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  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

ソビエト連邦の崩壊は、バルト海の地域で1987年から始まりました、この地域では、エストニア、リトアニア、ラトビアが、自治を要求し、ソビエト連邦からの独立を勝ち取ったのでした。「パンドラの箱」は開けられました。 脱退運動は、ソビエト連邦中に広がりました: グルジア、ウクライナ、モルドヴァ、ベラルーシ、中部アジアの共和国に及んだのです。弱体化する中央政府は、それらの運動をもはや抑制するすることができませんでした。1991年8月に、一団の反ゴルバチョフの強硬派の共産党員が、クーデターを計画しました。そして、ゴルバチョフを誘拐して、ゴルバチョフの失脚を発表しました。しかし、モスクワのロシアSFSR(Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic:ロシア・ソビエト連邦社会主義共和国)のボリス・エリツィン大統領に率いられた市民の大きい抗議のために、このクーデターの試みは失敗しました。1991年12月に、ゴルバチョフは退陣し、ソビエト連邦はついに崩壊しました。


  • 和訳してください

    [ ]に入る適切な語を選んで和訳していただけませんか? In the 1980s, when the Soviet Union’s last leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, came into power, The Soviet Union was faced with two serious problems. First, their economic planning failed to [meet/ reflect/ find] the needs of the State, which was caught up in a vicious arms race with the US. This led to a gradual economic decline that called for economic reform. Second, the Government had underestimated the growing demand of the non-Russian ethnic groups for independence from the Soviet Union. In order to address these problems, Gorbachev introduced a two-tiered reform policy: glasnost (freedom of speech) and perestroika (economic reform). However, perestroika did not work and only encouraged people to exercise their newly given freedom of speech to [praise /criticize/ explain] the Government for its unsuccessful economic reform.

  • within its rank

    下記の文中のwithin its rank とは、どういう意味でしょうか。よろしくお願いします。 One institution Gorbachev failed to reform, however, was the Soviet Communist Party. And it is within its ranks, along with the leadership of the military and the KGB, that hardliners attempted a coup against Gorbachev in August 1991. 出展: http://www.voanews.com/english/news/europe/Gorbachevs-Domestic-Reforms-Led-to-End-of-Soviet-Union-135190548.html

  • 添削してください

    The Second Red Scare was a fear-driven phenomenon brought on by the growing power of communist countries in the wake of the Second World War, particularly the Soviet Union. Many in the U.S. feared that the Soviet Union and its allies were planning to forcefully spread communism around the globe, overthrowing both democratic and capitalist institutions as it went. With the Soviet Union occupying much of Eastern and Central Europe, many in the U.S. perceived their fears of communist expansionism as confirmed. The U.S. also feared that communist agents had infiltrated the federal government. Second Red Scare(赤狩り)についてまとめた文章なのですが、もう少し簡単にまとめることはできないでしょうか? (一応自分なりにまとめてみました↓) ⇨The Second Red Scare was a fear-driven phenomenon brought on by the growing power of communist countries in the Soviet Union. The U.S. feared that the Soviet Union and its allies were planning to forcefully spread communism around the globe, overthrowing both democratic and capitalist institutions as it went. With the Soviet Union occupying much of Eastern and Central Europe, many in the U.S. feared of communist expansion and invasioned the federal governent. 最後の文章を3つ目の文章にまとめたのですが、いかがでしょうか? 添削、もしくはこのような表現があるよ、もっと簡単にできるよ、などあれば教えて欲しいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The Central Powers consisted of the German Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire at the beginning of the war. The Ottoman Empire joined the Central Powers later in 1914. In 1915, the Kingdom of Bulgaria joined the alliance. The name "Central Powers" is derived from the location of these countries; all four (including the other groups that supported them except for Finland and Lithuania) were located between the Russian Empire in theeast and France and the United Kingdom in the west. Finland, Azerbaijan, and Lithuania joined them in 1918 before the war ended and after the Russian Empire collapsed.The Central Powers were composed of the following nations:

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The Crimean Regional Government was a client state of Germany created in 1918 Don (Don Republic) The Don Republic was closely associated with the German Empire and fought against the Bolsheviks. Finland (Kingdom of Finland) The Kingdom of Finland was a client state of Germany created in 1918 Georgia (Democratic Republic of Georgia) In 1918, the Democratic Republic of Georgia, facing Bolshevik revolution and opposition from the Georgian Mensheviks and nationalists, was occupied by the German Empire, which expelled the Bolsheviks and supported the Mensheviks. Kuban (Kuban People's Republic) The Kuban People's Republic was a client state of Germany created in 1918 Lithuania (Kingdom of Lithuania)

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The Kars treaty also impacted Turkish-Iranian relations. The annexation of Surmali and the Aras corridor now gave Turkey a slightly more extensive border with Iran. In the late 1920s, the Kurdish Ararat rebellion erupted in the vicinity of Mount Ararat. As Turkey attempted to quash the rebellion, the Kurdish rebels fled across the Iranian border to the eastern flank of Lesser Ararat, which they used "as a haven against the state in their uprising." In response, Turkey crossed the border with Iran and occupied the region. The Lesser Ararat area became the subject of discussion between Turkish and Iranian diplomats in border delineation talks. In Tehran in 1932, Iran agreed to cede the area to Turkey in exchange for some territories further south. However, the agreement was delayed due to objections from some Iranian diplomats who viewed the Lesser Ararat area as strategically important and who also questioned the validity of the Treaty of Kars. These diplomats felt that Turkey did not have a legitimate claim to the territory of Surmali, which had been part of Iran before it was ceded to Imperial Russia in the Treaty of Turkmenchay. In addition, because the wording of the Turkmenchay Treaty was vague, they advocated annexing parts of the area. After a constructive meeting with Mustafa Kemal Atatürk in Ankara in 1934, Reza Shah, who initially favored annexing the Aras corridor, finally ordered his diplomats to drop any objections and accept the new border agreements. After World War II, the Soviet Union attempted to annul the Kars treaty and regain its lost territory. According to Nikita Khrushchev, deputy premier Lavrentiy Beria goaded his fellow Georgian Joseph Stalin into taking action on the issue, insisting on the return of historical Georgian territories. Stalin eventually agreed and on 7 June 1945, Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov informed the Turkish ambassador in Moscow that the provinces of Kars, Ardahan, and Artvin should be returned to the USSR, in the name of both the Georgian and Armenian Soviet republics. Ankara found itself in a difficult position: it wanted good relations with Moscow but at the same time refused to give up the territories. Turkey was in no condition to fight a war with the Soviet Union, which had emerged as a superpower after the Second World War. Soviet territorial claims to Turkey were supported by the Armenian Catholicos George VI and by all shades of the Armenian diaspora, including the anti-Soviet Armenian Revolutionary Federation. The Soviet government also encouraged Armenians abroad to repatriate to Soviet Armenia in support of its claims.

  • 和訳していただけませんか?

    どなたか下の文の[ ]に適切な語を入れて和訳していただけませんか? With the breakup of the Soviet Union, a new entity called the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) was formed in December, 1991. The member countries, most of which are the independent states of the former Soviet Union, have sovereignty, but are economically interdependent. Although these countries were liberated from the control of the centralized, totalitarian government, they have been faced with daunting challenges: developing their economies, reorganizing their political systems , and [sparking/causing/ settling] ethnic disputes such as the Chechen Wars and the Georgian-Ossetian conflict. In order to [endure/ overcome/ face] those hardships, the CIS has been taking bold steps to realize democratization, reorganization, and reconstruction of the Commonwealth.

  • 和訳をお願いします

     Tensions escalated after a pro-Russia party,Harmony Center, won the most seats in Parliament in a snap election in September but was excluded from the governing coalition by the ruling Unity Party, which instead cut a deal with a Latvian nationalist group. "I believe people wouldn't really support this referendum if representatives of the Russian-speaking minority would have been part of the coalition," said Nils Usakovs, who is a leader of the Harmony Center party and the mayor of Riga, Latvia's capital and largest city. "This referendum is not creating problems,"Mr.Usakovs said in a telephone interview. "It is a reflection of existing problems." Latvia, like its Baltic neighbors Lithuania and Estonia and many other former Soviet republics, has de-emphasized the Russian language since becoming independent in 1991. Although Russian is the native language for more than a quarter of Latvia's 2 million people - percentage-wise, one of the largest linguistic minorities in the world - Latvian is the only state language and would-be citizens must pass a test in the Latvian language and the country's history. More than 290,000 non-Latvians who were living in the country when the Soviet Union collapsed, many of them Russian speakers, still have so-called noncitizen status, according to government statistics, meaning they cannot vote or hold government jobs, though they pay taxes.

  • 和訳お願いします。

    On June 12, 1916, the British advance in southern Persia which was undertaken by Percy Sykes column under reached the Kerman. From this point, he supported the Russians operations against the Ottoman Empire until June 1917, when he was withdrawn with the new Persian government. In 1916, General Chernozubov sent a Russo-Assyrian military exhibition into Hakkari. The squads within the expedition were led by the Assyrian Patriarch's brother David; Ismail, Malka of the Upper Tyari; and Andreus, the Jilu Malik. In December 1916, Baratov began to move on Qoms and Hamadan for clearing Persian forces and Ottoman troops. Both cities fell in the same month. Count Kaunitz disappeared without a trace, either killing himself or being a victim of assassination by disenchanted coup members. The premature coup was crushed in Tehran as Ahmad Shah Qajar took refuge in the Russian legation, and a sizable Russian force arrived to Tehran under Baratov after they landed in Bandar-e Pahlavi in November of that year. The pro-German coup members of the Majles fled to Kirmanshah and Qom without fighting.

  • 和訳していただけませんか?

    どなたか和訳していただけませんか? In December, 1991, the worked was stunned by the Soviet Union’s breakup into fifteen separate countries. The West applauded its collapse as a victory of democracy over totalitarianism, and capitalism over socialism. The US was overjoyed to find its long-standing enemy going down on its knees, that is, the end of the Cold War confrontation, which had lasted since the end of World War II.