• ベストアンサー


About a hundred years ago, two archeologists, Schliemann (1822-1890) and Dorpfeld (1853-1940), did a great deal of digging on the site of ancient Troy, making many remarkable discoveries. All these cases are aspects of the perpetual renaissance of European culture. よろしくお願いします。


  • ベストアンサー
  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

およそ百年前二人の考古学者、シュリーマン(1822-1890)とデルプフェルト(1853-1940)はトロイ遺跡の壮大な発掘調査を行なった。そして注目に値する数々の発見を成し遂げた。 出土した物品は、ヨーロッパ文化の絶える事の無い復興と再生を裏付けるものであった。






  • 和訳が分かりません。

    ☆These two are ancient arts ― ancient, at least, as we in America count age ― for their seeds were sown well over seven hundred years ago, and it was in the seventeenth century that they blossomed into full perfection. ☆There are many haiku, much of whose effect can be kept in accurate translation. 上記の英文を自力では訳しきれず、困っています。 何方か教えて頂けませんでしょうか。 宜しくお願いします。

  • 訳せない・・・

    訳しても意味が通らなくなっちゃうんです・・・誰か教えて~!! Five centuries ago, European civilization started expanding into the unknown, in a slow but irresistible explosion fuelled by the energies of the Renaissance. After a thousand years of huddling round the Mediterranean, Western man had discovered a new frontier beyond the sea.

  • 以下の英文の和訳をお願いします。

    特にformed a joint truck-making venture calledの部分と最後のas one of the founders wryly observed.の部分が皆目見当がつきません。宜しくお願いします。 When companies from four European countries - France,Italy,Germany,and Switzerland-formed a joint truck-making venture called Iveco in 1977, they chose English as their working language because , as one of the founders wryly observed.

  • 和訳をお願いします

    So I know we talked a about a week or two ago, u said contact u back in a couple days. I really really would love that sub cero, and if possible the stainless filly 13 nos. possible to work out a deal.. For one of them or possibly both? Thanks again

  • どなたか和訳をお願いします

    下記の文章の和訳をお願いします From that day forward,Anne Sullivan,who later became Mrs.John Macy,remained with Miss Keller until her death.She was simply "Teacher"to Helen-and the child made remarkable progress.Within a few weeks,Helen knew the meaning of more than a hundred words and learned new ones everyday. Very quickly she mastered not only the manual alphabed,but also various forms of raised printing,including Braille.

  • 和訳をお願いします!!

    Staring about one million years ago, there was an increase in the growth of the human brain. It expanded at first at the rate of one cubic inch every hundred thousand years; then the growth rate doubled; it doubled again; and finally it doubled once more. Five hundred thousand years ago the rate of growth hit its peak. At the same time the brain was expanding at a rate of ten cubic inches every hundred thousand years. No other organ in the history of life is known to have grown as fast. What pressures generated the explosive growth of the human brain? ( 2 ) may supply part of the answer. At that time the world began to enter into a great Ice Age, the first on the planet in hundreds of million of years. The trend toward colder weather set in slowly at first, but after a million years areas of ice began to form in the north. They thickened into glaciers as more snow fell, and then the glaciers joined together into great sheets of ice, as much as two miles thick. When the ice sheets reached their maximum extent, they covered two-thirds of the North American continent, all of Britain and a large part of Europe. Many mountain ranges were buried entirely. So much water was locked up on the land in the form of ice that the level of the earth's oceans dropped by three hundred feet. These events occurred precisely at the same time as the period of most rapid expansion of the human brain. Is this significant, or is it accidental? ( 2 )には ア, The custom of wearing clothes that took root in the first ice age イ, The fact that human beings had to fight against dinosaurs ウ, The invention of language and the use of tools エ, A change of climate that set in about two million years ago のどれかが入ります。 よろしくお願いします..

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    Lloyd George also intended to maintain a European balance of power to thwart a French attempt to establish itself as the dominant European Power. A revived Germany would be a counterweight to France and a deterrent to Bolshevik Russia. Lloyd George also wanted to neutralize the German navy to keep the Royal Navy as the greatest naval power in the world; dismantle the German colonial empire with several of its territorial possessions ceded to Britain and others being established as League of Nations mandates, a position opposed by the Dominions. American aims Prior to the American entry into the war, Wilson had talked of a 'peace without victory'. This position fluctuated following the US entry into the war. Wilson talked of the German aggressors who there could be no compromised peace with. However, on 8 January 1918, Wilson delivered a speech (known as the Fourteen Points) that declared the American peace objectives: the rebuilding of the European economy, self-determination of European ethnic groups, the promotion of free trade, the creation of appropriate mandates for former colonies, and above all, the creation of a powerful League of Nations that would ensure the peace. The aim of the latter was to provide a forum to revise the peace treaties as needed, and deal with problems that arose as a result of the peace and the rise of new states. Wilson brought along top intellectuals as advisors to the American peace delegation, and the overall American position echoed the Fourteen Points. Wilson firmly opposed harsh treatment on Germany. While the British and French wanted to largely annex the German colonial empire, Wilson saw that as a violation of the fundamental principles of justice and human rights of the native populations, and favored them having the right of self-determination via the creation of mandates. The promoted idea called for the major powers to act as disinterested trustees over a region, aiding the native populations until they could govern themselves. In spite of this position and in order to ensure that Japan did not refuse to join the League of Nations, Wilson favored turning over the former German colony of Shandong, in Eastern China, to Japan rather than return the area to Chinese control. Further confounding the Americans, was US internal partisan politics. In November 1918, the Republican Party won the Senate election by a slim margin. Wilson, a Democrat, refused to include prominent Republicans in the American delegation making his efforts seem partisan, and contributed to a risk of political defeat at home.

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いします

    次の英文の和訳をお願いします 一、carbon dioxide is making the earth warmer and warmer. 二、the arrival of many refugees from a neighboring country added to the problems. 三、according to the archeologists,people in the alps around five thousand years ago had a diet that included meat.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    以下の文の和訳をお願いします。 LONDON — With several big construction projects under way in Britain, the multinational company CH2M Hill spent six months searching for a qualified tunneling engineer. Only a few weeks ago did the company find a candidate, in Portugal. CH2M Hill quickly made plans to bring him north — no visa or work permits were required, thanks to a European Union policy that allows the free flow of labor across the borders of the 27-country bloc. With signs that Britain might seek an exit from the European Union, businesses like CH2M Hill are starting to focus on what they might lose in the labor force if the country does leave.

  • 和訳お願いします

    (1)Countries across Asia and beyond are reporting small amounts of radiation from the disabled nuclear reactors in Japan. But officials say these levels are not a threat to public health.   http://www.voanews.com/learningenglish/home/health/Doctors-Lack-Many-Ways-to-Treat-Radiation-Exposure-118884029.html 「Countries across Asia and beyond 」この部分がわかりません。”アジアを越えた国々や、はるかかなたで」 こんな感じでいいですか? (2)BARBARA KLEIN: Today, from a distance, Mesa Verde appears as it did centuries ago. It rises more than five hundred forty meters above the floor of the valley. Visitors can drive up to the top of Mesa Verde on a winding mountain road. When you reach the top, you are two thousand four hundred meters above sea level. In the distance are the flat lands and mountains of the Four Corners area. That is where the western states of Colorado, New Mexico, Utah and Arizona meet. This area has one of the largest numbers of archeological sites in the United States. In the distance are the flat lands and mountains of the Four Corners area. これの主語がわかりません。In the distanceは副詞だと思うのですが、この文は倒置ですか?副詞VSですか? (2)は和訳いりません。

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