思います。そして、私が特に好きな歌詞は、(歌詞)です。この歌詞を聞くと、私はまだ、母に恩返しができていないのでこれから恩返ししようと思うことができます。二つ目は曲調です。この歌はゆっくりした曲調で、つらいことがあった時や心細い時に聞くと、とても心が落ち着きます。また、歌の後半の少し盛り上がる部分を聞くともっと頑張ろうと思うことができます。これらの理由から私はこの歌が好きです。皆さんにも好きになってもらいたいです。 最初の4文は My favorite song is (曲名) I have two reasons why I like this song. First, I like the lyrics. This song was written from one of the members to appreciate his mother. で大丈夫ですか?

  • 英語の和訳お願いします。

    Their first stop was an upstart city called Manchester. Early Victorian artists observed it from a safe distance,fascinated but wary,and well they might be. The safe distance,though,soon disappeared. Like an invading army,the mills and factories marched across the plain. The nation was in the grip of the world's first industrial revolution. It sucked the rural poor into new cities right across the land. But more than any other,it was Manchester that fired the Victorians'imagination. It was where you came if you wanted to see the future. In its dozens of steam-powered cotton mills,the rural immigrants got their first taste of a new world. The change must have been astonishing-the noise,the energy. This was a real revolution in the pace of life,a rupture in history. Places like this would change Britain beyond recognition. Today,Queen Street Mill is the last of its kind to survive intact.

  • 英文和訳

    If you want to know the truth about gasoline prices, here it is: the exploding demand for oil, especially in places like China, is overwhelming the rate of new discoveries by so much that oil prices are almost certain to continue upward over time no matter what the oil companies promise. And politicians cannot bring gasoline prices down in the short term bygiving more money to oil companies. However, there is one extremely effective way to bring the costs of driving a car way down within a few short years. The way to bring gas prices down is to end our dependence on oil and use the renewable sources that can give us the equivalent of $1 per gallon gasoline and we need to get busy creating that system now. Al・Goreの演説の一部です。どなたか和訳お願いしますm(__)m

  • rabbit hole

    My brother, a widower, is dating a new girlfriend after a long search. She is kind and loving, and I want them to be happy, but there’s one major problem: She has breast cancer, and she’s gone down the naturopathy rabbit hole. gone down the naturopathy rabbit holeはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英語の和訳です。お願いします!!

     Looking back, the decision to buy a bike seems like a silly thing to feel self-conscious about, and yet it's symbolic of the kind of fear and self-doubt that can keep us from enjoying the simple pleasures of life. Too often we hold ourselves back from the things we'd really like to try, out of a fear of looking foolish, feeling stupid, or making a mistake.  How often have you held yourself back from trying something new? What is you could wake up one morning and take a pill that would completely remove your self-consciousness? One little group, and your fear of being judged, embarrassed, or looking foolish completely disappear. What chances would you take? What new things would you try? What fun would you allow yourself?  Our time on this planet is so precious. Why spend so much energy holding yourself back? Let your guard down, throw caution to the winds, and live a little. Once you confront your self-consciousness directly, you'll be surprised at how quickly you get over it. Believe me; when I set out on my first bike ride wearing my "fashionable" new helmet, I got over my fear of looking foolish pretty quickly.  

  • 英語日記15

    私の好きな俳優。 すいませんが最近英語力のライティングをあげようと英作文をまいにち書くようにしてます。 レベルのひくい英作文ではずかしいのですが。できれば文法や細かい間違いを指摘して頂けると幸いです My favorite actor is EITA. I think he is not handsome guy, but he is so cool. I have seen him on TV before, which was amazing. I have many reasons why I really like him. So today I will pick up some reasons why I like him. The first thing is that he is very careful about his appearance. I mean that he is a fashionable person. That is why many young guys look like him. However this is just my opinion. The second thing is that his character is good. He is a quiet person. His mysterious atmosphere catches many people hearts. いつも回答ありがとうございますbookaholicさんはなぜそんなに英語にくわしいのですか?? 留学してたんですか??