• 締切済み



  • zoids440
  • ベストアンサー率26% (35/131)

傑作Top10 1.二度死ぬ 2.サンダーボール作戦 3.ゴールドフィンガー 4.ロシアより愛をこめて 5.リビング・デイライツ 6.ゴールデンアイ 7.ムーンレイカー 8.ダイヤモンドは永遠に 9.トゥモローネバーダイ 10.ユア・アイズ・オンリー 主題歌Top10 1.リビング・ディライツ 2.二度死ぬ 3.ゴールドフィンガー 4.サンダーボール作戦 5.ダイヤモンドは永遠に 6.ユア・アイズ・オンリー 7.  それ以降はちょっと思い出せません。印象に残った主題歌のみにさせていただきます。


  • 映画007 7箇条の英訳について

    今晩和。またお世話になります^^; 今度学校の課題で英語のプレゼンをするのですが、私は映画007:カジノ・ロワイヤルをテーマにしています。 そこで、00(ダブルオー)になるための7箇条を全て英訳したいのですが、イマイチどう訳していいのかわかりません。 1.死を恐れず、どんな拷問にも屈するな。 →Do not fear death, and no do hold one's own with to any torture. 2.射撃の腕はオリンピック級であること。 →The arm of shooting must be the Olympics class. 3.親を裏切っても組織は裏切るな。 →The organization must not betray it even if you betray parents. 4.学者も驚く知性と、悪女も微笑むユーモアを身につけろ。 →Acquire the humour at which the intellect and the wicked woman that the scholar is surprised, too also smile. 5.羊のごとき社交性で相手を欺く1 匹狼たれ。 →The wolf drip by one to cheat other party by sociability like sheep. 6.酒・ギャンブル・車・食事――常に最高級を経験せよ。 →Always experience the highest class sake, gambling, the car, and meal. 7.恋に落ちてもいいが、愛してはならない。 →You must not love though you may fall in love. 特に4と5なんかは訳せなく、翻訳サイトを使ったので間違っているかもしれません・・・。 添削、またアドバイスをお願いします。映画の字幕みたいな感じで、文法的に完璧!にならなくてもニュアンスが伝われば全然OKです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳して下さい

    Upon receiving the message from the messenger,Hamlet quickly started for his mother's chambers.On his way there,he passed by the king's room.Hamlet peeked in and saw Claudius on his knees looking up toward Heaven.The king was praying,and Hamlet could hear what he was saying.“Forgive me,dear Lord,for the terrible crimes I have committeed,"Claudius begged God.Hamlet saw that Claudius was alone in the room.This time,there were no guards to protect him.I can kill him right now,thought the young prince.But wait,he said to himself.If Claudius dies now while he is praying,God will forgive him,and Claudius will go to Heaven.But I want him to suffer in Hell forever.I'll wait for a better opportunity.Hamlet then went on to his mother's room.The meeting with his mother wasn't really private.There was a spy in her chambers.The king had ordered his old adviser Polonius to hide behind the curtains. Polonius was to listen to the conversation between Hamlet and Queen Gertrude and then pass on everything he heard to the king.

  • 日本語訳を! 1-(6)

    お願いします。  Pepi II wrote that he knew Harkhuf spent day and night with the caravan "doing that which thy lord desires, praises and commands." Not bad to have everyone running around trying to please you when you are barely nine. "Thy lord" has a nice ring to it, too.  Despite all his power, Pepi II was still a young boy after all, and it was impossible for him to keep the excitement out of his letter. He had learned that Harkhuf was bringing home someone from the fabulous race of short people called pygmies. The talents of this particular dancing pygmy were so amazing that he was said to perform "the dance of the gods." Imagine waiting for someone that entertaining to arrive. Pepi II was having a little trouble waiting. "Come north to the Palace at once! Drop everything―hurry and bring that pygmy you have brought, alive, happy and well, for the divine dances, to gladden the heart, to delight the heart of the king who lives for ever!" (There's another kingly bonus―living forever.)  Pepi II wanted to be sure the dancing pygmy arrived unharmed. He ordered:  get trusty men to stand around him on the gangplank―don't let him fall in the water! When he goes to bed at night,get trusty men to lie all round him in his hammock. Inspect him ten times a night! My majesty longs to see this pygmy more than all the treasure of Sinai and Punt!

  • 904シリーズか905シリーズか

     携帯の買い増しを検討中です。N904を買おうと思っていましたが、色が自分の好みではありません。  うわさによると、905シリーズが秋~冬にかけて発売されるようです。  905シリーズの詳細を知りたいのですが、詳細が載ってるサイトがありましたら、教えてください。よろしくおねがいします。(現在、友人から中古でもらったN900isを使っています。)  また、もし今あなたが買い増しをするとしたら、904にしますか?それとも905が出るのを待ちますか?

  • 7シリーズ?8シリーズ?

    現在のグラボ(GeForceで)コストパフォーマンスが良いと思われる7900Gsやパワーのある7900GTXなどの7シリーズを買うのと まもなく発表?されるであろう8600などの8シリーズ どっちを買うのが良いんでしょうか? また発売されたとしても、さすがに7900GS以上のパフォーマンスを発揮することはないですよね?

  • 和訳お願いします!!

    和訳お願いします!!  Good manners and etiquette are important in our lives. Without them, our world becomes an uncomfortable place to live in. However, many people have little idea of what is the right thing to do or to say in some situations. After all, we get no formal education or training in manners or etiquette. Most of us learn our manners from family and friends while we are still children. Very often, the manners we learn when we are children become habits for the rest of our lives.  I have a friend whose name is Bill. He is an executive at an American company and recently came to Japan on business. While having dinner together, he told me about how his company had tried to find a top-level manager. After much searching and interviews by experts, the list of applicants for the job was narrowed to three persons. As the final test, they were invited to dinner in a famous restaurant. Judging from the ability and experience, the last person,Tom, seemed to be the best. However, he was not employed. During dinner, he made noise while having his soup. He kept talking when eating. And he used his finger to push the last small vegetable on his fork. Bill said, "Oh, poor Tom. What a pity!"  I told Bill that his company should have employed Tom and then trained him like in Japan and that many people in the world eat with their fingers. "Oh, really?" he answered. I was also thinking of telling Bill about a famous incident that took place about ten years ago. The U.S.President got sick at a formal dinner in Tokyo and dirtied the clothes of the person sitting beside him. I would have liked to ask Bill: if people with such bad manners can become President of America, then what is wrong when someone uses his finger to push the last green pea on his fork? However, I decided to keep my mouth shut. The reason? This would be a bad topic to talk about, especially when having dinner with a friend. よろしくお願いします 人´Д`*) * 和訳+αで、段落ごとに約50文字ぐらいで、要約してもらえると助かります (´∀`*)

  • 戦隊シリーズで一番好きなシリーズはどのシリーズですか?

    戦隊シリーズで一番好きなシリーズはどのシリーズですか? 私は、「サンバルカン」に1票。

  • 日本語訳を!

    お願いします (12) The first soldiers to reach Ramesses II's camp burst into the command tent, shouting that the Hittite army was right behind. Ramesses grabbed his battle armor and stepped out of the tent to see his camp already in chaos. The Hittites had broken through the defensive line. Ramesses realized he was isolated from his elite guards in the midst of the enemy with only his shield bearer, Menna, at his side. "When Menna saw so great a number of chariots had ringed about me, he felt faint, and fear entered his limbs. Thus he spoke to his majesty,‘We stand alone in the middle of the enemy. The infantry and the chariots have abandoned us.... Let us also leave unharmed.'" Ramesses stood firm and answered, "Steady your heart, Menna. I shall move among them just as a hawk." (13) The battle scenes carved on the walls of the Great Temple at Abu Simbel show Ramesses single-handedly taking down the Hittite army:  There was no officer with me, no charioteer, no soldier. My infantry and my chariotry had run away before the enemy and no one stood firm to fight.... I found that my heart grew stout and my breast swelled with joy. Everything which I attempted I succeeded.... I found the enemy chariots scattering before my horses. Not one of them could fight me. Their hearts quaked with fear when they saw me and their arms went limp so they could not shoot.... I made them plunge into the water like crocodiles. They fell on their faces, one on top of another. I slaughtered them at will.... Behold, I am victorious, me alone!

  • 9シリーズと7シリーズの違い

    携帯を水没させました。 急いで買わなければなりませんが、いつもなんとなくこれでいいやで買ってしまいます。 今回はよく検討したいのですが、カタログを読んでも今ひとつ判りにくいです。 決定的な特徴・違い、お勧めの機種などを教えてください。 ちなみに自分の重視する機能は、カメラ、セキュリティ、メールの使い心地(デコメール等の余計な物は使いません)、アドレス帳などでしょうか。

  • Docomoの700シリーズと900シリーズって何が違うんですか?

    こんにちは。 NTT Docomoの携帯は700シリーズや800シリーズ、900シリーズがあります。900シリーズが一概に新しいというわけでもなさそうです。 特に700シリーズと900シリーズの違いがよく分かりません。 何かきっとコンセプトのようなものがあると思うのですが… よろしくお願いいたします。