• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:高校英語短文3題おねがいします!!)



  • ベストアンサー
  • MXT500
  • ベストアンサー率67% (101/149)

(1) Close investigation revealed the store to be owned by terrorists , which shocked the customers. という語順ならば、 綿密な捜査は、その店がテロリストの所有であることを暴き、このことはお店の客にショックを与えた。 (無生物主語の構文となるので、もっとこなれた訳が可能ですが) で意味が通りますが。 (2) He arrived early at the ticket office only ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )the tickets for the show had already been sold out. only to be told all 彼は、チケット売り場に早めに到着したが、ショーのチケットは全て売り切れになってしまったと告げられただけだった。 (3) The sun is ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) the way it is now for 5 billion years or more. expected to keep on shining 太陽は現在輝いているように今後50億年以上輝き続けると期待されている。





  • 英語の質問です!

    Bicycling Magazine predicts that in five or six years, about 10% of all bicycles (sold) in Japan will be electric. 下線部()のsoldと同じ用法を含む文を一つ選びなさい。 (1)The tickets were all sold out. (2)James has sold his car. (3)Vegetables sold at the supermarket are always fresh. (4)Kichen goods are sold in the basement. "The project brings customers back to local shops (that) don't have enough parking space for cars". 下線部のthatと同じ用法を含む文を一つ選びなさい。 (1)I was surprised at the news that your sister had suddenly married. (2)The first woman that enterd the room was my aunt. (3)It is a great pity that many fine old buildings are being destroyed. (4)It was so hot that I could not go out. You ( ) help me if you don‘t have time. I can do the job myself. (1)aren‘t (2)don‘t have to (3)aren‘t going to (4)should to The students ( ) to hear that classes would be canceled. (1)amaze (2)amazed (3)were amazed (4)were amazing 1恐竜は1500万年前に絶滅していると信じられています。 It (for/have/is/dinosaurs/extinct/that/believed/been) fifteen million years. 解答よろしくお願いします! .

  • Tickets to sold out....?

    ラグビーチケット購入サイトで見た英文です。 We offer fans the chance to purchase tickets to sold out events in a safe and secure environment . -purchase tickets to sold out events... この箇所が文法的に理解できません。どなたかご説明頂けないでしょうか? toの後ろにbeやhaveが省略されているのでしょうか? もしくは不定詞ではなく、前置詞でしょうか? その場合、このtoはどういう意味でしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 大きな違い、小さな違い

    こんにちは、次の文を英訳してみました。 “私はスーパーマーケットで働いていますが、お客さんによく○○はないかと聞かれます。 しかし、ない時もあります。一つは売り切れの場合と、もう一つは最初から扱っていない場合です。店側にとっては大きな違いですが、お客さんにとっては小さな違いです。” I work at a supermarket. And the customers often ask us if we have ○○. But the answer is not always yes to that question. One reason is when the item is sold out, and another is that we just simply don't carry that item. The differences bwtween the two reasons might be big for us but small for the customers. いくつか疑問があります。 (1)「働いている」は進行形で表した方がいいでしょうか? (2) “One reason is when ~ and another is that ~”というのは、文法的に間違いはないでしょうか? (3) 「お客さん」というのは、the customersというように定冠詞を付けた方がいいんでしょうか?

  • 英語の問題

    1:My sister ought to have arrived here by now, for she took the early train. 2:Dorothy isn't in the office; she might be having coffee in the cafeteria. 3:It is ridiculous that we should have to queue,when we've already got our tickets. 訳をお願いします

  • ____にあてはまる英語教えてください

    ____にあてはまる英語教えてください 1. The teenager was arrested for _______________ driving, 2. They have ____________________ a campaign to raise \10 million for the child to go to the States for a heart transplant. 3. I left __________________ when he refused to shake hands with me. 4. The man is suffering from ________________ tuberculosis. 5. He ________________ this afternoon while he was playing golf with his customers. 6. The professor is too strict; I wish he could be a little bit more ________________ with his students. 7. The Japanese police have been rather reluctant to ________________ in domestic conflicts. 8. He _______________ all he had just eaten.

  • 対訳・確認お願いします。

    海外のフェスのチケットを購入しましたが商品が来ないので質問したところ、以下の文章が返ってきました。 この内容は、書かれている住所に直接行って水曜から日曜の間に直接取りに来いというものでよろしいのでしょうか? もしよろしければ翻訳の方をお願いいたします。 You have been charged a total of £98.00 and this will appear on your statement as 'EVENT TICKETS' THERE WILL BE NO COLLECTION POINT AT THE FESTIVAL SITE Your tickets will be available for collection from the See Tickets collection point located at The Reading Hexagon, Queens XXXXXXXXXXXX This will be open from 8am - 8pm, Wednesday, 22nd August - Sunday 26th August 2012. Do not arrive outside of these times as you will be unable to collect your tickets. Please note that this is only staffed by See tickets staff from the Wednesday to the Sunday of the festival and the normal Hexagon Box Office staff will have no record of your booking and will be unable to deal with any queries by phone or e-mail from See tickets customers. Please collect your tickets before travelling to the festival site. Please do not attempt to collect your tickets at the festival as you will not be able to do so and you will be redirected to the collection point at The Hexagon. Please quote the reference number(s) above and take the card you booked with for identification when you collect your tickets. IMPORTANT - tickets will only be issued to the card holder, on production of the card used to place the order. The collection point will not have any tickets for sale and will not be able to assist with any issues regarding lost or stolen tickets as these cannot be replaced.

  • 高校英語教えください!

    1(  )には何が入りますか? 1-1 I wouldadvise you not to interfere.You had better ( ) your own business. 1-2 ( ) my purse stolen,I asked my friend to lend me some. 2同じ意味になるように 2-1 He intends his son to be a doctor. → He intends to__________________________________________. 2-2 The book,having been written in haste , has many faults. → There are _________________________________________________. 2-3 The reason why I gave up the plan is this. → This is the reason for _______________________________________. 和訳もよろしくお願いします!

  • 英語

    並び替え問題です。出来れば4と5には訳例をつけて頂けると助かります。 1Some words, like players on the stage, play an important role and then (their,lost,with,popularity,disappear).  2You (had better,more tax,paying,than,to,should avoid,you need). 3Nowadays there are (few people,over,not a,one hundred years old,to,who,be,live)in Japan. 4She arrived early at the ticket office only (to be,the,that,tickets,told,all) for the show had already been sold out. 5A study shows that Japanese women bow more often than men, and their bows last one-and-a-half seconds, (compared,one second,less,to,than) for men.

  • 短文和訳お願いします

    1. Effective May 1st , ABC bank will 5月1日よりABC銀行は they say we are focusing on too few customers , so effective from the first of the next month , the sales areas will be decided by the sales managers at the corporate level . こういう Effective ってよく使われるのですか? 2, John said he wouldn't be available until four , or something to that effect . something が入っていることによって分からなくなりました。 ジョンは 「4時まで出来ないよ」or 「その趣旨???」を言った。 3, Mr.Smith is said to have been so fearful of dirt and bacteria that he refused to shake hands and he carefully wiped his plate and glass before every meal. dirt and bacteria のところが?です。 4. Duck hunters use shotguns because the spreading of the shot gives them more chance of hitting a target because 以下をうまく訳して欲しいです。

  • 和訳お願いします

    和訳お願いしますm(._.)m Balance sheet Cash Includes cash and money in the bank. Also includes any short-term investments,if they are of low risk and will be converted into cash within a couple of months. Accounts receivable,net Money owed to the company by its customers who have bought goods or services on credit. "Net"means that the company has estimated the proportion of the accounts that it will not be able to collect(from those customers who are not able or not willing to pay),and has subtracted these "bad debts" from the total. Inventory Goods held for sale to customers.This category includes,for example,food on the shelves of a supermarket,cars in a car dealer's showroom,and birds in a pet shop. The amount shown is the cost of the inventory,not the amount it will be sold for. The inventory account of a manufacturing company also includes supplies and parts in warehouses or in the factory that will be mixed or assembled into products to be sold to customers.This includes everything from peanuts in a Snickers chocolate bar factory to seat belts in a Boeing airplane factory.