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  • DJ-Potato
  • ベストアンサー率36% (692/1917)

これは文ではないですね。 途中で投稿してしまいましたか?


  • この文の意味教えてください

    A sculpture of Einstein sitting on a bench is more human and approachable than a sculpture in a museum. If you are walking along the street and see this Einstein, what do you do? You might put your arm around his shoulder pr ask someone to take a photo of the two of you. Perhaps you think about how Einstein changed the world and how you might change the world. Or what it might have been like to be the friends with Einstein. 最後のOr what it might have been like to be the friends with Einstein.ってどういう意味ですか? どなたか教えてください

  • 日本語での意味を教えてください

    元 女の子が、女子大在学中にトランスジェンダー(オトコとしてカミングアウト)した、という話の中で *What did they say when you decided that you were going to be a man? 周りはどんな反応だった? の問いに対し、以下の会話が続きます 1)Um, well, they changed, finally, my sex from female to not reported. *Uh-huh. 3)To not reported? 4)Talk about an undeclared major. 1)の文の作りが分からずいまいち読み取れません。 4)は横やり的な発言ですが、どう訳せばいいのかわかりません。 すみませんどなたかアドバイスお願いいたします。

  • 下記の英文の意味を教えてください。

    Viceという詩集についてのエッセイを書かなければなりません。 2)Choose an element of poetry that you see as a connecting point throughout the poems in the book. This could be a reoccurring theme, image, pattern, character, etc. Explain how this device helps make these separate poems a coherent idea. ↑完璧にこの二文の意味がわかりません。 - Evaluate the poetry through that element and use details (examples and quotes) to support your claims. この文はおそらくこのような訳だとはおもうんですが…:詩集を私が選んだ要素を使い評価し、主張(評価?)を支持するために、詳細(例や引用)を使ってください。 ちなみに、この問題の前には下記のような英文が書かれています。 Points to be covered by the essay 1)Respond to a work of literature and explain what you liked and why.   This is basically your reaction to what you read. (for example write about)    -Were you moved by the poems?    -Did the book make you think about your life or an experience you had?    -Can you see what Ai was thinking or feeling as you read her poetry?

  • 訳してくださいお願いします。

    訳してくださいお願いします。 part 1: introduce the topic of citizen's rights. Explain what this term means and how they differ by country, with some having more or less rights. describe violations of citizens' rights that you have read about in at least 5 countries. what happened in the countries? what effects did it have on the people and the country? explain your personal throughts about the events. do you think they had to happen? how sould the world address or have addressed these areas? part2: rights, responsibilities and laws change over time in response to needs of a society. imagine what it would be like to create a new society. what basic rules and agreements might include in their citizens' charter? what problems might they face in forming a successful new community?

  • 英文の意味を教えてください

    It sure is rich to be called a liar by you lot. この文の意味が分からなくて困っています。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    和訳をお願いします。 お願いしたいのは(4)の文です。 前後の文脈が合ったほうがいいかと思うので、 載せておきます。 (1)What are rights? (2)If you ask ordinary people what exactly a right is, they'll probably be at a loss, and won't be able to give a clear answer. (3)They may know what it is to violate someone's rights. (4)They may also know what it is to have their own right to this or that denied or ignored by others. (5)But what exactly is it that is being violated or wrongly denied? (6)Is it something you acquire or something you inherit at birth? よろしくお願いします。

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    When someone brings food to share at work, what is the policy on taking second helpings, or thirds even? For example, you are in a hurry and skip breakfast that morning, and you see in the break room someone has brought in a loaf of banana bread, how many slices are you “allowed” to take? And over what timeframe? over what timeframe? はどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • これを訳すとどんな意味になりますでしょうか・・・?

    これを訳すとどんな意味になりますでしょうか・・・? カテ違いかもしれませんが、ちょっと喧嘩していた彼氏からメールをもらい、 最後の一文に以下の英文が書いてありました。 これは、彼はそんなに怒ってはいないってことでいいのでしょうか。 むしろ、ほめられているんでしょうか。。。 And most importantly you have a very open mind which is a very good thing. That is how all of us should be

  • andについて

    If you are to be a scientist,you have only to observe anything carefully. Scientists are good observers;ones who see what there is and not what they think there ought to be. ;以下の文なのですが andが二つのwhat以下を結んでいる、つまり seeの目的語が結ばれているわけですが 解説を見ますと以下のように ()で補足されていました。 ones who see what there is and (do) not (see) what~ what以下が結ばれているのなら notがwhat以下を否定するものだと思ったのですが 何故seeに作用したのでしょうか? もっとも、和訳を見た今では 納得出来ましたが・・・。

  • この英語、訳してください。

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