• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)



  • 翻訳お願いします

    /In the middle of the world's fatest growing city, a group of young businesspeople and students push their way into a circle. /In the center is a young man looking at the crowd. /This is not a scene from Speakers' Corner in Hyde Park in London, but one of the English corners in Shanghai,China.

  • 英語で道の説明に仕方について。

    英語での道の説明はすごく苦手です。 前置詞や冠詞、通りの名前は大文字か小文字かなどつまずいてばかりです。 それは3rd streetとMiller streetの角にあります。  It is on the corner of the 3rd street and the Miller street. It is on the 3rd street and the Miller street at the corner. 疑問ポイント 1、道路に、3rd streetやMiller streetという名前がついている場合はTHEは必要ですか? 2、on the cornerとat the corner の使い分け 3、通りの名前は大文字か小文字か それはCrystal road沿いにあり、スーパーの反対側(向かい)にあります。 It is on the Crystal road on the opposite supermarket. It is on the Crystal road across from a supermarket. It is across from a supermarket on the Crystal road. 疑問ポイント 1、道路名(Crystal road)を言ってからsupermarketをいうのか、supermarketを言ってから、道路名(Crystal road)をいうのか? 事務所は肉屋の一つおいて隣り[次]にあります。 The office is next but one to the butcher. 疑問ポイント 1、next but oneという表現はあまり一般的でないようなので、 もっと一般的な表現をご存知でしたら教えて下さい。 添削をよろしくお願いします。

  • 英語が得意な方、翻訳をよろしくお願いします!

    Most of our sets have footage from early careers and the country they originate from so most sets will have both formats we test on the cheapest DVD player around which is about £15 I must stress any modern DVD player will play both formats it has been like this for about 7 years, what I suggest you do is buy from an American website but ask are they copies from a British website it is very sad because I watch more NTSC fights than PAL here is a list of countries below good luck with your pursuit of fight sets elsewhere

  • 英文翻訳お願いいします!

    There is probably no meat as universally popular as mutton. It cuts across religions and cultures. For example, a Japanese research institute found that the traditionally picky Parisians consumed more sheep and duck than any other types of meat. A guest at a Parisian family dinner is likely to find a mouth-watering plate of roast leg of lamb on the bone in the center of the table. There are Japanese who claim to be put off by the smell of roast lamb, but that is probably because they have never smelled really fresh roast lamb. There are sometimes surprises in sheep cuisine. There are many restaurants in Sofia, Bulgaria, specializing in sheep cuisine, but if you cannot read the Bulgarian menu and simply order "the specialty of the house," you are likely to end up with roast sheep's head. This is considered a Bulgarian delicacy, and the tastiest part of the sheep. The British English expression, "mutton dressed as lamb," goes back a long way. Mutton is meat from a mature sheep, while lamb is meat from a young sheep. The phrase indicates an older woman who tries to make herself look young. The old English phrase "eat one's muttons with..." means "to dine with..." Sheep are not just for meat. In the Middle East, Europe, and elsewhere, sheep are free-range domestic animals who are loved for their cute cuddliness.

  • 至急翻訳お願いしたいです!

    baker street station in central london is a busy interchange station on london's underground. naturally,it is always crowded with wokers from nearby offices. it also attracts many tourists because it is the closest station to madame tussaud's,london's world-famous wax museum. inside the museum you can find wax models of actors,singers,politicians,historical figures and many other famous people. but for many people,baker street means only one thing:221b baker street was the home of sherlock holmes,the world's best-known fictional detective. sherlock holmes and his faithful friend dr.watson were characters created by the writer sir arthur conan doyle. the first stories featuring holmes and watson were published in the strand magazine in the 1890s. sherlock holmes solved crimes and mysteries by using his talent for detailed observation and logical thought. he claimed he could tell any man's profession simpley by looking closely at his fingernails,coat sleeves,shirt cuffs,shoes and the hardness of his hands. the sherlock holmes stories were enormously poplar. altogether holmes and watson appeared in about 60 novels and stories. eventually,conan doyle got tired of writing about holmes and wrote a story in which he died in an accident,hoping this would be the final episode. sherlock kolmes fans,however,were furious. conan doyle received so many bitter complaints that he had to write another story in which holmes miraculously survived the accident,and continued his career as world's most expert private detective. the sherlock holmes stories are still hugely popular todey,with new editions of the books appearing as well as television and movie adaptations. there is even an inter national sherlock holmes society. it organizes many special events for fans of the great detective,such as trips to places mentioned in the books,including visits to the place in switzerland where holmes was almost killed. no.221b baker street actually exists,and has now been turned into the sherlock holmes museum. it is a perfect recreation of the house described in the stories,containing holmes's armchair,his famous hat,pipe and magnifying glass. there is even an actress playing the part of mrs.hudson,holmes's housekeeper,who welcomes visitors. even if you have never read a sherlock holmes story,a visit to the museum will give you a chance to see a perfect example of a house in victorian england. if you want to find out more about sherlock holmes or the museum,you can go to the web site of the sherlock holmes society at www.sherlock-holmes.co.uk/home.htm

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    Salandra used the term "sacred egoism" (sacro egoismo) to define Italy's outlook on which side Italy would enter the war. Expecting the war would be short – over by the late summer of 1915 – there was some pressure on the decision to make. Negotiations had been started between Sonnino, the British Foreign Secretary Edward Grey and the French Foreign Minister Jules Cambon. On February 16, 1915, despite concurrent negotiations with Austria, a courier was dispatched in great secrecy to London with the suggestion that Italy was open to a good offer from the Entente. The final choice was aided by the arrival of news in March of Russian victories in the Carpathians. Salandra began to think that victory for the Entente was in sight, and was so anxious not to arrive too late for a share in the profits that he instructed his envoy in London to drop some demands and reach agreement quickly. The Treaty of London was concluded on April 26 binding Italy to fight within one month. Not until May 4 did Salandra denounce the Triple Alliance in a private note to its signatories.

  • こちらの英文を翻訳して頂きたいです。

    自分で翻訳したのですが、翻訳の解答がないので困っています…。 お願い致します。 1.The population of Canada is made up of about one third of British origion, one third French origin and the other third made up of more recent immigrants and American Indians. 2.The Inuit Indians live in the Northern areas of Canada and now have their own homeland within the Canadian federation called Nunavut. 3.Canada is popular for immigrants from every race and religion from around the world. 4.British Columbia is separated from the rest of Canada by the Rocky Mountains, and therefore has a rather independent mentality from the rest of Canada. 5.Though nearby Vancouver is a much bigger city, Victoria has the reputation of being less wet and more pleasant because of its smaller size and better weather. よろしくお願い致します。

  • 英語

    (1) Soon those states may be like Hawaii, with many cultural groups living together. →すぐにthose statesはHawaiiのようになるでしょう、many cultural groupsが共存している状態で。この訳の骨格は合っていますか? (2) Hawaii is thus a good example of how people from different ethnic groups can get along. この文は(3)の文の続きです。このthusの意味合いが良くわからないです。

  • 簡単な英文なんですが・・・。

    下記の英文を翻訳してみたのですが、合っているかどうか見てください。また、わからないものは×と表記しましたので意味を教えてください。 ちなみにAは地図上の場所と考えてください。 また、訳が似たものやわかりにくいものは図説していただけるとありがたいです。例えば2,3,6の違いなど・・・。 1. It's next to A. それはAの隣にある。 2. It's across from A. それはAの向かいにある。 3. It's facing A. それはAに面している。 4. It's between A and B. それはAとBの間にある。 5. It's in-between A and B. それはAとBの間にある。 6. It's in front of A. それはAの正面にある。 7.It's behind A. それはAの裏にある。 8. It's close to A. それはAの近くにある。 9. It's past A. それはAを過ぎたところにある。 10. It's before A. それはAの手前にある。 11. It's near A. それはAの近くにある。 12. It's right beside A. × 13. It's not far from A. それはAからそれほど遠くは無い。 14. It's around the corner from A. × 15. It's Carhie corner from A. × 16. It's kitty corner from A. × 17. It's opposite the corner with A. × 18. It's diagonal from A. × 19. It's the first building on your right. × 20. It's the last building on your right. ×

  • 英語 和訳

    (1)Such a shock occurred in the 1970s when oil supplies from the Middle East were disrupted,and when as a result the price of oil around the world rocketed. (2)Many countries learned lessons from the 1970s oil shock:they learned to be more energy efficient and they also became more keen to look for alternative forms of energy,for example,nuclear power and solar power. 上の2つの英文の和訳お願いします。