• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

I am not sure if there is a real need for them to observe him in the act.


  • 受動態文 英訳

    受動態文 英訳 「私はキャシーがそこにいたので驚いた」 →I was surprised that Cathy was there. 私は I was surprised by that Cathey was there.にしました。 Be surprised by(/at) で「~に驚く」という群動詞になるんじゃないんですか? ご指摘お願いします。

  • 次の英文を日本語にしてください。

    Well, I thought language exchange would be fun! I don't know, I guess I thought there were more interesting people on that website. I was wondering why me of all people. Lol Just curious, sorry. この文章と A lunch box with the group "Shonentai"  That is how I was first introduced to them. この文章をお願いします。 That is how I was first introduced to them

  • 受動態の文になるように()内に適切な語を入れてください。

    受動態の文になるように()内に適切な語を入れてください。 (1)Alice was writing the letter at that moment. ⇒The letter()()() by Alice at that moment. (2)Is the police officer watching you? ⇒() you ()() by the police officer? (3) They are building a new bridge across the river. ⇒A new bridge ()()() across the river. 上記の問題で、 (1)The letter(was)(being)(written) by Alice at that moment. (2)(Are) you (being)(watched) by the police officer? (3)A new bridge (is)(being)(built) across the river で合ってますか? 宜しく御願い致します><

  • 受動態

    ・We have just washed your shirt =Your shirt has just ()() ・They say that he is a famous artist =()()said that he is a famous artist ・The old lady took care of my cat =My cat was taken ()()()the old lady ・My bike was stolen at the station =I () my bike() at the station ・It is believed that this story is ture =This story ()() to be true ・Somebody kept the door open =The door was ()() かっこになにがはいりますかね? おねがいします

  • 受動態

    解いてみたのですが間違ってたら 教えてください。けっこう間違えてるかもですがすいません。 あと訳やどうしてその答えが違うのかも教えて頂けたら光栄です。 ・人というものは付き合っている仲間を見ればわかるものだ  A man (is known to, is known by) the company he keeps.→is known to by ・私たちはその家の壁に黄色のペンキを塗った  We painted the wall of the house yellow. =The wall of the house ()() yellow by us.→was painted ・彼は自分の意志に反してそこにいた人にその仕事をさせられた  A man there made him do the job against his will. =He was ()()() the job against his will. →made by him ・A lot of sugar () in our food, and this is causing health problems. 1.use 2.uses 3.is used 4.are used→4 ・I () the doctor that I need to get more exercise. 1.said 2.told to 3.was said by 4.was told by→3 ・Last night I () by a stranger. 1.speak 2.was spoken 3.was been spoken 4.was spoken to→4 ・"Could you recommend a good pencil?" "I can recommed these. They () pretty well." 1.are always sold 2.always sell 3.are always sell 4.always been selling→2 下記の問題はわからなかったものです。お願いします。 ・誤りのある番号を1ヶ所選び正しく書き改めなさい。(できれば訳もお願いします) 1 (1In) the early 1900s, he (2is widely) (3recognized) as both a medical doctor (4and) a novelist. 2 Email (1can send) (2easily) and at (3almost) no cost to users, making it an efficient and economical resource (4for) global communication. ・そのドアは子供たちによって開いたままにされた  The door (left/the children/by/open/was) ・誰がそれをやったかはすぐに明らかにされるだろう  It will soon (did/clear/made/be/who) it. ・災害から子どもたちを救うために何かをしなくてはならない  (the children/save/someyhing/done/be/from/to/must)the disaster. 以上です。

  • *** 英語 *** 態の変換問題

    Voice(態)を変えよ。という古めの練習問題ですが、添削確認ください。 1. We sent the servant for the doctor. -> The servant was send for the doctor. 2 .The cake has been eaten by the dogs. -> The dogs have eaten the cake. 3. She told me very intresting story. -> I was told very intresting story by her. -> Very intresting story were told me by her. 4. The discovery of electric waves made radio possible. -> Radio was made possible by the discovery of electric waves. 5. They were carrying out the chairs into the garden. -> The chairs was being carried out by them into the garden. 6. You should not have planted those tree there. -> Those tree should not have been planted there. 7. We had to take great care of them. (Great care ...) -> Great care had to be taken of them. 8. You cannnot rely upon him. -> He cannnot be relied upon. 9. People looked up to him as the father or the country. -> He was looked up to by the people as father of the country. 10. The police lost sight of the criminal. (The criminal ...) -> The criminal was lost sight of by the police. 11. I felt something move in the darkness. -> Something was felt move in the darkness. 12. They were made to read certain books by their teacher. -> Their teacher made them read a certain books. 13.Did you ever see him smile? -> Was he ever seen smile? 14. Who will took after the children? -> By whom will the children be looked after? 15. What is that bird called in English? -> What do you call that bird in English?

  • 能動態=受動態

    以前から気になっていたのですが、能動態と受動態が同じ意味になる動詞がありますよね。 例: He married her. = He was married to her. He possesses intelligence. = He is possessed of intelligence. The organization comprises three divisions. = The organization is comprised of three divisions. She never tires of listening to music. = She is never tired of listening to music. He pledged to support them.= He was pledged to support them. それから、こんなのもあります。 We worried about the problem. = We were worried about the problem. といった具合。これは一体どういうわけなんでしょうか。 それから、ほかにも類例があれば、教えて! (これって、次のような例とは性質が違うと思うんですよね。 I realized my dream. = My dream was realized. = My dream realized. They modernized the country. = The country was modernized.=The country modernized. They had to shorten their stay.= Their stay had to be shortened.= Their stay had to shorten.)

  • 分詞構文の意味上の動詞の省略

    (1)There are nine planets ,the earth being one of them. (2)She looked at him,her eyes wide open. なぜ(2)の分詞構文のeyesの後のbeing(was)は省略されているのでしょうか?openが形容詞で後置修飾が可能だからでしょうか?

  • 受動態について

    The music at the dance was very loud and could be heard from far away. この文は遠くからでも音が聞こえた…で、なんとなく受動態だとわかるんですが、 The temperature in the refrigerator should be kept low so that the food there may not go bad. この文がなぜ受動態になるのかがわかりません。 When I was in the station, my wallet was stolen. こんな文なら、受動態だとわかるのですが、上の2文はよくわかりません。 詳しい方、見分け方?や考え方を教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 受動態(高一)

    普通の文から受動態にするときにby主語を付ける場合と付けない場合が出てくるんですがなぜでしょうか またどうやって見分けたらいいのでしょうか 済みませんが何方か教えて下さい お願い致します The old man opens tha gate at 8 a.m. The gate is opened at 8 a.m. by the old man という文ではちゃんと文の終わりに+「by 主語」という形になっているのですが The studens at the college look up to the professor The professor is looked up to by the students at the collage では「by 主語」の後ろに「Mのat the collage」が着くという形になり They are buildeing a new hotel in front of the station A new hotel is bieng bulid in front of the station では「by 主語」が省略されています