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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:至急日本語訳にお願いします。)

人々が興奮する理由とは? - 健康教育の価値について


  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

興奮する理由を理解することができない限り、人々が何に対してもあまり興奮しないのは、純然たる人生の現実です。 健康教育に由来する多くの価値観は、すぐに明らかになるものではなく、しばしば非常に知的で教養がある人によってさえ、理解されていません。 ☆ fact of life http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=fact+of+life&ref=sa





  • 日本語訳で困っています。

    以下の文章がものすごく難しくてどう訳せばいいかわかりません。 だれか教えてください。お願いします。 (1)Even though these changes are seldom huge, and may not be apparent to others, you are likely to be very aware of them, and this can be confusing, all the more so because it is unexpected. (2)The re-adjustment period is usually rather short-lived, since home will never be as foreign to you as the foreign environment you adjusted to overseas. (2)の文は【比較構文 not as ~ as...】と書いてあります。どういうことでしょか? not as ~as... は「・・・ほど~ではない」という比較表現です。 上記の文ではnotがneverになっていて、asとasの間が形容詞1語ではなく、foreign to you と句の形になっている。 ↑と補足してあるんですが、よくわかりません。

  • 大大至急です!(´;ω;`)日本語訳お願いします。

    翻訳機にかけるのはやめてください。 英語がわかるかた、日本語訳おねがいします。 (1)I more than just like you. (2)I'm not saying I like tall girls. I'm saying I don't care about how tall a girl is.  (3)If things are going to work between us when I leave. (4)Right now it seems like you're scared and it makes me think that things are going to work between us when I leave.  (5)No one else but you. I am not unconcerned either. There are going to be times that I won't be able to talk to you everyday. When I go to Montana I will be at work for 5 days at a time and won't be able to go back home and email or message you. Or if I deploy somewhere and I will only be able to message you 1 or 2 times a week maybe. That's the way it's going to be and I need you to be able to handle that. Please know that there will never be a day that I don't think about you or I won't be thinking about you all day. 日本語訳お願いします。

  • 至急日本語訳お願いします。

    Since parents control who sleeps where, it is their everyday beliefs that dectde sleeping arrangements. In those cultures in which the prime parental goal s to integrate children into the family, the household, and society, babies are close at hand, even during the night. It is primarily in those societies (mostly in the industrialized West, especially in the United States) where a premium is placed on independence and self-reliance that babies and children sleep alone. Underlying this unconscious societal even more damental assumption made by Americans and some other groups- how we that children from day one has a major effect on how they turn out as adults. This philosophy is not shared by all cultures. The Mayans; for example, see mother and infant as one until that cannot be separated, and believe offspring are not ready for guidance until they can speak and reason, when they are older children. Newborns in their culture are not capable of being trained, and, they feel, should just be cared for. Sleep, in other words, can take nuance. And the basis for that morality is, of course, culturally constructed. American parents believe it is morally "correct" for infants to sleep alone and thus learn alertness ). They view child-parent co-sleeping as strange, psychologically unhealthy, and even sinful. Those in co-sleeping cultures see the Western practice of placing an infant alone as wrong and a form of child neglect or parental irresponsibility. Parents in both kinds of cultures are convinced that their moral structure is "correct" .

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    If it is a matter of right answers,as it may be in mathematics or science,give him the answer book. Let him correct his own papers. Why should we teachers waste time on such routine work? Our job should be to help the child when he tells us that he can't find the way to get the right answer. Let's end all this nonsence of grades,exam,marks. Let us throw them all out,and let the children learn what all educated persons must some day learn,how to measure their own understanding,how to know what they know or do not know.

  • 大至急 日本語訳お願いします

    Every society is profoundly concerned about law and order. Fighting crime and punishing (or, ideally, rehabilitating) criminals is a top priority, not to mention a major budget burden. As Jay Gabler explains it in his entertaining and useful Sociology for Dummies, “Societies may be incredibly diverse and tolerant of a wide range of behavior.,but those behaviors as crimes are where societies draw the line and say YOU ' MAY NUT!” What causes antisocial or deviant behavior? Are some people born wicked and destined to lead a life of crime? Or is it environment parents, economics, racial inequality | that turns some of into thieves, murderers, or rapists?

  • 助けてください 日本語訳でお願いします

    More and more these days we are interacting socially through indirect contact using new technologies like email and instant messaging, or texting. Many psychologists, linguists, and sociologists have lined up to condemn this new kind of communication, primarily because, as the American philosopher and linguist Jerrold Katz once articulated it. “To type is not to be human, to be in cyberspace is not to be real; all is pretense and alienation, a poor substitute for the real thing." You can't get more emphatic than that! Skeptics of the new technologies also argue that they encourage isolation, making it difficult for us to form genuine friendships. As Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) psychologist Sherry Turkle wrote recently, “The little devices most of us carry around are so powerful that they change not only what we do, but also who we are We've become accustomed to a new way of ‘being alone together.

  • 至急日本語訳、お願いします

    また至急お願いします。 Many people accept their levels of health without second thought and without realizing that their own knowledge and conduct can make a difference in their health and in their lifetime activities. The quality of the human mind is dependent upon adequate functioning of all other parts of the body. The general biochemistry of the body affects the biochemistry of the brain. を日本語訳にしたら、 多くの人々が、再考のない、及び自分の知識や反対意見管がそれらの健康、 一生活動の中で違いをせいずることができることを りかいすることのないそれらの健康水準を受理する。 人間の心の質は、他の全ての体各部の適切に機能する事に依存します。 身体の一般的な生化学は脳の生化学に影響します。 となります。 自然な英訳をお願いします。

  • 日本語訳お願いしますm(__)m

    Polar bears are the subject,spirit,and essence of couutless lnuit myths.By far the largest Arctic animal,polar bears are also intelligent,inquisitive,and highly individual.The polar bear is not merely a symbol of this region,but the very embodiment of life,the Arctic incarnate.The great white bears are not the only creatures that have adapted to Arctic conditions. Arctic foxes trail polar bears out onto the winter ice and scavenge their seal kills.On land,the foxes listen acutely for the sounds of mice scurryin under the snow,stalking and pouncing on them like cats.Most Arctic animals,the polar bear excepted,change coats from white to brown to match the snow in winter and the tundra in summer :the fox...the ptarmigan...and the snowy owl...all wear camouflage.Wild swans'tattoo patterns across the sky,wild peese return for the brief Arctic summer to nest.Many birds breed in the Arctic:Eared grebes...seagulls...and arctic loons.Under the midniggt sun,arctic cotton bursts into bloom,and the Arctic sky soars blue and limitless over the burgeoning life of summer.

  • 英文を日本語に訳してください。よろしくお願いします

    (1)Roman soldiers built many roads. The emperors thought road building was useful work for soldiers in peacetime. The soldiers did not share that view. They complained they had not joined the army to use a pick and shovel. (2)One often hears it said, in Japan and in the West, that young people are not as well educated as they used to be. They do not write as well, nor do they read with as much speed and understanding.

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    As seen by members of other nations, this emphasis on questioning and searching is bad for young people's "manners." Foreigners often feel a great lack of respect in our youth. It is true that many do become rude. Foreign visitors are often startled and frequently annoyed to find junior staff members daring to challenge older executives or argue points with them; they do not always like it when these young men or women make detailed but often revolutionary suggestions. One's own blueprints, reports, or analyses may be scrutinized in detail perhaps even challenged by a young person. This is not to be considered an insult or loss of face; nor is it an indication of "no confidence." Our whole approach to research is different. We try not to emphasize the personal. Your ideas are being looked at, not you yourself. To us the two are quite separate. This is the way our minds work. We are seeking facts; we are not challenging you as a person.