• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:適語選び)


  • 英語の適語選び問題についてまとめました。
  • 適切な選択肢を記号で答える形式で解答してください。
  • 質問文章の各問題の正解は以下の通りです。


  • ベストアンサー
  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

【1】(  )に入る適語を下から選び、記号で答えなさい。  (1)Haruka got her typing errors ( corrected ).  (2)We saw Takashi ( playing ) catch with his father.  (3)I tried to make myself ( understood ) in French during my trip.   (4)( Helped ) by many people, he managed to start up his own shop.  (5)I’m very sorry to keep you ( waiting ) all night.  (6)Here is my e-mail address. Let’s keep in ( touch ) with each other.”  (7)You must ( pay ) attention to all directions while driving.  (8)She is ( crazy ) about the cool animation character.  (9)I’m here in Los Angeles on ( business ), not for sightseeing. 以上でよろしいでしょうか?





その他の回答 (1)

  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

【1】(  )に入る適語を下から選び、記号で答えなさい。  (1)Haruka got her typing errors (to correct).   (a)correct (b)corrected (c)correcting (d)to correct  (2)We saw Takashi (playing) catch with his father.   (a)played (b)to play (c)playing (d)have played  (3)I tried to make myself (understood) in French during my trip.   (a)understand (b)understood (c)understanding (d)to understand  (4)(Helped) by many people, he managed to start up his own shop.   (a)Helping (b)Have helped (c)To be helped (d)Helped  (5)I’m very sorry to keep you (waiting) all night.   (a)waiting (b)wait (c)have waited (d)to wait  (6)Here is my e-mail address. Let’s keep in (touch) with each other.”   (a)call (b)touch (c)mind (d)relation  (7)You must (pay) attention to all directions while driving.   (a)send (b)take (c)spend (d)pay  (8)She is (crazy) about the cool animation character.   (a)likely (b)found (c)crazy (d)favorite  (9)I’m here in Los Angeles on (business), not for sightseeing.   (a)job (b)company (c)business (d)fun



  • 英語 適語選び

    【1】(  )に入る適語を下から選び、記号で答えなさい。  (1)Would you mind ( ) me your MP3 player?   (a)to lend (b)lend (C)lending (d)lent  (2)I know this picture. I remember ( ) it somewhere before.   (a)saw (b)seeing (C)to see (d)see  (3)He was made ( ) some exercise to lose weight.   (a)to get (b)getting (C)get (d)gotten  (4)We heard the doorbell ( ) early in the morning.   (a)rings (b)have rung (C)to ring (d)ring  (5)She found it important ( ) of others.   (a)thought (b)to think (C)think (d)have thought  (6)Every kid is ( ) to participate in the sports event.   (a)must (b)exciting (C)joined (d)surprised  (7)This land will bring you a large harvest in the long ( ).   (a)order (b)run (C)end (d)race  (8)He tried to finish eating the especially hot curry ( ) vain.   (a)in (b)for (C)to (d)with  (9)My mother always prepares meals for me, so I ( ) ever cook.   (a)often (b)usually (C)hardly (d)clearly  何度もすみません。よろしくおねがいします。

  • 次の問題の理由を教えてください。

    He doesn't have the ability 〇〇〇〇 his job. A、for doing B、in doing C、to do D、in do 正解 C 辞書から抜粋 I admire his ~ to manage [=in managing] an organization.  私は彼の組織管理能力を高く買っている. 注釈)(B) in doing が不正解の理由を教えてください。

  • 英語

    you can't be back here! とはどういう意味ですか? can't be ははずがないという意味なのは知っていますが、 A you have to wait, ok? ・・・ A you can't be back here! B I'm in a rush!!! という状況で使われるcan't beです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • ( )に入る適語

    (質問)次の括弧に何が入るのでしょうか?(一応自分なりに推測はしているのですが、今回は先入観を避けるためにあえてのせないことにしました。)さらにその文の意味はどうなるのでしょうか?(何か慣用的なものですか?) A: Good morning. I have an appointment to see Prof. Shamot at 10:00. B: Yes, she's ( ) you. Go right in.

  • Toeic の問題で理解しがたい文が幾つかあります

    以下の問題がどうしてその回答なのか理解出来なく、何方か教えて下さい。宜しくお願い致します。 Q: __________, I would have returned it immediately. a.)If I knew that you wanted to read it b.)I had known that you wanted to read it c.)Had I known that you wanted to read it c.is correct answer Q: _______ in a home where two parents work is a difficult task indeed. a.)Children brought up b.)To bring up children c.)Bringing up children c. is correct answer Q: Despite ____________, Jack continued to lose weight. a.)he increased his food intake b.)increasing food intake c.)increased food intake c. is correct answer Q: _________ that James Franklin made his stunning debut. a.)It was 'Lions' b.)It was in 'Lions' c.)'Lions' it was b is correct answer

  • これは正解?

    問題を解いてみたのですが答えがありません。正解の部分は正解と書いていただき、間違いの部分はその解説を書いていただきたいです。よろしくお願いします。 2人の会話を成立させるために(1)~(5)から最も適するものを選びその記号を書いてください。 3、A: Excuse me. Could you help me? B: (1)Yes, of course. (2)That was all right. (3)No, thank you. (4)Yes, I could excuse you. (5)Yes, I liked to help you. A: How can I get to the museum?  自分の解答・・(1)    4、A: Can I have your passport, please? B: Here you are. A: How long do you plan to stay in Canada? B: (1)I’ll travel about 300 kilometers. (2)This is my first visit. (3)Canada is very far from Japan. (4)I’ll be here for two months. (5)I have a special plan here. 自分の解答・・(4) 英文中で間違いのある語句(節)を書いてください。 1、A mother holding a baby / is/ sitting a bench /by a big tree/ in the park           自分の解答・・by a big tree 2、People were/ surprising/ to see a man /climbing/ the tall building. 自分の解答・・surprising 3、What would have happened/ if/ we didn’t follow /his advice/ at that time? 自分の解答・・we didn't follow 4、A few years ago/ dogs were/ not allowed /to enter in/ most of the supermarkets. 自分の解答・・to enter in 5、Not known/ where to go,/ he was/ just walking around /in the hall. 自分の解答・・Not known 空欄に最も適する語句をA)~E)から選びその記号を書いてください。 1、Some passengers on the train( )room for an elderly on the seat. A)made B)took C)get D)kept E)reduced 自分の解答・・B 2、The traffic is always( )on this road Friday evening. A)very B)heavy C)high D)many E)great 自分の解答・・B 3、The sign on the board( ),”Keep off the grass.” A)says B)writes C) notices D)is aware E)reminds 自分の解答・・B 4、He was made( )the piano alone in the school festival. A)play B)to play C)played D)to be played E)playing 自分の解答・・A 5、She got her car( )by a gas station boy. A)to wash B)wash C)washed D)to washed E)washing 自分の解答・・A

  • 同意文作成問題の解答を教えて下さい(高校受験)

    (1)Will you wait here for me?  Will you wait here (     )I come back? (2)He went up to Tokyo at the age of twenty.  He went up to Tokyo (     )he (     )twenty. (3)I am tired because I worked hard.  I am tired (     )(     )hard work. (4)While he was staying in Paris,he visited his old friend.  (     )his(     )in Paris,he visited his old friend. (5)When I was going to station,I saw a friend of mine.  I saw a friend of mine (     )my(     )to station. (6)Look at the girl who has a beautiful lily in her hand.  Look at the girl (     )a beautiful lily in her hand.

  • 適語選び

    【1】(  )に入る適語を選びなさい。  (1)She put the (washing / washed) clothes into the basket.  (2)A (rolling / rolled) stone gathers no moss.  (3)The (exciting / excited) audience stood up and cheered.  (4)You had better not go to see such a (boring / bored) movie.  (5)I write (which / who / that / what) I think or feel in my diary.  (6)Tim made friends with a girl (who / whose / which / what) brother is a lawyer.  (7)The hotel (where / who / which / what) we’ll stay at tomorrow has a pool.  (8)Anyone (who / whose / whom / which) likes animals can join our society.  (9)China is the only foreign country (what / who / whose / that) I’ve ever visited.  (10)Everyone in this country has the (left / front / back / right) or free speech.  (11)This storm won’t (first / stop / last / late) long, It’ll clear up in a few hours.  (12)Will you please (focus / mind / care / worry) your business? I can do it by myself.  (13)Can you lend me fifty cents? I don’t have any small (bill / cent / dollar / change)    何度もすみません。回答、よろしくお願いします_(._.)_

  • これも仮定法?

    AがBの車に同乗していて、ロータリーでCの車ぶつかる場面の会話です。 A: I told you that you shouldn't drive so fast! You've just run into that blue car. B: But it was not his fault, not mine. He didn't brake in time. C: Look what you've done to my door! B: It was your fault. You should've stopped at the roundabout. C: You must be kidding. You ought to have given way. B: You shouldn't have been doing fifty in a built-up area. C: Anyway, it could have been worse, I suppose. Nobody was hurt and the damage isn't serious, is it? Here, have a sip of whisky from this flask. B: Thanks very much. I could do with a drink. No harm in that, is there? What about you? Aren't you having any? C: Not yet. I'll wait until the police have talked to you! そこで質問です。 (1)shouldとought toはどういうニュアンスの差があるでしょうか? (2)最後の文の「 I'll wait until the police have talked to you!」ですが、なぜ “the police has”にならないのでしょうか?policeが集合名詞で複数扱いになるのか、それとも until節なので仮定法になるんでしょうか? それに、ここは未来完了になると思うんですが、やはり until節では使えないのでしょうか?

  • 適語補充(2)

    適語補充でわからない問題が2つあります。 1. No matter (  ) (  ) (  ) you have, you can't buy someone's feeling. 2. I have to write a short story in English, no matter (  ) (  ) days I need. 私は、 1. how much money 2. how many かなぁ…?と考えましたが、間違っているように思われて仕方がないです。 回答、よろしくお願いします。

  • wifiに繋がらない問題についてbrotherプリンターDCPJ1200Nの対処方法を解説します。
  • 久しぶりに印刷しようとした際、プリンターとwifiが繋がらない問題が発生しました。新しいwifi機器を導入したことが原因かもしれません。この質問では、状況や試したことを詳しく説明しています。
  • Windowsを使用し、無線LANで接続している環境での問題です。アプリ(mobileConnect)からも印刷できません。ご質問者様に対して、brotherプリンターDCPJ1200Nのwifi接続トラブルの解決方法をアドバイスしています。