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Understanding the Japanese Mentality: Politeness, Ambiguity, and Misunderstandings


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  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

日本人は内気であるとか神秘的であるとかしばしば言われます、また、日本人が何を考えているのか推測することは不可能だとも言われます。しかし、多くの場合、日本人は、彼ら自身の慣習に従って、礼儀正しく振舞おうとしているだけかもしれません。日本人にもちゃんと自分の意見はあります、しかし、彼らは自分の発言の順番を待つ傾向があります。彼らが、誰かに全く賛成できないならば、日本人は、たいてい、最初受け入れる様な雰囲気を持って聴くでしょう、それから、かなり曖昧で持って回ったやり方で反対します。これは、日本では、物事の礼儀正しいやり方だと考えられています。他方、西洋人は、直截さやその人の意見の正直な表明をより重要視するので、彼らは、自分の考えをより明確に表します。口論が、時として、起こったとしても、それらの口論は、極端な例をのぞいて、たいてい人間関係には影響しません。しかし、日本では、誰かと対立して、険悪な雰囲気が生じると、人間関係が完全に壊れるかもしれません。人々は感情的に反応しがちです、それで、たいていの人は、グループからのけ者にされることを恐れます。 沈黙も、また、一種の曖昧さと考えることができます。日本人と西洋人との間には、沈黙に関して異なった理解があります。日本人にとっては、沈黙は、深く考えたり、熟考したりすることを指しますが、沈黙が多すぎると、しばしば、日本人以外の人々を、不快にします。日本人は、沈黙をかなり良い物と考え、人々は、たいてい、沈黙に対して共感しますが、日本人以外の人々は、時として、沈黙が無関心を示していると感じます。しかし、言葉が多すぎることは、多くの日本人にとっては、一種の圧力となり、彼らを緊張させ、落ち着かなくさせます。 曖昧は、誤解につながる場合があります、そして、日本人が、直接「はい」や「いいえ」を答えないように思えるので、よその国の人々は、時々、いらいらします。例えば、「紅茶とコーヒー、どちらにしますか?」と尋ねられると、日本人は、しばしば、「どちらでも結構です。」と答えるでしょう。これは、控えめで礼儀正しい返事なのですが、しばしば、招かれた先の主人を困らせます。実際、日本人が最も使い辛い言葉は、「いいえ」なのです、それで、日本人がはっきりしない拒否を用いるので、多くの摩擦や誤解につながるのかもしれません。この問題を解決するためには、日本人は、自身の曖昧さの感覚を意識する必要があります、なぜならば、彼らのほとんどが、とにかく、曖昧さが問題を引き起こしているとは認識していないからです。この様な認識を持てば、彼らは、自分の意見をもっとはっきりと表わそうとすることができます。他方、日本人以外の人々は、日本人の気質を、そして、曖昧さが、日本人の生活で果たしている役割の重要性を理解しようと努めるべきです。 <語句整除> (and most) are afraid of being excluded from the group.



ご回答、ありがとうございました。 最初と最後の辺りが上手く訳せていませんでしたが、頂いた訳を見て、すっきりしました。 日本人の内気な性格は、確かに行儀はいいような気はしますが、対人関係の中で誤解やいざこざが生じるという点においては、もう少し自分の意思表示をしてもいいのではと考えてしまいます。 http://oshiete.goo.ne.jp/qa/7287778.html


  • 和訳お願いします(>_<)

    The best way to prevent is to avoid mosquito bites. Mosquitoes are active at night,and people often get bitten while they are sleeping. They just need to hang a net around their bed,so it is very easy and inexpensive. Recently,a special kind of net was invented by a Japanese company. The fibers of the net contain a special insecticide that lasts for five years. There has been international suttort to deliver these nets to people in Africa.

  • 英語 和訳

    和訳お願いします (1)When people travel to other countries, they find that many things are different from the things in their own country. (2)It can be very hot in summer and very cold and snowy in winter. (3)People who come from hot countries often find that it is too cold for them in December, January, ane February. (4)It is sometimes difficult to talk to them on the street because they are always very busy and don't have much time.

  • 和訳

     和訳例をお願い致します。  According to the WHO, they can expect to live longer, on average, than any other group of people on earth. This long (A) expectancy has often been attributed to the Japanese diet and eating habits. However, the Japanese diet and eating habits have been changing and effects of these changes are causing alarm.  Traditionally, the Japanese cuisine is widely regarded as one of the healthiest in the world. Quite often, Japanese food is served raw of cooked lightly. These days, however, the traditional Japanese diet has been giving way to a more varied cuisine. Non-traditional Japanese food, such as pasta and hamburgers, is becoming as common for the average Japanese person as soba and sushi. In addition to  greater variety, Japanese people today are eating more fatty foods. The Japanese also have begun to change their diet away from fresh and raw food towards highly processed meals. It is not uncommon for Japanese children to eat hamburgers, deep-fried chicken and pizza. The popularity of such foods is evident in the increasing number of fast food restaurants that have opened in Japan, many of  which are attracting not only teenagers also families.  The changing eating habits are also cause for concern. In the past, a number of the family used to spend considerable time shopping for fresh ingredients and preparing daily meals for the family. Today, more people live alone in comparison to previous decades. The practice of shopping for food and preparing fresh meals, which was formerly performed by one person in a household, often proves to be too difficult a daily task for the individual person. Many of today's busy working couples do not have enough time to prepare decent meals for themselves or their children. (B), ready-made meals and fast food restaurants are becoming more common.  The changes in the Japanese diet and eating habits have begun to affect the health of the people. Indeed, the Japanese are getting fatter; statistics currently show that there are 24 percent of Japanese over 15 years of age who are believed to be overweight. leading experts beleve that the life expectancy in Japan is going to become shorter on account of this shift in diet and eating habits. 【設問】 (A)に入る最も適切な語 (B)1As a consequence 2In addition 3In the same way 4On the other hand 以上です。

  • 和訳 困っています><

    SOCIAL LABELLING Dyson(1980) interviewed a large number of people about their experiences of retirement, and challenged the idea that people see it as a fair exchange. Dyson's respondents saw it as fair for old people in general, but not in their own personal cases. They felt that, for the most part, sosiety had thrown them on the junk heap too early, when they were still perfectly capable of making an active and useful contribution to society. But they did think it was probably fair for other old people, and for old people in general. Dyson's research gave some interesting hints about the emergence of a new perspective on ageing, which developed during the 1980s. This view sees the lower visibility of older people in society as a product of old people are very strong-even though most of us are personally acquainted with individuals who don't fit those stereotypes at all. But it is very difficult for an individual to berak through the social stereotyping and be regarded as an intelligent person with something useful to contribute, because too often they are seen as someone who is old, and therefore useless. Or they think this is how they will be seen, and so they don't bother trying.

  • 和訳 Some

    Some foreigners say that when they listen to Japanese people speaking , they are ((1)) to follow their logic and don't even understand what is being discussed . Why does this happen? Well western logic in communication is constructed and understood in a different manner than that of Japanese. A typical western approach for communicating a set of ideas is by saying the main point first. In ((2)) words , start with the most important idea and then support in with other points and example. At last , a conclusion and perhaps a summary are offered. If you hear the Japanese approach being used, you may find that the first sentences given contain background information and that the main point is often not there at all. This approach of constructing ideas is called Ki Sho Ten Ketsu ,Ki refers to the starting point mentioned above, when general background information is given .Sho refers to the speech that supports the Ki part. At this stage,it is still quite difficult in many cases to ascertain when the main point is. And what's even more confusing is the part known as Ten,which provides a completely ((3)) story or idea from what is grasped through listening to the Ki and Sho parts. The conclusion is called Ketsu. When listening to thispart,you will discover that the three parts before it support a main idea,which at last is given in this final part. In Japanese it is always recommendable to hold onto your questions or comments until the end of what is being said. Of cとourse,this goes for visitors in Japan,too. Dont't expect to be interrupted while you're speaking.Remember,silence is considered golden when other people are engage in anything from a presentation to a story. ☆和訳と和訳時の注意点を 分かりやすくお願いできますか? ☆((1))unable ((2))other ((3))easy で 合っていますか? 以上、宜しくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします

    Differences in cultural values, logic, and thought patterns are often reflected in the very different ways Americans and Japanese organize and present information, ideas, and opinions.These differences lie at the root of many communication problems and exert a powerful influence on the process of of persuation negotiation and conflict resolution. The rules of logic established by the Greeks and Romans are widely accepted in Western cultures, but this Western logic is by no means universal.Logic is a product of culture, and many Asian cultures such as the Japanese operate under different logical assumptions. When Americans get confused and frustrated listening toJapanese, they often complainthat the Japanese "just are't logical" and seem incapable or unwilling to use traditional Western logic. This impression is largely due to cultural differences in reasorning and thought patterns. From an early age, Americans are thought to be orderly in outlining their facts and in summarizing their main points according to framework that reflects Western logical structures.The logical way of presenting ideas in the West could be called linear or "straight-line"logic, which emphasizes direct and explicit communication.The most important aspects of straight-line logic are organizing your presentation in outline form and "getting straight to the point."In general, more low-context mainstream American patterns of thought and presentation are analogous to lines because all parts of the message must be explicity connected clearly and directly. But the Japanese do not learn to order their facts or present information and ideas in the same way.They consider the practice of ordering facts for others comparable to tying a child's shoelaces for him after the child has already learned the skill.American linear, one-step-at-a-time arguments and logic can seem immature to the Japanese, and Western logic is often perceived as instrusive - an attempt to get inside the heads of other people and try to do their thinking for them. But if Americans think in a linear way, then how do Japanese think?A natural response would be that since the circle is the opposite of line, then the Japanese probably think in circles.It is said that the more high-context Japanese prefer to use the logic patterns that emphasize talking "around " the subject rather than on it.The Japanese start at the edges with a wealth of background information and explanations and the n gradually "circle in" on the thesis and main points. However, in some respects, Jappanese patterns of thought and presentation are not like lines at all, but like a series of "dots." Parts of the message are contained in the individual dots, it is up to the audience to link the dots in their heads.In low-context cultures the meaning of communication is stated to the audience directly and all the steps and links are clearly put forth by the speaker verbally.But in high-context cultures the meaning of communication is elicited by the audience indirectly and intuitively - all the steps and links do not have to be clearly put forth verbally.

  • 和訳お願いしますm(_ _)m

    suggestible=被暗示性、という心理学用語ですm(_ _)m We are suggestible,ready to take ideas from others and make them our own. Suggestbility descnbes why people believe something that never happened. They become convinced because they are told about an event. They see it in movies,and they hear about it. So they combine theae thoughts into false memories―――but not real ones. Psychologists believe that many childhood memories are created by parents for their children. They tell the child that something happened: "Remember when we went to the seaehore?' And the child collects beach and vacation ideas into a memory. Propaganda is delibetately telling people ideas that you went them to believe. Advertising is another form of suggesting to people,and people of all ages tend to believe advertising. All of us are suggestible; children are particularly so.

  • 和訳教えてください。

      「Style of Communication」 Compared with Western language,the typical style of communication in Japanese is intuitive and indirect.The basis of this style is a set of cultural values that emphasize empathy and are so widely shared that overt verbal communication often is not required.Thus,in Japan,the ideal interaction is not one in which speakers express their wishes or needs adequately and addressees understand and comply,but rather one in which each party understands and anticipates the needs of the other and fills them before any verbal communication becomes necessary.Silence is more highly valued in Japan than in the West;if all is going well,there should be no need for speech.A linguist points out that excessive verbalism has traditionally been looked down upon in Japan,especially for men.If verbal communication enters in,it will not be explicit;rather the speaker will rely upon the hearer's ability to realize what she or he means,often in spite of what is actually said.This style of communication can cause tremendous problems for Americans,who discover to their frustration that yes often means no,but cannot figure out when.The Japanese system of communication can work only in a homogeneous society in which people actually can anticipate each other's needs and wants.Universal expectation of empathy fosters amae,dependency or relying upon the indulgence and patronage of other's.Doi has analyzed how this concept pervades both individual and social psychology in Jaoan. 長いんですがお願いします。

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします。

    A blind date is a date for two people who have never met before. Their mutual friends usually arrange the match. With the rise of the Internet, blind dates are becoming more common than before. Through instant messaging and Internet chat forums, people have a chance to meet people. Blind dating is exciting for some people, but it can be a stressful emotional experience for others. This may be mainly due to a lack of self-confidence and the inevitable fear of meeting an unknown. In the United States, people often talk about the experience of their friends. Some people like to gossip a lot. People who like to gossip often talk about individuals they may not know and that can be hurtful, especially if rumors and gossip continue to be shared. This conversation is between two friends about another friend. In this case, the two friends, Amy and Lisa, having the conversation want the information to remain confidential in order to protect this mutual friend, Toshi. At the end of this conversation, the two friends agree to keep their information confidential. "I've got your back" is a phrase used as reassurance between friends. the phrase is used to show confidentiality, solidarity and trust.

  • 和訳 お願いします><

    Other people may make more dramatic changes in their lives-perhaps moving to start a new life in a different country, or a different town, and taking up an entirely new occupation. Making such dramatic changes sometiimes doesn't work very well, but often people report increased feelings of well-being and confidence, and more positive life experiences. As we have seen, we continue to grow and develop throughout our lives, and the mid-life crisis can be seen as away of taking control of that growth and channelling it into new directions. Insight Some researchers see the mid-life cresis as a myth, arguing that people can engage in life changes at any time in their lives. That is true, but if we look at people who have re-evaluated their lives and make dramatic changes as a result, there is a majority in their 40s and 50s. Retirement Another major transition, of course, is retirement. In earlier times, the period of retirement used to be a brief interlude before old age and death. But in modern living, it has become quite defferent. Changes in diet, lifestyle and general health mean that most people continue to live an active, productive life for a long period after they finish formal working-as long as 30 years, or if they have taken early retirement, even 40. This period is very nearly as long as many people's working life, so the idea of retirement as a'restful interlude' isn't really very practical. Instead, life span psychologists nowadays see retirement as a way of developing in new and different ways, that weren't possible under the constraints of working life.