• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:up to の意味について(最大?))

up to の意味について(最大?)



あと,日本語の「定員」とか「最大定員」とか,そういう表現と同じで, up to ~というのは「最大」でありながら, 「その数そのもの」「(ぴったり)~まで」 count up して「その数まで」というちょうどの数を表す響きがあり, up to 1 で「1」そのもの を表す。 という言い方も可能です。 up to 10 という場合にあくまでも「最大」なのか,「ぴったり」なのか は慣用性によって決まるとも言える。 とにかく,up to には「ぴったりその数」 の響きもあります。 だから,up to a maximum of ~という表現も使えます。


  • up to 2 の意味

    こんばんは 質問させて下さい。 今度留学をするのですが、留学先のホストファミリーのプロフィールの ・ Other students in the home の部分に ・ up to 2 とあるのですがこれはどのような意味なのでしょうか? すみませんがよろしくお願い致します。

  • for up to について

    Approximately 20,000 to 30,000 workers, probably farmers unable to tend their crops due to the Nile River's annual floods, are believed to have worked on the pyramid for up to four months each year for decades. この文の for up to for months について質問です。 これはどう訳せばいいのでしょうか? it's up to you それはあなた次第である。 up to で~次第である。 という表現なら知っていますが、ここでは若干意味が違うようです。 だれか教えていただけませんでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • lowerd by up to 0.5 cm

    義足のtrim lineのことで質問です。 This wall is often lowerd by up to 0.5 cm to allow for the pubic ramus. という文がありました。このbyの意味はなんでしょうか。 ただし、英語ネイティブが書いた文ではないかもしれません。

  • bring you up to date とは

    This will bring you up to date on the latest in communication protocol の文章で up to date on the latest は日本語ではどう言う意味になるでしょうか。 (up) to date と on the latest は同じ意味のようなのですが。 またこの文章は(bring you up)(to date)(on the latest)なのでしょうか、 (bring you)(up to date)(on the latest) なのでしょうか。 よろしくお願いします

  • working up to capacity

    DEAR ABBY: I'm a student who maintains a decent GPA. However, my parents believe they have a genius in the making. Since I started at a new school, my mother has been pressuring me more than twice as much. She no longer talks to me except to pester me about that B or C in algebra or any other class. I understand that she wants me to be smart, and I know I should be trying to live up to her expectations of a flawless, straight-A student, but I don't believe I can. Please help me. -- UNDER PRESSURE DEAR UNDER PRESSURE: It might help if you would talk with your teachers about this, and ask if THEY think you are DEAR ABBY: I'm a student who maintains a decent GPA. However, my parents believe they have a genius in the making. Since I started at a new school, my mother has been pressuring me more than twice as much. She no longer talks to me except to pester me about that B or C in algebra or any other class. I understand that she wants me to be smart, and I know I should be trying to live up to her expectations of a flawless, straight-A student, but I don't believe I can. Please help me. -- UNDER PRESSURE DEAR UNDER PRESSURE: It might help if you would talk with your teachers about this, and ask if THEY think you are working up to capacity. DEAR ABBY: I'm a student who maintains a decent GPA. However, my parents believe they have a genius in the making. Since I started at a new school, my mother has been pressuring me more than twice as much. She no longer talks to me except to pester me about that B or C in algebra or any other class. I understand that she wants me to be smart, and I know I should be trying to live up to her expectations of a flawless, straight-A student, but I don't believe I can. Please help me. -- UNDER PRESSURE DEAR UNDER PRESSURE: It might help if you would talk with your teachers about this, and ask if THEY think you are DEAR ABBY: I'm a student who maintains a decent GPA. However, my parents believe they have a genius in the making. Since I started at a new school, my mother has been pressuring me more than twice as much. She no longer talks to me except to pester me about that B or C in algebra or any other class. I understand that she wants me to be smart, and I know I should be trying to live up to her expectations of a flawless, straight-A student, but I don't believe I can. Please help me. -- UNDER PRESSURE DEAR UNDER PRESSURE: It might help if you would talk with your teachers about this, and ask if THEY think you are working up to capacity. working up to capacityはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いしますはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 意味を教えてください。

    I will refer to as this course unfolds. の意味を教えていただけませんか。また、この文での、 1.refer to~ 2.as 3. unfolds はそれぞれどのような意味になるでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • up to his old ways

    Two years ago, I caught my husband having an emotional affair with a friend of ours. Even though we went through counseling and he told me he was no longer in contact with her, he lied. He continued to lie for almost a year, even during our counseling sessions. In one session, he tried to blame me for his actions, and after six months, he still refused to take any responsibility for the affair. This whole thing has made me not trust him. I recently saw an email to an ex-girlfriend from high school. He said he wished he had been a better person, and that he would be looking for a woman like her. He says they were just reminiscing about the past. I believe he is up to his old ways. up to his old waysとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • get toの意味

    8:45 p.m. — Back to my condo. It's dinnertime for all the pets, and beer time for me and my coworker-friend. Luckily, another friend brought over a bunch of beer earlier in this week, and I still have lots left over. Coworker and I get to talking about upcoming concerts. ここでのget toの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 英語の通訳おねがいいたします。

    英語の通訳おねがいいたします。 1) Subject to subclauses (2) and (3), the holder must not engage in work in Australia for more than 20 hours a week during any week when the holder's course of study or training is in session. (2) Subclause (1) does not apply to work that was specified as a requirement of the course when the course particulars were entered in the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students. (3) The holder must not engage in work before the course for which the initial student visa was granted commences. 1,2はなんとなぁ~くわかるのですが3番目はつまり学校が始まるまで働くことができないという意味なのでしょうか? 英語に自信あるかたおねがいいたします。

  • この英文の意味を教えて

    以下は、"The Mark Zuckerberg Story"という本からの引用です。 Wile he was still at high school, Mark went to a nearby university to take a programming course. The class was for graduate students. Edward took Mark into the classroom on the first day of the course. "You can't bring your son into the classroom with you," the teacher complained. "I'm not," replied Edward. "It's my son who's taking the class!" (EdwardはMarkの父です) わからないのは2箇所。 1)The class was for graduate students. のclassはcourseと同じ意味なのか。また、そうならばなぜclassをつかっているのか。 2)"You can't bring your son into the classroom with you,"は「息子を連れてきてはいけませんよ。」という意味に解釈しているのですが、その返答の"I'm not"の意味が分かりません。会話がつながってないように感じてしまいます。 どなたか解説お願いします。