• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

私はケン・アンダースン大尉、アフガニスタン駐留の米国軍兵士です。 結婚しておりましたが、妻に先立たれましたもので、 残された娘を軍の養護施設に預けております。 年齢は46歳、あなたと良い関係を持てたらと願っております。 それでは。 メール下さると嬉しいです。


  • 日本語に翻訳して頂けませんか。

    手紙交換の相手から頂いたハガキで、頑張って自分で読んでみたんですが わからない箇所があったので質問させて頂きます。 間違っている部分等もあれば教えて下さい。宜しくお願いしますm(_ _)m My name is +++. I'm 18 years old. I live in Olsztyn capital warma(?) and masuna(?). I am glad that you wrote to me. I have 2 old brother. One wres(?) and works in United states. I have not seen him 8 years. This summer I ??? see my brothers but I did not receive a visa. so I ?end the holiday with my best friend.

  • 日本語の表現について教えてください。

    I am writing a blog post in Japanese to share with my Japanese friends my secret recipe . I want to write something like "I am going to share my secret recipe with you." Can I say in Japanese "自分の秘方をみなさんにシェアです。"?If not, how can I say?

  • 日本語にお願いします‼

    I am good, busy as always.  I am in NY for a couple of weeks and the weather is very nice also. Cherry trees are also almost blooming here too. Unfortunately I won't see them in Japan because I won't be back until May. Hope work is going well with you and the rest of the team ! 途中わからないとことかから文章がおかしくなってしまったので、日本語にお願いします‼

  • 英語から日本語に訳して欲しいです。

    how are you today i am very much happy to read your email infact i am not longer in the facebook again because of one reason and other, the computer here is not a private computer it is for our camp i don,t want any body to have access you ok because you are my wife according to your question about my name yes my real name B●●d why my fathers name is j●●●s so i love my father that is the reason i combine my nane and my fathers together do you understand, i have only one child and my mother is taking good care him so i am a single now you i and you are the same if you say japan is good fine or america any one you chose i be ok infact your command is my wish i want a place that will keep you comfortable a place that we can relaxes then i spend the rest of my life with you, please my honey i don,t want anything that will give you a problem ok yes let,s not forget how is our douther is she back to the school i hope she is fine? my honey why do you west time for replying me is it because time or what? 翻訳機使用のヘンテコ翻訳の投稿はやめてください。

  • 日本語にして下さい!!よろしくお願いします。

    Now, I want to tell you more about my prayers ^^ As you told me your secret. Mine is not a secret, but it’s not even something I tell everybody! I’m telling you because… I want to :D It’s not something I like to share with other people, but I want to share it with you.As I said, I don’t pray for myself (unless I am in real trouble, in that case I may ask a small help). The only thing I ask for me is to be always good, and always make right choices. I pray for other people. I pray for my best friend, my grandmother, who helped me during a difficult period (I will tell you about this in another email), generally, for who needs help, or is suffering. And actually, more recently I added another person to my prayers. You might know her. Her name is Mika ^^ I hope you don’t mind, or feel bad about it >.<I didn’t really believe in God in the past, but I changed my mind as I grew up and gained consciousness of things…well! This is a story to be told next time :D Hey, one last thing! When I sent you the picture of my ‘reading to bed’ moment, were you somehow perplexed? Because I said I was only showing it to you? I am asking, because you answered “I see...XD”. If you were perplexed, why? :D Thank you again!Have a nice day and take care!Fabio

  • 日本語訳をお願いします。

    I'm working at Starbucks and now I am doing my training to be assisting manager in the store. Always, I'm busy.This is the job to be bussy. Also, I'm doing my Master in distribution management and marketing.

  • acknowledge

    I have been with my husband for five years. I have a daughter from a previous marriage who is now 10 and a 4-year-old daughter with my husband. Every year, his parents and other extended family acknowledge my younger daughter’s birthday. ここでのacknowledgeはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    I recently lost my wife after many years together. It was an amazing marriage, and I miss her immensely. I am looking to find a companion. The problem is, my daughter is not in my corner on this issue. not in my cornerは「賛成していない」でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 細やかな日本語訳を、よろしくお願いいたします。

    学長から推薦を頂きました。 できるだけ美しい日本語で、細やかに、最大に誉めて翻訳して頂けますと、たいへん助かります。 どうぞ宜しくお願いいたします。 This is to certify that Ms ○○ is a regular student of the (学校名), where she just entered the 3 years long Bachelor program with piano as main discipline. Ms.○○passed a very demanding entrance examination with severe selection, and is now studying in one of the most wanted piano classes of our institution. I am confident she will be very successful in her studies and it is my pleasure to recommend her for a (機関).

  • 英文のお手紙日本語に直してください

    こんにちは、いつもお世話はになってます。少し長文ですが、 通訳してください。   Wow! 5 Kids. I dont have kids, and i'm not married yet. Well, I only left school a few weeks ago. I am going on holiday next week So i will take lots of photos and perhaps i can show them to you? I am staying in the UK for my Holiday so you will be able to see a bit of what it is like around here, :) It is summer here too and very Hot. I thought it would be winter in japan right now, seeing as it is on the other side of the world. Guess i was wrong :) I went to australia a couple of years ago and was told that it a very popular place for japanese tourists to go. Have you ever been there? I ended up being photographed with a large Japanese family while I was there because i had a very pretty bird sat on my hand.