• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:和訳お願いします。)


  • 現在、科学者たちは動物のように見えるロボットの開発に取り組んでいます。
  • NASAは、車輪付きの車両の代わりにロボットのヘビを使用することを研究しています。
  • これらのロボットたちは走ることやジャンプすることはできませんが、穴に入り込んだり、荒れ地を移動したりすることができます。将来的には、火星で生命の兆候を探すために科学者たちを助けるかもしれません。


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

    科学者たちは、動物のように見えるロボットの開発にも力を入れている。NASAは、車輪のついた車両の代わりにロボットの蛇を代用する研究をした。ロボットの蛇は走ったり跳ねたりは出来ないが、穴に入ったり凹凸の多い地面を這うことが出来る。   いつかは(蛇のロボットが)科学者たちの火星における生物の探査に役立つかもしれない。    また単一の任務を遂行するロボットもある。ロボットの蛙は、物を飛び越すことが出来るし、粘着可能のロボットは天井を逆さまに歩ける、アメンボウと呼ばれる水面を歩けるロボットさえある。    しかし2035年までにロボットのサッカーtチームが出来るだろうか?    世界選手権を取るのは彼らかもしれない。



  • 和訳お願いします

    Other robots are designed to do a single task. The frog-bot can jump over objects. The sticky-bot can walk upside-down on the ceiling. There's even a robot called Water Runner that can walk on water. But will a robot soccer team exist by 2035? They may even be world champions!

  • 和訳お願いします

    ANIMAL-BOTS Scientists are also working on robots that look and act like animals. NASA has researched using robot snakes as an alternative to vehicles with wheels. Snake-bots can't run or jump, but they can enter holes and move over rough ground. They might one day help scientists look for signs of life on Mars.

  • 和訳お願いします

    Robots have changed greatly since they were first developed for use in industry. Whereas earlier machines were unable to operate by themselves, a modern robot like Asimo can walk by itself, climb stairs, and even run slowly.

  • 和訳お願いします。

    It’s 2035.You’re at a soccer game when suddenly… it’s a goal! A robot player has scored! A robot?Is this possible?Maybe.Scientists are working to create robots that can play sports like soccer. A robot with these skills might also be able to aid humans for example, by doing dangerous or difficult jobs, like putting out fires or catching criminals. Robots have changed greatly since they were first developed for use in industry. Whereas earlier machines were unable to operate by themselves, a modern robot like Asimo can walk by itself, climb stairs, and even run slowly. Then there is Kismet. It has eyes, lips, and ears that move in different ways to show surprise, happiness, anger, and other emotions. Robots like Kismet could show us how they “feel” about learning new things.

  • 和訳お願いします

    Which statement would the author probably agree with? It is not fair that robots have to do difficult jobs for humans. The robot Kismet can really feel human emotions. A frog-bot can do more tasks than a sticky-bot. Robot soccer player really could exist by 2035.

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いします!!

    Just last year, Toyota announced four robots made to help paralyzed patients walk or balance themselves. The company plans to commercialize the robots sometime in 2013. Pictured above is one of the four robots, the Balance Training Assist. The robot acts as a two-wheeled balancing game. The machine displays one of three sports games on a monitor and requires the patient to make moves in the game by shifting his/her weight on the robot. Other medical robots developed by Toyota include The Walk Training Assist robot and the Independent Walk Assist robot. The Walk Training Assist robot mounts on a paralyzed leg and detects movement of the hips through sensors at the thigh and foot. The robot helps the knee swing and the leg move forward to facilitate walking. The Independent Walk Assist robot is designed for walking training. In addition to helping the leg bend and move forward, the robot supports the patient's weight. The robot adjusts to support less weight as the patient's walking improves. The Assist robots can also monitor metrics, such as joint angles, allowing physicians to more easily track a patient's progress.

  • 中学3年英語について

    Are you interested in robots? Yes, especially robots made in Japan. Do you know what they can do? I heard some of them can walk,talk, and even kick a ball. That's right. Not long ago, robots like those were just a dream. I know what you mean. Our dreams are becoming reality. Exactly. という英文に対して、 Q1 are YOU interested in robots? Q2 What is the dream? というのを問われたのですが英文での答え方がわからないです。 Q1については自分はYesなのでその答え方でお願いします。 教えて頂けると嬉しいです。m(__)m

  • 英文の和訳

    和訳をしていただけるかた のみでお願いできますでしょうか? 2つの段落となっています。 比喩が多いかもしれませんが よろしくお願いいたします。 He has a correctness of manner about him. He has a strong tight aggressive, old fashioned and rather formal handshake. He has hands that are strong wristed, like someone used to manual work. They are not handsome hands but they are rugged. The hands themselves over the pinkness have a ashy appearance, the look of being spread over with a coating of lard. They are quite clean but the circulation is more feeble on the backs of the hands and fingers so these look a shade paler, they are white dappled with pink as if frostbitten, or like the fallen blossoms of a tree. but can go blue with sensitivity the cold or icy days. The backs of his hands are broad and almost square and smooth skinned, the tendons show slightly in the skin above the knuckles, his hands are not thin but not pudgy and padded either. The shape of the tendons and angles and knuckles can be discerned in the flesh, rather than being covered over, but they are not cadaverously thin by any means. Just fine handsome hands. They have tapering fingers that are narrower and more refined than you'd expect for the broadness of the backs of the hand but sturdy and hard all the same, if he jabs you with the fingers it’s a hard sharp poke.

  • 和訳お願いします

    What is the main purpose of the third paragraph? to describe how the earliest robots were used in industry to explain why today's robots are different from early robots to explain why early robots could not do things by themselves to describe how the robot Asimo is able to walk by itself

  • 次の英文の訳をお願いします

    Ordinary robts perform special tasks only in limited areas. Robots are different-they are designed to work together with people. Workers must still supply some force when working with an robot, but they can do so in greater safety. It is easy for workers to push objects directly in form of them. However , when moving heavy objects aside, workers must stretch and turn , which places terrible stress on their arms and backs. Even one of these actions can hurt a person's back, but more commom are problems caused by repeating such actions many times over a long period. Robots can prevent such problems. Just push it ,and the x-robot moves the object so you do not have to stretch and strain.

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