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Is Scott Weiland Still in the Band? The Contract Clause That Decides It All


  • ベストアンサー
  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

ただこういった疑問も生じる。 なぜスコットはバンドを首になっていないとこうも確信を持っていえるのか? 彼によればバンドの契約条項に、如何なるメンバーも他の活動において、 ストテンの名を用いてはならないとあるそうだ。 言い換えれば、スコットがいなくなると、 自動的にストテンの名前は雲散霧消するということになるわけだ。 結局ウェイランドは他のメンバーの考えていたことなど、 皆目見当もつかないと言っている。 ただ未だにバンドを率いているつもりなのかと問われると、 取り澄ました様子で彼はこう答える。 『俺が創めたバンドだ』





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    SCOTT WEILAND SAYS STONE TEMPLE PILOTS NEED TO RECORD NEXT ALBUM WITH BRENDAN O'BRIEN In a new interview with CleveScene.com, Scott Weiland yet again states that he is still the lead singer of Stone Temple Pilots and even says he'd like to see the band reunite with producer Brendan O'Brien for their next album. O'Brien produced STP's first 5 albums. ※ 『Stone Temple Pilots(STP)』はバンド名、『Scott Weiland』と『Brendan O'Brien』は人物名です。

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    ROBERT DELEO SAYS THAT SCOTT WEILAND WILL NOT RETURN TO STONE TEMPLE PILOTS MyCentralJersey.com reports that Scott Weiland will not return to Stone Temple Pilots, according to the band's bassist Robert DeLeo. The article states, “Might there be a time when Weiland comes back into the fold? No, DeLeo said.” DeLeo elaborated, “Scott's made that clear for us over the years, he's made that clear.”

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    Speaking as a huge fan of Scott, he needs help. The reason I haven't been on ‘Team Scott’ in the STP/Weiland split debacle, is that I feel like if I defend Scott's actions and poor live performances, I'm ultimately just defending his addiction and that's the last thing I want to do. I'm on ‘Team Clean and Sober (and Happy) Scott.’ I use sarcasm a lot when writing about it because it's all incredibly depressing stuff. ※『Scott Weiland』は人物名です。

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    STP fired Weiland in February after reuniting with him in 2010 for a series of tours and one self-titled album. The band had previously been on hiatus since 2002, primarily due to the singer's struggles with drugs and alcohol. In an open letter on the band's web site, STP told fans that the purpose of their lawsuit was "not to hurt Scott. We want to move forward productively, and Scott's choices and actions have prevented us from doing that." ※ 『STONE TEMPLE PILOTS(STP)』はバンド名、『Scott Weiland』は人物名です。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    Stone Temple Pilots LIED about firing singer Scott Weiland as a publicity stunt ... in order to hype an upcoming concert tour ... so says Weiland, who insists the band is still 100% together. Weiland said, "STP is not broken up. It's a whole thing to try to boost ticket sales." But the way Weiland explains it sounds like he and the rest of STP don't really communicate ... and they used the Weiland "firing" to boost ticket sales for a tour they were organizing WITHOUT him. ※ 『STONE TEMPLE PILOTS(STP)』はバンド名、『Scott Weiland』は人物名です。

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    Stone Temple Pilots have deleted everything on their official website StoneTemplePilots.com, and have replaced it with a large message containing their short February 27th press release announcing the firing of Scott Weiland. Weiland has disputed in the press that he's been fired, proclaiming that he is still STP's frontman. ※ 『Stone Temple Pilots(STP)』はバンド名、『Scott Weiland』は人物名です。

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    Former STP frontman Scott Weiland just recently embarked on the second leg of his “Purple at the Core” tour with his solo band, The Wildabouts. He recently had the chance to chat with Alan Sculley of HamptonRoads to reminiscence on STP's early days and provide a hint at what's to come for his solo career. When inquired about the band's disparate recording of their 2010 reunion album, Weiland said “No, we weren't hanging out much.” He noted that life in the band changed after the release of “Purple” in 1994. “That's kind of when it stopped. We were all chummy and all that up until then.”

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    The ticket page for that show says ‘Performing STP's Core and Purple.’ The promotional material has really contradicted itself, with some outlets saying he'll play Core and Purple front to back and others just saying he'll perform the hits. I don't think this bodes well for Stone Temple Pilots and adds validity to the rumors that Weiland has been fired, or that the band has split. Since relaunching his solo career in 2008 Weiland has sparingly performed STP radio hits at his solo shows, leaving those for STP shows. ※ 『Scott Weiland』は人物名、『Stone Temple Pilots (STP)』はバンド名、 『Core』と『Purple』はアルバム名です。

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    I have spoken with somebody who works with Scott Weiland’s management, and they denied that Weiland has been fired by Stone Temple Pilots. Slash claimed yesterday that STP fired Weiland, which is why he is campaigning for a Velvet Revolver reunion in the press. ※ 「Scott Weiland」と「Slash」は人物名であり、「Stone Temple Pilots(STP)」と「Velvet Revolver」はバンド名です。

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    So that's the gist of it. That's also the reason why the “firing” happened right as Weiland left on tour for this run. So when Slash said he “heard Weiland was fired”, that threat had been made if he went through with this tour. The band put the ball in Scott's court and he said whatever I'm doing it. I don't think Scott was fired when Slash said he was, but the threat had definitely been made, and Scott decided to call the Deleo's bluff. Well, now he's fired and it's up to their lawyers to sort through the mess.