• 締切済み


下記の子供ニット帽を編みたいのですが、編み物は数えられる程度したのみの初心者な上に、英語略語で書かれていてよくわかりません。英語は多少できるのですが、何分編み物自体が素人なものでいまいちピンときません。 どなたかこれを訳し、注釈いただけないでしょうか?よろしくお願いします。URLはこちらです。 http://vallieskids.blogspot.co.nz/2010/06/pretty-in-pink.html Rnd 1) ch32, dc in 3rd ch from hook and in each ch accross, 2dc in last ch, now working on opposite side of chain dc accross in base of ch, dc in same st as starting. sl st to top of first dc Rnd 2) ch2 (does NOT count as first st now and throughout) Working in back loops throughout hat, dc in back loop of each st around Rnd 3-11) repeat rnd 2 Rnd 12-15) ch1, sc in same st and in each st around. Fasten off


  • neneko2005
  • ベストアンサー率57% (609/1053)

かぎ針用語の英語訳解説のHP↓ http://www.geocities.co.jp/filet_crochet_bonita/Crochet_Dictionary.htm 訳したものをここに書く=著作権侵害(翻訳権の侵害)にあたるので、 ご自分で訳してくださいね。





  • 外国の編み図の翻訳をお願いします。

    初めて、鍵編みの編み図を見て作ろうと思っているのですが、 難しくて解読できません。 以下の分を日本語訳していただけないでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。 1st round Miss 3ch, 2tr in next ch, 1tr in each ch to last ch, 5tr in last ch, working alongother side of foundation ch, 1tr in each of next 11ch, 2tr in next ch, sl st in 3rd ch at beg ... 32tr.

  • この英訳って・・・。

    先日、旅行に行った際に本屋で「子供のための聖書365日」のような内容の本を見つけ、少しでも今後の英語の勉強の訳にたてばなぁ、と思って買ってきました。そして早速辞書を用意し、読み始めてみましたが、意味はなんとなくわかるのですが、どうすれば正確な訳になるのかがわかりません。暇なときでよいので回答お願いします。 Your goodness is all around us.  (このall around usの正確な訳) Each day,let (このletは??)the song of birds and the whisper of the wind rimind me of Your greatness and the love Your show in giving us such a beautiful home. 簡単なものかもしれませんが、お願いします。

  • 次の英訳をお願いしますm(._.)m

    Starbucks owns and has applied to register numerous trademarks and service marks in the US and in many additional countries throughout the world. Some of our trademarks, including Starbucks, the Starbucks logo, Seattle’s Best Coffee, Frappuccino, Starbucks VIA and Tazo are of material importance.

  • 四人で働いてます。

    「昔は四人で仕事していたが、今は同じ仕事を二人でしています。」 はどのように言えばよいですか? I was working in a group of four, but now we are doing the same work in two people. I was working with other tree people, but now we are doing the same job in pairs. 最初の「四人で」と最後の「二人で」という部分が自信ありません。適切な表現を教えてください。また、この場合はworkとjobどちらでも大丈夫でしょうか?

  • 英訳お願いします。

    2. Licensee undertakes: a. not to communicate Source Code of the Software, algorithms, methods, concepts or intellectual property rights used or embodied in or in connection with the Software in which CH has an interest to any third party without the written consent of CH except insofar as same are already known by the Licensee, are publicly available, are received by the Licensee from Third parties without breach of any agreement with CH or are independently developed by the Licensee. b. to reproduce and include copyright notices of the Licensor on all and any copies, whether part or whole (including but not limited to program listings, source code and object code) of the Software. c. not to provide or otherwise make available the Software in whole or in part in any form to any person other than the licensee’s employees except in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, without prior written consent from CH. d. not to itself or through any third party, sell, lease, license, sublicense, or otherwise deal with the Source Code of the Software, (algorithms, methods, concepts) except insofar as the same are publicly known, intellectual property rights used or embodied in or in connection with the Software in which CH has an interest or any part or parts or variations, modifications, copies, releases, versions or enhancements thereof. Provided that nothing in this Agreement shall prevent the Licensee from selling leasing, sublicensing of otherwise dealing in software in object code form as part of its products.

  • 英訳2文どなたか教えてください。

    In healthy tissue, physiologists studying electric phenomena in glia cells could not find any indication that the glia had any other part in the complex interplay of electric signals in neurons than that of foraging for the neurons. What is certain is that the glia cells envelop the nerve fibers, separate neighboring neurons from each other, and construct an insulating sheath around many nerve fibers made of layers of a fatty substance called myelin.

  • 訳してください

    There are millions of people around the world who claim English as their first language but who cannnot understand each other -an English teacher in India,for example, another in the Philippines and a third in Nigeria 基本的な文でごめんなさい。 よろしくお願いします。

  • どういうふうに英訳すればいいのでしょうか?少ししてみたのですが。

    世界各地の伝説上の生き物の文化比較論的研究 副題 異なる文化において、それらはどのような際立った特性、および差異があるのか? また、各地の特有の文化とあいまって、それらは絵画、文学、宗教、音楽において、どのように表現されてきたか。 Comparative Study of Legendary Creatures in various countries of the world って訳してみたのですが、文化比較的が上手く訳せません。世界各地も変だし。自信がなく.... 中年になってから通っている大学の講座で提出するのですが... 英語も併記で困っています。 副題 What outstanding(special?) characteristics do they have in each culture? And what are the fundamental differences? And how have they been expressed (represented?) in art, literature, religion, and music, of each district, influenced by each culture? よろしくお願いいたします。↑ なんか変ですよね?恥ずかしいです。

  • 英訳見てください!

    資料を参考に脳死について書いてみたのですが、こういう文どころかまともに長い文すら英語で書いたことがないのでメチャクチャな気がします...とりあえず見てみて悪ければ直して(大幅でも構いません)くださると助かります。お願いします。 For a supporter group,it is the main reasons for support that an organ transplant become possible.Therefore, this is explained. First, there aremany saved persons by transplanting.Second,those who are "very healthy" and "almost healthy" after a transplant occupy 72% on an avarage, and become 90% or more in acoordance with this about "it is healthier than transplant before" 90% or more of a transplant people are performingthe same life as an ordinary person, such as going to school, working ina company, or performing housekeeping as a housewife.If the condition after a transplant is good, the doctor will have recommendedto exercise positively and 27% of transplant persons will exercise. As a kind of movement, golf, swimming, a jogging,etc. occupy the higher rank. A transplant does not only save a life. As started now, the same life as an ordinary person can be performed , or it comes to be able todo to movement. In the present condition, since there are few chances to transplant by there being few donors about the heart or liver, an about 80-260person per a year passes away without the ability performing a heart transplant, and also turns into 2200 persons about liver.

  • 英訳御願いします。

    英訳御願いいたします。 1)「家事と仕事の両立の為のシステムが導入されはじめている。」 To help doing both "working" and "housekeeping", some systems are innobating. 2)(たくさん要素があるが)「その一つが家事と仕事を両立することで疲れるだろうと考えていることである。」 One of them is that they think "working" and "housekeeping" at the same time feel exhausted. 3)疲労を感じたある状況から他の状況への切り替え。 "Switch" from one situation which those who feel exhausting to other situation. 前後がなくて、よくわからないかもしれません。 日本語でもちょっと自分が言いたいことを表現できていない せいもあって、自信が持てずにいます。