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人々は、彼らのゴミを通りの端に沿った部屋の床に埋められた大きな陶器の壺に入れました。地面に埋め込まれたこれらの大きな壺のいくつかは、労働者が時々清掃するトイレとして用いられたかもしれません。ほとんどの家には、また、通りの壺やより大きな排水管に(汚水を)空ける入浴場所と排水管もありました。 このシステムは、商人が訪れ、壁と排水管を造る税金を払い続け、それらを支える労働者に支払いを続ける限り、本当に良く機能しました。しかし、快適な700年後の、紀元前1900年頃までには、事態は変わり始めました。学者にはまだ完全にはわからない理由のために、砂漠と森を旅して通過する危険を冒す覚悟のある交易商人が減ったのです。我々は、交易商人が減ったことが分かります、と言うのは、考古学者が遠隔地由来の貴重な商品をあまり見つけられなくなったからです。税金を払う交易商人の数が減ったので、都市には、もはやその壁や徴税官を維持するゆとりがなくなりました。 インダス川とその支流の川筋の変化が、増加した洪水と組み合わさって、ハラッパの抱える問題を増したことでしょう。他の理由も、同様にあったかもしれません。理由が、更なる発掘で見つかるのを待つのみです。そして、いつか、もしかすると、我々はインダス文字を読むことができるようになるかも知れません。





  • 日本語訳をお願いします。3

    至急こちらをお願いします。続き Potters made more than pots.They also made small figures that were probably used for praying to the deities,as well as toys for their children.Archaeologists can't always tell the difference between objects meant for sacred rituals and those made tn be toys.Today in India,after a mother is finished praying with a clay figurine,she often gives it to her children to play with.Archaeologists have found many broken and thrown-away figurines that may have bedn used first for rituals and later as toys.Some animal figurines had holes at the bottom to attach wheels and a hole at the top for a pull string,just like the plastic and wooden toys that little kids like to pull around today. Archaeologists don't know who did what job.Most believe that women made the first coil pots,as they still do in some remote Indian villages.For one thing,women were in charge of cooking,so they were the ones who cared most about making it easier.For another,women probably made the baskets that came before the coiled pots,and their shapes are similar. But the potter's wheel changed things.It takes a lot of strength and regular practice to work the wheel.It's not the kind of job you can do it between chasing your children around,and most women of the ancient world spent much of their time and energy on the important work of raising,feeding,and clothing their families.In many parts of the world,men began to work as full-time potters after the invention of the potter's wheel.

  • 日本語訳を!!c8-3

    お願いします!!続き Other shops specialized in the ceramic art of faience,their shelves stocked with beads and bangles as welk as small bottles for perfume and medicines.Still others offered white soapstone beads and pendants,delicately fashioned inlay,and intricately carved and inscribed seals with geometric designs.At this same shop,merchants could have ordered inscribed reals with special animal designs that stood for their clan or religious beliefs. Seals show a person who talks to tigers from a thorny tree.Other seals and figurines show mother deities;a bearded,horned deity;or the ritual killing of a water buffalo.Many of these scenes include a holy man sitting on his heels and meditating in the shade of the pipal,or sacred fig,tree.Archaeologists believe that communities of holy men practiced the discipline of yoga in sacred groves outside the city walls.Sarang's family may well have gone to visit these holy men to bring them offerings as part of the harvest festival. Sarang's family certainly would have stopped in the potter's quarter to buy pots and small clay figurines for worship at the harvest festival.If Sarang had glanced into the courtyard behind any potter's shop,he might well have seen children at work.Artisans' shops were attached to their children would have helped with simple tasks,such as sweeping or fetching materials.Archaeologists have found that some of the flat clay disks that were used to cover pots have child-sized hand-and footprints pressed into them.Bead maker's children,with their small hands and good eyesight,probably also helped string tiny beads. Besides pots,potters made small figurines that were used as offerings to the deities.Even today,many Hindus use small clay or paper figures as part of their prayers and offerings to the deities.Could some of the deities they worship have come from Harappan times?No one knows.

  • 日本語訳を!!c6-2

    お願いします!!続き Symbols scratched into pots after they were fired are called graffiti.Graffiti probably developed at the same time as potter's marks,around 4000 BCE,but the earliest examples from Harappa date to around 3300 BCE.They count as the earliest evidence for writing in the Indus Valley.By about 2800-2600 BCE,the symbols that began as graffiti had become a written language,one that was spreading rapidly throughout the region. Why did writing spread so quickly? For one thing,it was useful,especially to merchants who traveled throtghout the Indus Valley.They used square seals with animal designs and bold script across the the top to seal goods for trade.They also developed a system of tablets for keeping accounts.Archaeologists have recently found a building that was a kind of “mint” that made the tablets that merchants used to keep track of their goods. Merchants weren't the only people who were quick to see the power of the written word.Religious leaders may have used writing to record the names of deities and important religious rituals. Archaeologists have been trying to understand the Indus script for more than a hundred years-without any luck.For one thing,they've only found about 2,000 examples of it,and none of the examples has more than 23 symbols (most have only five).But they have been able to figure out a few of its features.They know that the Indus script is not directly related to any known writing system.They know that it was written from right to left (as is the script used to write Urdu,the modern language of Pakistan). But sometimes longer inscriptions are written from the right in the first line,then from left to right on the mext line,and so on,back and forth until the end.This type of writing style is called boustrophedon,a Greek word that means “as the ox turns,”because it moves down one row and up the next,the way oxen plow a field,or people mow the lawn.

  • 日本語訳を!c9-3

    お願いします!続き The crew filled some of the big storage jars with fresh water for the long trip,and packed the others with dried cheese,butter,honey,and beer.They stowed large sacks of wheat and barley toward the front end of the boat,where the sacks were less likely to get wet.Next to the grain,they stacked bales of cotton cloth,bleached white or dyed red or blue.The captain would have bought the cloth from traders who had floated down the shallow rivers that led to the center of the bountry on their flat-bottomed boats. As you might have guessed from Puabi's tomb,the boat's most valuable cargo was long carnelian beads.These beads were in great demand in Mesopotamia,and the captain wrapped them in soft cotton and packed them carefully in a basket so that they would not get broken during the trip. After he tied some branches from the sacred pipal tree to the mast to ward off evil spirits,the captain would have loaded his passengers:monkeys,peacocks,and sleek reddish brown gunting dogs to sell as pets,as well as a couple of traders who wanted passage to Mesopotamia. From Dholavira the captain sailed west across the delta,or the mouth,of the Indus River.With the delta behind him,he faced one of the most dangerous parts of his trip.The coast became very rocky and the crew had to watch for submerged islands as they sailed slowly through waters filled with fish and black-and-gold sea snakes.Once he had made it through that dangerous stretch,the captain could have sailed across the Arabian Sea for a quick stop along the coast of Oman,or chosen to sail directly to Mesopotamia,north through the Persian Gulf.Oman would have been a tempting side trip.The people there were willing to trade their copper,seashells,and pearls,all of which were in high demand in Mesopotamia,for the captain's wood and cotton cloth-but the first traders to arrive in Mesopotamia could charge the highest prices for their goods.

  • 日本語訳で困っています。

    以下の文章がものすごく難しくて、長いしどう訳せばいいかわかりません。 だれか教えてください。お願いします。 (1)After spending a period of time abroad, you may have to prepare yourself for a period of re-adjustment when you return home. (2)Simply because, if you have had a full experience living and learning overseas, you are likely to have changed, so the place you return to may itself appear to have changed, as indeed it might have. (3)But as you try to settle back into your former routine, you may recognize that your overseas experience has changed some or many of your ways of doing things, even what it means to “be yourself”. (4)But this intellectual and personal growth means that you can expect a period of difficulty in adjusting to the new environment at home.

  • 日本語訳を!!c7-3

    お願いします!!続き Say you were a merchant from Oman,in what is now known as the Middle East,come to Harappa to trade alabaster vases and fine woolen cloth for shell bangles and stone beads.The first thing you would have noticed was what wasn't there-no great temples or monuments,like the ones you had seen in the cities of Mesopotamia and Persia.You probably would have thought Harappa a poor place,without the grandeur of home.But hen you would have noticed the tidy,neat streets.Even as a stranger in a strange city,you didn't have to leave extra time in case you got lost in the maze of streets every time you went to the market.The streets were straight and predictable,and quieter than you were used to.Houses weren't open to the stredt,so you didn't hear every word that people were saying inside as you walked by.Instead,the main doorway of eabh house was located along a side street and had an entryway that screened the inside from curious eyes.The windows opened onto the courtyard at its center. You'd have noticed that the city smelled better than most cities you visited.Major streets had built-in garbage bins.Each block of houses had a private well and bathrooms with drains.The small drains leading from the bathing areas and toilets emptied hnto slightly larger drains in the side streets that flowed into huge covered sewer in the main streets,big enough for people to climb inside and clean.These big city sewers emptied outside of the city wall into gullies and were washed out every year by the rains.

  • 日本語訳を!c9-4

    お願いします!続き After about a month of travel,the ship from Dholavira arrived at the delta of the Tigris and the Euphrates Rivers.Here they paused until the captain could hire a local fisherman to help guide the ship through the treacherous channels of the delta before it arrived at last in the great city of Ur. Many people of the Indus Valley had made the trip before,and some of them had probably settled there to live.The captain most likely would have contacted a merchant originally from the Indus Valley to help convert Mesopotamian weights and measures and interpret for his Akkadian-speaking customers. The people of southern Mesopotamia may have paid for some of their goods with fine embroidered woolen shawls and blankets.They might also have traded in silver from Anatolia,which was widely used in Mesopotamia,and perhaps even in the more valuable gold bangles from Egypt.These simple,round bracelets were a convenient way to measure and carry gold,and could be melted down and made into other objects. On the slower return journey,the captain stopped at Dilmun,the island that today is called Bahrain,and traded Mesopotamian silver and textiles for pearls from the Persian Gulf.He also stopped at Magan,in what is now Oman,for copper and large,heavy seashells. Finally,around the beginning of June,the captain would have seen the long red flag at the top of his mast begin to flap in the southwesterly winds.That meant it was time to set sail and catch the winds before the monsoon became too strong.After filling the water pots,he and his crew headed east to the mouth of the Indus and the Gulf of Kutch.The whole trip took almost five months,but he was coming home with a ship full of valuable things that he could sell for a good profit in Dholavira and up the Indus River at Mohenjo Daro.

  • 日本語訳お願いします!

    本当に困っています!以下の文章は長いので、読んでもチンプンカンプンです。助けてください。。。国際法の国際組織についてです。 And that leaves still unmentioned a more abstract form of interest: not only has the outvoted minority a right to be protested against the majority, and not only may third parties warrant some form of protection, but it is also often thought that the interests of the world community at large ought to be taken into account: and the interests of the world community then entail the proposition that, generally speaking, international organizations perform worthwhile functions and should, in principle, be free to pursue their activities with as little interference as possible, as well as (sometimes opposing, sometimes coinciding with the previous point) a general interest in seeing that the rule of law is upheld, which then translates into an interest in organizations acting strictly in conformity with their constituent documents.

  • 日本語訳を!!c7-5

    お願いします!!続き But as a pilgrim,you would probably have been most interested in the large building that today is called the Great Bath.You would go first into a small bathing area that was supplied with a well.You'd take off your outer clothes,which were dusty from your journey,and wash yourself.Once you were clean,you would move on into a large courtyard.You might walk along the roofed edges of the courtyard to better admire the sacred pool in the center.When you were ready for the bath that would clean your spirit as well as yourbody,you would walk into the large pool by one of the two wide stairways that led down into the healing water. Travelers from both Mohenjo Daro and Harappa probably would have felt least at home in Dholavira,the third major city of the Indus.Dholavira,located in what is now the modern country of India,was on an island in an inland bay far to the south of Mohenjo Daro.The farming was not good in the areas around Dholavira-the climate was too dry-so most people supported themselves by herding,fishing,and trading.To collect and store enough rainwater,the people of Dholavira built stone tanks or reservoirs that stretched over more than a third of their city. Dry Dholavira may not have had much mud,but it had lots of stone.Most of its houses and drains were made of sandstone blocks.Dholavira was the grandest of the cities,with huge walls and ceremonial gates separating the quarters was even topped by an inscription of ten symbols,each one a little more than a foot tall. Dholavira's magnificent gates couldn't change the fact that,in general,the people of the Indus Valley cities did not choose to build huge monuments to a king or religious ruler.Their cities were simple and workaday,without unnecessary flourishes or great pieces of monumental art.But towering high bbove the plain,with gleaming red-brick gateways and light gray mud-brick walls,they still must have been a commanding sight.

  • 日本語訳をお願いします。2

    至急こちらをお願いします。続き At first,potters stacked coil of clay on top of each other and pinched and squashed the coils together to make smooth-walled pots.At some point people realized that it would be easier to work on all the sides of a pot if it were on a dish or platter that could be spun around.They also found that adding sand and fine gravel to the clay made pots strong enough to survive cooking fires-no more putting your hand in the flames to retrieve a fallen piece of meat.By abnut 3500-3300 BCE,potters had discovered that “throwing”-shaping their pots on the fast-turning disks-was faster than the coil method. The potter's wheel is a large,flat disk with a socket on the bottom that fits over a round spike set in the ground,like a cupped hand over a fist.The first wheels required a lot of strength and skill to spin,but potters had more control with a spinning wheel.They could make pots that were more even and had thinner walls than coil pots.After the potters shaped the pots,they sliced them ofe the wheels with pieces of thread that they held tightly between their hands.When the pots had dried,artisans coated the inside or outsidd with slip,finely ground colored clay mixed with water until it was about the thickness of cream.The coating of slip helped to seal all the tiny holes in the cilay and make the surface more waterproof.Sometimes artisans would decorate their pots and figures with brushes made from the tail hair of a goat and dipped into red,brown,black,or white slip.