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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:【至急】 高校英語 並べ替え・和訳問題)

高校英語 並べ替え・和訳問題

  • 母は父に喫煙するなと警告し、彼に絶対に喫煙しないことを約束するよう言った。
  • Given their large number, however, one will hit Earth eventually.
  • After the initial tsunamis and fires, the dust and smoke caused by an asteroid impact would eventually cover put planet, blocking sunlight and perhaps causing an ice age.


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

【A】 Mother warned Father against smoking and told him to promise never to smoke. 【B】 (1) しかし、それらの数の多さを考えれば、いずれは、ひとつが地球にぶつかるでしょう。 (2) 最初の津波と火災の後、最終的には、小惑星の衝突に起因するちりと煙が惑星(地球)をすっかり覆い、日光を遮断して、おそらく氷河時代を引き起こします。 (3) コミュニティがより言語学的に混ざり合うほど、そのコミュニティでは、個人が異なるグループの間のコミュニケーションを確保することをあてにすることが出来なくなります。 (4) リンガフランカ(共通語)が全世界のために必要とされるかもしれないと言う予想は、20世紀になってようやく強く現れてきたものです。



前回に続き、分かりやすい回答ありがとうございました! 参考にさせて頂きます!



  • 高校英語 和訳お願いします!

    The clock's methodical ticking helped bring into being the scientific mind and the scientific man. But it also took something away. As the late MIT computer scientist Joseph Weizenbaum observed in his 1976 book, Computer Power and Human Reason: From Judgment to Calculation, the conception of the world that emerged from the widespread use of timekeeping instruments "remains an impoverished version of the older one, for it rests on a rejection of those direct experiences that formed the basis for, and indeed constituted, the old reality." In deciding when to eat, to work, to sleep, to rise, we stopped listening to our senses and started obeying the clock. 難解です。。。お願いいたします!

  • 【至急】 高校英語の問題 (書き換え・並べ替え)

    分からない問題を載せました。 力を貸して下さると幸いです。 【A】 次の文を指示に従って書き換えなさい。 Nor are social concerns with literacy confined to a particular class or society. → And social concerns に続けて 【B】 次の日本文に合うように( )内の語句を並べ替えなさい。 (1) UFOを見たと言うなんて、彼は夢でも見たに違いない。 He ( saw / to / he / have / that / a dream, / must / had / a UFO / say ). (2) その研究家は珍しい昆虫を探して森へ入っていったが、二度と戻ってこなかった。 The researcher ( search / rare / entered / return / to / in / the / never / insect, / the forest / of ). 以上3問です。 よろしくお願いします!

  • 英語 和訳

    The man is a tourist and the woman is an engineer working in Norway. この文の和訳をどなたかお願いします。 あと、可能であるならば、文の構造も説明いただけると嬉しいです。

  • 至急和訳おねがいします!!

    Bloomberg Outlines $20 Billion Storm Protection Plan By KIA GREGORY and MARC SANTORA Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg outlined a far-reaching plan on Tuesday to protect New York City from the threat of rising sea levels and powerful storm surges by building an extensive network of flood walls, levees and bulkheads along its 520 miles of coast. The mayor said the plan would initially cost about $20 billion, and eventually far more. The city would spend the money on fortifying infrastructure like the power grid, renovating buildings to withstand hurricanes and defending the shore, according to a 438-page report on the proposals. The proposals, in all, would change the look and fabric of the city, though not until well after the mayor leaves office at the end of the year. Still, he emphasized that Hurricane Sandy was such a devastating event that the city had to move immediately. “This plan is incredibly ambitious — and much of the work will extend far beyond the next 203 days — but we refused to pass the responsibility for creating a plan onto the next administration,” he said in a speech at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. “This is urgent work, and it must begin now.” The report details 250 recommendations, including the installation of flood walls and other measures to protect some of the areas that were hit worst by the hurricane in October. .

  • 英語 和訳

    (1)Animals in the wild lead lives of compulsion and necessity within an unforgiving social hierarchy in an environment where the supply of fear is high and the supply of food low and where territory must constantly be defended and parasites forever endured. (2)But such an event is less likely to happen than for a member of our own species,say a shopkeeper with all the usual ties-to family,to friends,to society-to drop everything and walk away from his life with only the space change in his pockets and the clothes on his frame. (3)If human beings,boldest and most intelligent of creatures,will not wander from place to place,why would an animal,which is by temperament far more conservative? (1)~(3)の英文の和訳どなたかよろしくお願いします。

  • 【至急】 和訳お願いします!

    分からない和訳問題を載せました。 ご協力お願いします! (1) The tremendous population growth Europe experienced in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries increased the peasants' problems. (2) The Jewish immigrants who settled in North America during the colonial period also were seeking religious and political freedom. (3) So the resistance to falling in the case of the small animal is relatively ten times greather than the driving force. (4) An insect going for a drink is in as great danger as a man leaning out over a precipice in search of food. 以上4問です。 よろしくお願いします!

  • 高校英語の和訳教えてください

    和訳を教えてください。よろしくお願いします!! Once confidence had been destroyed between children and their parents , it is difficult to recover it . The child will keep even his most ordinary thought and feelings to himself , and will turn to other people ―not necessarily the best ones―to whom to give his confidence.

  • 高校英語です。少し長文ですが和訳お願いします!

    訳も解釈も難しいです... 長いので手間がかかるとは思いますが 確認したい箇所がたくさんあるので、 どうかよろしくお願いいたします!! (1)The Internet promises to have particularly far-reaching effects on cognition. In a paper published in 1936, the British mathematician Alan Turing proved that a digital computer, which at the time existed only as a theoretical machine, could be programmed to perform the function of any other information-processing device. And that's what we're seeing today. The Internet, an immeasurably powerful computing system, is subsuming most of our other intellectual technologies. It's becoming our map and our clock, our printing press and our typewriter, our calculator and our telephone, and our radio and TV. (2)When the Net absorbs a medium, that medium is re-created in the Net's image. It injects the medium's content with hyperlinks, blinking ads, and other digital gewgaws, and it surrounds the content with the content of all the other media it has absorbed. A new e-mail message, for instance, may announce its arrival as we're glancing over the latest headlines at a newspaper's site. The result is to scatter our attention and diffuse our concentration.

  • 【至急】 書き換え・和訳問題です!

    自信がなかったり分からないものを載せました。 力を貸して頂けると幸いです・・・ 【A】 次の英文を指定された書き出しに続けて書き換えなさい。 Nor and social concerns with literacy confined to a particular class or society. → And social concerns に続けて 【B】 次の英文を和訳しなさい。 (1) Among our most highly valued skills is our ability to make use of written texts, that is to say, our literacy. (2) Nowadays, western countries are eager to eradicate illiteracy as a means of solving a range of other social problems such as poverty and unemployment and therefore schools are keen to upgrade the literacy standards of their students. (3) Some critics say at current rates, ethanol production could use as much as half of the American corn supply before long. (4) The gestures were complex and subtle, involving a delicacy of motion that has since been lost completely. 以上5問です よろしくお願いします!

  • 和訳お願いします

    Think of it this way. Each of us is, more or less, an egg. Each of us is a unique, irreplaceable soul enclosed in a fragile shell. This is true of me, and it is true of each of you. And each of us, to a greater or lesser degree, is "The System". The System is supposed to protect us, but sometimes it take on a life of its own, and then it begins to kill us and cause us to kill others-coldly, efficiently, systematically.

  • アイパッドからエアープリントする際、用紙サイズがポストカードになってしまう問題が発生し、サイズの変更ができないことがあります。本記事では、この問題の解決方法をご紹介します。
  • アイパッドからエアープリントする際に用紙サイズの設定がポストカードになってしまう問題が発生しました。この問題を解決するためには、以下の手順に従って設定を変更します。
  • アイパッドからエアープリントする際、用紙サイズが自動的にポストカードになってしまうことがあります。この問題を解決するには、設定画面から用紙サイズを変更する必要があります。