• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

この三日間はアラームが受信出来ればどんなくだらない局でも良かったんだけど、ポリスの“エヴリ・ブレス・ユー・テイク”を目覚ましにしてたよ。 こっちは今日グラウンド・ホッグ・デイ(聖燭節)だよ。 *Groundhog Day 聖燭節、グラウンドホッグ・デイ、マーモットの日◆2月2日。米国ペンシルヴァニア州の祝日。冬眠していたウッドチャック(Groundhog)が2月2日に穴から出てきて、自分の影が見えるかどうかで春の訪れを調べるという伝説。影が見えると春はまだ遠くあと6週間ばかり冬が続くといわれる。ペンシルベニア州パンクサトーニー(Punxsutawney)ではこの日に恒例行事が催され、パンクサトーニー・グラウンドホッグ・クラブの会長がフィル(Phil)と名づけたウッドチャックを穴から出して天気予報を行う。





  • 英語の添削をお願いいたします。

    My fatherというタイトルです My father sells car parts. He works every day.He never takes a day off. This is because he works for me. I can go to university because he works for me. Therefore,I am grateful to him. 変なところありますか?ご指摘お願いします。

  • 機械式の駐車場から車を出す。は英語で何と言いますか

    毎日マンションの機械式駐車場から車を出さなくてはいけない。は I have to take my car out of the paking lot in my apartment every day.で良いでしょうか? take out でいいのか、そして機械式や自走式はなんと言うのか分かる方教えてください。

  • 英語が得意な方翻訳して下さい<(_ _)>

    英語が得意な方翻訳して下さい<(_ _)> This will be my last message to you. To be honest, I have fallen in love with you. But I'm sure that you don't feel the same way as I do. That's why, before I love you even more than now, I 've decided to give up my feelings for you. Even though I wanted to get to know you better and spend more time with you. I'm sure you're busy with your exams, but I wish you well. Take care of youreself.

  • 英語の訳をお願いします。

    はじめまして。英訳をしてみたのですがどうしてもうまくいかないので、どなたか教えてください。 お願いします。 peel me to the core Don't go I will be there Wait for me to see my lotus I've never felt like this way Everytime You take a breath I'm rooted in you basement Since I can be your medicine my sense and tenseness go high Everytime you treat me weird I'm melted in you and I swell Monumentally Obsessively Love me Take me Take me for tomorrow Peel me peel me the core I have tol you that I would show you Peel me to that corner Everytime You take a breath I'm rooted in you basement Since I can be your medicine my sense and tenseness go high Everytime you treat me weird I'm melted in you and I swell Monumentally Obsessively Love me

  • 弦楽器を取り入れたロック(洋楽)について

    最近洋楽に目覚めたばかりなので、教えてください。 Coldplay「Viva la vita」、Oasisの「Whatever」、Policeの「Every breath you take」など、弦楽器が美しく響く洋楽を教えてください。できればロックが良いのですが、すごいおすすめの曲がありましたらポップでも構いません(セリーヌの「To love you more」なんかは好きです)。

  • 英語の翻訳をお願いします。

    歌詞の一部です I'm here to take you down a peg By the time I'm done, you're gonna beg To be in my band, application rejected!

  • 翻訳をお願い致します

    I know where my tour of the compound will take me, and after what I've just seen,I'm eager to make things cannot be avoided... この文章の翻訳が出来る方、お願いいたします。

  • 英語が正しいかどうか教えてください。

    次の英語の文法や意味の分からないという文があれば、教えてください。 Now, many people watching television and movie in my country. And many people watch television every day. I also watch television every day. My school teacher said “it is important that to watch television and interested in society. But we have problem television can give children bad influence. I will state television and movie give us dream and study. every dayは、everyとdayの間にスペースは空けるのでしょうか? あけるときとあけない時の、区別を教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語が合っているか見てください。

    Narrative の文書です 間違っていたら、訂正お願いいたします。 On Fridays, I get up at 9:00 am. My mother leaves for work at 8:00 and my brother goes to school early in the morning so I get up by myself. I only have third class on Friday so I don’t have to get up early but I get up two hours before I have to leave. As soon as get up, I go downstairs and get dressed, prepare breakfast myself and eat in front of the TV, checking my email on my smart phone. After breakfast I wash my face, brush my teeth, make up my face and tie up my hair. The third-period class is an English class and we always have a test at the beginning so when I am ready to go to college, I study for the test for an hour and I leave the house at 10:45 am . I walk to the station 15 minutes and get on the train 11:05am.When I arrive at Nagoya station at 12:03 pm, I change train and get on Higashiyama line subway to go to college. It takes 20 minutes to arrive at Hoshigaoka station from Nagoya station. I have to walk about 15 minutes to college after get off the subway. When I arrive at class, I eat chocolate for between meals. After between meals, I study for the test for about 45 minutes and sometimes I talking with my college friend who takes the same English class until 1:30 pm. I always meet my friend at college’s one floor near the elevator after finish the class at3:00 pm to go to part time job with my college friend by subway. We work at Nagoya station’s underground McDonald near silver clock . We get off the subway, buy eat between meals at Ministop near our office and talking with her over eating it at office. Change clothes and go our shop. I work as register or making drink or preparing food. After finish job, we change clothes and eat dinner at MacDonald’s because we work at there , we can buy 30 percent discount the day. I talk about school or friends or who we interested in over eating dinner with my friend about 30 minutes. After finish eating dinner We walk to Nagoya station for 15 minutes and say good-bye then. I take train and sleep on the train, my mother picks me up when I arrive at my local station about 11:15 pm. I wash my hands and take a bath as soon as I arrive at my house. After take a bath I brash my teeth and blow my hair. I up stairs to go to bed and say good night to my mother. Before fall asleep I always check my cell phone whether I get email from my friend or not. After that I prepare clothes for tomorrow’s part time job and set alarm for 8:30am. I see twitter and tweet or just check my friend’s tweet. I fall asleep after check my shift and what time I have to get up.

  • 英語を教えてください

    英語を教えてください Whatever the reason for their migration, how do birds know when it's time to take off on their long flights? We know that they migrate quite punctually every year when the season is changing. And what is the surest, unmistakable clue to the fact that the season is changing? The length of the day! It is believed that birds can tell when the day gets shorter (and longer in the spring), and this is the best “alarm clock” they have to tell them to get along. 一応全文載せました 上記の文の最後のandからalongまでについてthey have toが「~しなければいけない」という訳ではないことはわかりますがto tell以下がどこにかかるのか?がよくわかりません 最後の文を詳しく教えてください お願いします